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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Involvement of Lyn and the atypical kinase SgK269/PEAK1 in a basal breast cancer signaling pathway
Croucher, D. R.; Hochgrafe, F.; Zhang, L.; Liu, L.; Lyons, R. J.; Rickwood, D.; Tactacan, C. M.; Browne, B. C.; Ali, N.; Chan, H.; Shearer, R.; Gallego-Ortega, D.; Saunders, D. N.; Swarbrick, A.; Daly, R. J.;
CANCER RESEARCH 73 (6) :1969-80, 2013
OpenAccess publication Compound risk of high mortality following osteoporotic fracture and re-fracture in elderly women and men
Bliuc, D.; Nguyen, N. D.; Nguyen, T. V.; Eisman, J. A.; Center, J. R.
OpenAccess publication Baculoviral inhibitors of apoptosis repeat containing (BIRC) proteins fine-tune TNF-induced nuclear factor kappaB and c-Jun N-terminal kinase signalling in mouse pancreatic beta cells
Tan, B. M.: Zammit, N. W.: Yam, A. O.: Slattery, R.: Walters, S. N.: Malle, E.: Grey, S. T.:
DIABETOLOGIA 56 (3) :520-32, 2013 10.1007/s00125-012-2784-x
Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics of osteoporosis: personalized medicine outlook
Nguyen, T. V. ; Eisman, J. A.;
Genetics of Bone Biology and Skeletal Disease :151-167, 2013
OpenAccess publication Health-related quality of life of patients awaiting kidney and simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplants
Myint, T. M.; O'Shaughnessy, D. V.; Marshall, S.; Vucak-Dzumhur, M.; Elder, G. J.;
NEPHROLOGY 18 (12) :827-32, 2013
Genetics of bone biology and skeletal disease preface
Thakker, R. V. ; Eisman, J. A. ; Igarashi, T. ; Whyte, M. P.;
Genetics of Bone Biology and Skeletal Disease :Vii-Viii, 2013
OpenAccess publication Transcriptome-wide identification of A > I RNA editing sites by inosine specific cleavage
Cattenoz, P. B.; Taft, R. J.; Westhof, E.; Mattick, J. S.;
RNA 19 (2) :257-70, 2013
OpenAccess publication Beyond the genomics blueprint: the 4th Human Variome Project Meeting, UNESCO, Paris, 2012
Kohonen-Corish, M. R.; Smith, T. D.; Robinson, H. M.;
GENETICS IN MEDICINE 15 (7) :507-12, 2013
OpenAccess publication Reduced arterial stiffness after weight loss in obese type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance: The role of immune cell activation and insulin resistance
Samaras, K.; Viardot, A.; Lee, P. N.; Jenkins, A.; Botelho, N. K.; Bakopanos, A.; Lord, R. V.; Hayward, C. S.;
Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 10 (1) :40-8, 2013
OpenAccess publication Regional activation of the cancer genome by long-range epigenetic remodeling
Bert, S.A.; Robinson, M.D.; Strbenac, D.; Statham, A.L.; Song, J.Z.; Hulf, T.; Sutherland, R.L.; Coolen, M.W.; Stirzaker, C.; Clark, S.J.
CANCER CELL 23 (1) :9-22, 2013 10.1016/j.ccr.2012.11.006
OpenAccess publication Salivary peptide tyrosine-tyrosine 3-36 modulates ingestive behavior without inducing taste aversion
Hurtado, M. D. ; Sergeyev, V. G. ; Acosta, A. ; Spegele, M. ; La Sala, M. ; Waler, N. J. ; Chiriboga-Hurtado, J. ; Currlin, S. W. ; Herzog, H. ; Dotson, C. D. ; Gorbatyuk, O. S. ; Zolotukhin, S.;
JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 33 (47) :18368-80, 2013
OpenAccess publication Sweet and sour beta-cells: ROS and Hif1alpha induce warburg-like lactate production during type 2 diabetes
Cantley, J.; Biden, T. J.;
DIABETES 62 (6) :1823-5, 2013
OpenAccess publication The roles of vitamin D in skeletal muscle: form, function, and metabolism
Girgis, C. M.; Clifton-Bligh, R. J.; Hamrick, M. W.; Holick, M. F.; Gunton, J. E.;
ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 34 (1) :33-83, 2013 10.1210/er.2012-1012
OpenAccess publication EGFR mutant-specific immunohistochemistry has high specificity and sensitivity for detecting targeted activating EGFR mutations in lung adenocarcinoma
Cooper, W. A.; Yu, B.; Yip, P. Y.; Ng, C. C.; Lum, T.; Farzin, M.; Trent, R. J.; Mercorella, B.; Clarkson, A.; Kohonen-Corish, M. R.; Horvath, L. G.; Kench, J. G.; McCaughan, B.; Gill, A. J.; O'Toole, S. A.;
Quantification of the relative contribution of estrogen to bone mineral density in men and women
Ho-Pham, L. T. ; Nguyen, N. D. ; Nguyen, T. V.;
OpenAccess publication MicroRNAs regulate tumor angiogenesis modulated by endothelial progenitor cells
Plummer, P.; Freeman, R.; Taft, R.; Vider, J.; Sax, M.; Umer, B.A.; Gao, D.; Johns, C.; Mattick, J.S.; Wilton, S.D.; Ferro, V.; McMillan, N.A.J.; Swarbrick, A.; Mittal, V.; Mellick, A.S.;
CANCER RESEARCH 73 (1) :341-52, 2013 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-0271