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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Bone mineral content and density
Esapa, C.T.; Bassett, J. H.; Evans, H.; Croucher, P.I.; Williams, G.R.; Thakker, R.V.;
Current Protocols in Mouse Biology 2 :365?400, 2012 10.1002/9780470942390.mo120124
OpenAccess publication The endogenous opioid dynorphin is required for normal bone homeostasis in mice.
Baldock, P.A.; Driessler, F.; Lin, S.; Wong, I.P.; Shi, Y.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Castillo, L.; Janmaat, S.; Enriquez, R.F.; Zengin, A.; Kieffer B.L.; Schwarzer, C.; Eisman, J.A.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.
NEUROPEPTIDES 46 (6) :383-94, 2012 10.1016/j.npep.2012.08.010
OpenAccess publication Elimination of germinal center-derived self-reactive B cells is governed by the location and level of self-antigen
Chan, T.D.; Wood, K.; Hermes, J.R.; Butt, D.; Jolly, C.J.; Basten, A.; Brink, R.
IMMUNITY 37 (5) :893-904, 2012 10.1016/j.immuni.2012.07.017
OpenAccess publication Pancreatic cancer genomes reveal aberrations in axon guiadance pathway genes.
Biankin, A.V.; Waddell, N.; Kassahn, K.S.; Gingras, M-C.; Muthuswamy, L.B.; Johns, A.L.; Miller, D.K.; Wilson, P.J.; Patch, A-M.; Wu, J.; Chang, D.K.; Cowley, M.J.; Gardiner, B.B.; Song, S.; Harliwong, I.; Idrisoglu, S.; Nourse, C; Nourbakhsh, E.; Manning, S.; Wani, S.; Gongora, M.; Pajic, M.; Scarlett, C.J.; Gill, A.J.; Pinho, A.V.; Rooman, I.; Anderson, M.; Holmes, O.; Leonard, C.; Taylor, D.; Wood, S.; Xu, C.; Nones, K.; Fink, J.L.; Christ, A.; Bruxner, T.; Cloonan, N.; Kolle, G.; Newell, F.; Pinese, M.; Mead, R.S.; Humphris, J.L.; Kaplan, W.; Jones, M.D.; Colvin, E.K.; Nagrial, A.M.; Humphrey, E.S.; Chou, A.; Chin, V.T.; Chantrill, L.A.; Samra, J.S.; Kench, J.G.; Lovell, J.A.; Daly, R.J.; Merrett, N.D.; Toon, C.; Epari, K.; Nguyen, N.Q.; Barbour, A.; Zeps, N.; Australian Pancreatic Cancer Genome Initiative, .; Kakkar, N.; Zhao, F.; Wu, Y.Q.; Wang, M.; Muzny, D.M.; Fisher, W.E.; Brunicardi, F.C.; Hodges, S.E.; Reid, J.G.; Drummond, J.; Chang, K.; Han, Y.; Lewis, L.L.; Dinh, H.; Buhay, C.J.; Beck, T.; Timms, L.; Sam, M.; Begley, K.; Brown, A.; Pai, D.; Panchai, A.; Buchner, N.; De Borja, R.; Denroche, R.E.; Yung, C.K.; Serra, S.; Onetto, N.; Mukhopadhyay, D.; Tsao, M-S.; Shaw, P.A.; Petersen, G.M.; Gallinger, S.; Hruban, R.H.; Maitra, A.; Iacobuzio-Donahue, C.A.; Schulick, R.D.; Wolfgang, C.L.; Morgan, R.A., et al.;
NATURE 491 (7424) :399-405, 2012 10.1038/nature11547
OpenAccess publication GST Pi expression predicts response to adjuvant chemotherapy for Stage C colon cancer.
Jankova, L.; Robertson, G.; Chan, C.; Tan, K.L.; Kohonen-Corish, M.; Fung, C.L.; Clarke, C.; Lin, B.P.C.; Molloy, M.; Chapuis, P.H.; Bokey, L.; Dent, O.F.; Clarke, S.J.
BMC Cancer 12 :196, 2012 10.1186/1471-2407-12-196
OpenAccess publication WNT16 influences bone mineral density, cortical bone thickness, bone strength, and osteoporotic fracture risk.
