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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Molecular alterations in metaplastic breast carcinoma
Cooper, C. L. ; Karim, R. Z. ; Selinger, C. ; Carmalt, H. ; Lee, C. S. ; O'Toole, S. A.;
OpenAccess publication Structure and function of long noncoding RNAs in epigenetic regulation
Mercer, T. R.; Mattick, J. S.;
NAT STRUCT MOL BIOL 20 (3) :300-7, 2013
OpenAccess publication ELF5 supresses estrogen sensitivity and underpins the acquisition of anitestrogen resistance in luminal breast cancer.
Kalyuga, M.; Gallego-Ortega, D.; Lee, H. J.; Roden, D. L.; Cowley, M. J.; Caldon, C. E.; Stone, A.; Allerdice, S. L.; Valdes-Mora, F.; Launchbury, R.; Statham, A. L.; Armstrong, N.; Alles, M. C.; Young, A.; Egger, A.; Au, W.; Piggin, C. L.; Evans, C. J.; Ledger, A.; Brummer, T.; Oakes, S. R.; Kaplan, W.; Gee, J. M.; Nicholson, R. I.; Sutherland, R. L.; Swarbrick, A.; Naylor, M. J.; Clark, S. J.; Carroll, J. S.; Ormandy, C. J.;
PLOS BIOL 10 (12) :e1001461, 2012 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001461
OpenAccess publication A Novel SERPINA1 Mutation Causing Serum Alpha(1)-Antitrypsin Deficiency
Saunders, D. N.; Tindall, E. A.; Shearer, R. F.; Roberson, J.; Decker, A.; Wilson, J. A.; Hayes, V. M.;
PLoS One 7 (12) :e51762, 2012
OpenAccess publication Construction of a global pain systems network highlights phospholipid signaling as a regulator of heat nociception
Neely, G. G.; Rao, S.; Costigan, M.; Mair, N.; Racz, I.; Milinkeviciute, G.; Meixner, A.; Nayanala, S.; Griffin, R. S.; Belfer, I.; Dai, F.; Smith, S.; Diatchenko, L.; Marengo, S.; Haubner, B. J.; Novatchkova, M.; Gibson, D.; Maixner, W.; Pospisilik, J. A.; Hirsch, E.; Whishaw, I. Q.; Zimmer, A.; Gupta, V.; Sasaki, J.; Kanaho, Y.; Sasaki, T.; Kress, M.; Woolf, C. J.; Penninger, J. M.;
PLOS GENET 8 (12) :e1003071, 2012
OpenAccess publication Systemic human T cell developmental processes in humanized mice cotransplanted with human fetal thymus/liver tissue and hematopoietic stem cells
Joo, S. Y.; Chung, Y. S.; Choi, B.; Kim, M.; Kim, J. H.; Jun, T. G.; Chang, J.; Sprent, J.; Surh, C. D.; Joh, J. W.; Kim, S. J.
TRANSPLANTATION 94 (11) :1095-1102, 2012 10.1097/TP.0b013e318270f392
OpenAccess publication High-dose rate brachytherapy compared with open radical prostatectomy for the treatment of high-risk prostate cancer: 10 year biochemical freedom from relapse
Savdie, R.; Symons, J.; Spernat, D.; Yuen, C.; Pe Benito, R. A.; Haynes, A. M.; Matthews, J.; Rasiah, K. K.; Jagavkar, R. S.; Yu, C.; Fogarty, G.; Kattan, M. W.; Brenner, P.; Sutherland, R. L.; Stricker, P. D.;
BJU International 110 Suppl 4 :71-6, 2012
OpenAccess publication Pinstripe: a suite of programs for integrating transcriptomic and proteomic datasets identifies novel proteins and improves differentiation of protein-coding and non-coding genes
Gascoigne, D. K.; Cheetham, S. W.; Cattenoz, P. B.; Clark, M. B.; Amaral, P. P.; Taft, R. J.; Wilhelm, D.; Dinger, M. E.; Mattick, J. S.;
Bioinformatics 28 (23) :3042-50, 2012
OpenAccess publication Human islets express a marked pro-inflammatory molecular signature prior to transplantation
Cowley, M. J.; Weinberg, A.; Zammit, N.; Walters, S. N.; Hawthorne, W. J.; Loudovaris, T.; Thomas, H.; Kay, T.; Gunton, J. E.; Alexander, S. I.; Kaplan, W.; Chapman, J.; O'Connell, P. J.; Grey, S. T.;
CELL TRANSPLANTATION 21 :2063-2078, 2012 DOI:
OpenAccess publication Impact of percentage of positive biopsy cores on biochemical outcome in patients treated with low-dose rate (Iodine-125) brachytherapy for prostate cancer.
Yuen, C.; Hossack, T.; Haynes, A-M.; Pe Benito, R.A.; Matthews, J.; Fogarty, G.; Jagavkar, R.; Brenner, P.; Stricker, P.;
Open Prostate Cancer Journal 5 :15-19, 2012 DOI: 10.2174/1876822901205010015
OpenAccess publication Membrane curvature protein exhibits interdomain flexibility and binds a small GTPase
King, G. J.; Stockli, J.; Hu, S. H.; Winnen, B.; Duprez, W. G.; Meoli, C. C.; Junutula, J. R.; Jarrott, R. J.; James, D. E.; Whitten, A. E.; Martin, J. L.;
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 287 (49) :40996-1006, 2012 10.1074/jbc.M112.349803
OpenAccess publication Take heart: bariatric surgery in obese patients with severe heart failure. Two case reports
Samaras, K.; Connolly, S. M.; Lord, R. V.; Macdonald, P.; Hayward, C. S.;
Heart Lung and Circulation 21 (12) :847-9, 2012
OpenAccess publication Glucose-induced O(2) consumption activates hypoxia inducible factors 1 and 2 in rat insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells
Bensellam, M.; Duvillie, B.; Rybachuk, G.; Laybutt, D. R.; Magnan, C.; Guiot, Y.; Pouyssegur, J.; Jonas, J. C.;
PLoS One 7 (1) :e29807, 2012
OpenAccess publication The Rab GTPase-activating protein TBC1D4/AS160 contains an atypical phosphotyrosine-binding domain that interacts with plasma membrane phospholipids to facilitate GLUT4 trafficking in adipocytes
Tan, S. X.; Ng, Y., Burchfield, J. G.; Ramm, G.; Lambright, D. G.; Stockli, J.; James, D. E.
MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 32 (24) :4946-59, 2012 10.1128/MCB.00761-12
OpenAccess publication Pancreatic beta-cell failure in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes
Gunton, J.; Girgis, C. M.
Modern Epidemic: Expert Perspectives on Obesity and Diabetes :87-104, 2012
OpenAccess publication Crag is a GEF for Rab11 required for rhodopsin trafficking and maintenance of adult photoreceptor cells
Xiong, B.; Bayat, V.; Jaiswal, M.; Zhang, K.; Sandoval, H.; Charng, W-L.; Li, T.; David, G.; Duraine, L.; Lin, Y-Q.; Neely, G.; Yamamoto, S.; Bellen, H.J.
PLOS BIOL 338 (6111) :1229-32, 2012 10.1126/science.1228745