Zheng, H.F.; Tobias, J.H.; Duncan, E.; Evans, D.M.; Eriksson, J.; Paternoster, L.; Yerges-Armstrong, L.M.; Lehtimaki, T.; Bergstrom, U.; Kahonen, M.; Leo, P.J.; Raitakari, O.; Laaksonen, M.; Nicholson, G.C.; Viikari, J.; Ladouceur, M.; Lyytikainen, L.P.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Rivadeneira, F.; Prince, R.L.; Sievanen, W.D.; Mellstrom, D.; Eisman, J.A.; Moverare-Skrtic, S.; Goltzman, D.; Hanley, D.A.; Jones, G.; St Pourcain, B.; Xiao, Y.; Timpson, N.J.; Smith, G.D.; Reid, I.R.; Ring, S.M.; Sambrook, P.N.; Karlsson, M.; Dennison, E.M.; Kemp, J.P.; Danoy, P.; Sayers, A.; Wilson, S.G.; Nethander, M.; McCloskey, E.; Vandenput, L.; Eastell, R.; Liu, J.; Spector, T.; Mitchell, B.D.; Streeten, E.A.; Brommage, R.; Pettersson-Kymmer, U.; Brown, M.A.; Ohlsson, C.; Richards, J.B.; Lorentzon, M.
PLOS GENET 8 (7) :e1002745, 2012 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002745
OpenAccess publication Mapping the regulatory sequences controlling 93 breast cancer-associated miRNA genes leads to the identification of two functional promoters of the Hsa-mir-200b cluster, methylation of which is associated with metastasis or hormone receptor status in adva
Wee, E.J.H.; Peters, K.; Nair, S.S.; Hulf, T.; Stein, S.; Wagner, S.; Bailey, P.; Lee, S.Y.; Qu, W.J.; Brewster, B.; French, J.D.; Dobrovic, A.; Francis, G.D.; Clark, S.J.; Brown, M.A.
ONCOGENE 31 (38) :4182-95, 2012 10.1038/onc.2011.584
OpenAccess publication Influence of sex and genetic background on anxiety-related and stress-induced behaviour of prodynorphin-deficient mice
Kastenberger, I.; Lutsch, C.; Herzog, H.; Schwarzer, C.
PLoS One 7 (3) :e34251, 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0034251
OpenAccess publication Aquaporin 1 is an independent prognostic factor in pleural malignant mesothelioma.
Kao, S.C.; Armstrong, N.; Condon, B.; Griggs, K.; McCaughan, B.; Maltby, S.; Wilson, A.; Henderson, D.W.; Klebe, S.
CANCER 118 (11) :2952-61, 2012 10.1002/cncr.26497
OpenAccess publication Reference ranges for vertebral heights and prevalence of asymptomatic (undiagnosed) vertebral fracture in Vietnamese men and women
Ho-Pham, L. T. ; Mai, L. D. ; Pham, H. N. ; Nguyen, N. D. Nguyen, T. V.;
Archives of Osteoporosis 7 (1-2) :257-66, 2012
OpenAccess publication RAB-Like 2 has an essential role in male fertility, sperm intra-flagellar transport, and tail assembly
Lo, J. C.; Jamsai, D.; O'Connor, A. E.; Borg, C.; Clark, B. J.; Whisstock, J. C.; Field, M. C.; Adams, V.; Ishikawa, T.; Aitken, R. J.; Whittle, B.; Goodnow, C. C.; Ormandy, C. J.; O'Bryan, M. K.;
PLOS GENET 8 (10) :e1002969, 2012 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002969
OpenAccess publication Distribution of y-receptors in murine lingual epithelia
Hurtado, M.D.; Acosta, A.; Riveros, P.P.; Baum, B.J.; Ukhanov, K.; Brown, A.R.; Dotson, C.D.; Herzog, H.; Zolotukhin, S.
PLoS One 7 (9) :e46358, 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0046358
OpenAccess publication A mouse model of early-onset renal failure due to a xanthine dehdrogenase nonsense mutation.
Piret, S.E.; Esapa, C.T.; Gorvin, C.M.; Head, R.; Loh, N.Y.; Devuyst, O.; Thomas, G.; Brown, S.D.M.; Brown, M.; Croucher, P.; Cox, R.; Thakker, R.V.
PLoS One 8 (9) :e45217, 2012
OpenAccess publication RON is not a prognostic marker for resectable pancreatic cancer
Tactacan, C. M.: Chang, D. K.: Cowley, M. J.: Humphrey, E. S.: Wu, J.: Gill, A. J.: Chou, A.: Nones, K.: Grimmond, S. M.: Sutherland, R. L.: Biankin, A. V.: Daly, R. J.:
CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION 12 (1) :395, 2012 10.1186/1471-2407-12-395
OpenAccess publication b1 integrin deletion enhances progression of prostate cancer in the TRAMP mouse model.
Moran-Jones, K.; Ledger, A.; Naylor, M.M.
Scientific Reports 2 :526, 2012 10.1038/srep00526
OpenAccess publication Osteoporosis in young adults: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management
Ferrari, S.; Bianchi, M. L.; Eisman, J. A.; Foldes, A. J.; Adami, S.; Wahl, D. A.; Stepan, J. J.; de Vernejoul, M. C.; Kaufman, J. M.;
OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 23 (12) :2735-2748, 2012 10.1007/s00198-012-2030-x