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6429 items matching your search terms.
Ultra-rare sarcomas: A consensus paper from the Connective Tissue Oncology Society community of experts on the incidence threshold and the list of entities
Stacchiotti, S.; Frezza, A. M.; Blay, J. Y.; Baldini, E. H.; Bonvalot, S.; Bovee, Jvmg; Callegaro, D.; Casali, P. G.; Chiang, R. C.; Demetri, G. D.; Demicco, E. G.; Desai, J.; Eriksson, M.; Gelderblom, H.; George, S.; Gounder, M. M.; Gronchi, A.; Gupta, A.; Haas, R. L.; Hayes-Jardon, A.; Hohenberger, P.; Jones, K. B.; Jones, R. L.; Kasper, B.; Kawai, A.; Kirsch, D. G.; Kleinerman, E. S.; Le Cesne, A.; Lim, J.; Chirlaque Lopez, M. D.; Maestro, R.; Marcos-Gragera, R.; Martin Broto, J.; Matsuda, T.; Mir, O.; Patel, S. R.; Raut, C. P.; Razak, A. R. A.; Reed, D. R.; Rutkowski, P.; Sanfilippo, R. G.; Sbaraglia, M.; Schaefer, I. M.; Strauss, D. C.; Sundby Hall, K.; Tap, W. D.; Thomas, D. M.; van der Graaf, W. T. A.; van Houdt, W. J.; Visser, O.; von Mehren, M.; Wagner, A. J.; Wilky, B. A.; Won, Y. J.; Fletcher, C. D. M.; Dei Tos, A. P.; Trama, A.
CANCER 127 (16) :2934-2942, 2021 10.1002/cncr.33618
Cross-tissue single-cell landscape of human monocytes and macrophages in health and disease
Mulder, K.; Patel, A. A.; Kong, W. T.; Piot, C.; Halitzki, E.; Dunsmore, G.; Khalilnezhad, S.; Irac, S. E.; Dubuisson, A.; Chevrier, M.; Zhang, X. M.; Tam, J. K. C.; Lim, T. K. H.; Wong, R. M. M.; Pai, R.; Khalil, A. I. S.; Chow, P. K. H.; Wu, S. Z.; Al-Eryani, G.; Roden, D.; Swarbrick, A.; Chan, J. K. Y.; Albani, S.; Derosa, L.; Zitvogel, L.; Sharma, A.; Chen, J.; Silvin, A.; Bertoletti, A.; Bleriot, C.; Dutertre, C. A.; Ginhoux, F.
IMMUNITY 54 (8) :1883-1900 e5, 2021 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.07.007
Synergistic targeting of BRCA1 mutated breast cancers with PARP and CDK2 inhibition
Aziz, D.; Portman, N.; Fernandez, K. J.; Lee, C.; Alexandrou, S.; Llop-Guevara, A.; Phan, Z.; Yong, A.; Wilkinson, A.; Sergio, C. M.; Ferraro, D.; Etemadmoghadam, D.; Bowtell, D. D.; kConFab, Investigators; Serra, V.; Waring, P.; Lim, E.; Caldon, C. E.
NPJ Breast Cancer 7 (1) :111, 2021 10.1038/s41523-021-00312-x
Evaluation of FGFR targeting in breast cancer through interrogation of patient-derived models
Chew, N. J.; Lim Kam Sian, T. C. C.; Nguyen, E. V.; Shin, S. Y.; Yang, J.; Hui, M. N.; Deng, N.; McLean, C. A.; Welm, A. L.; Lim, E.; Gregory, P.; Nottle, T.; Lang, T.; Vereker, M.; Richardson, G.; Kerr, G.; Micati, D.; Jarde, T.; Abud, H. E.; Lee, R. S.; Swarbrick, A.; Daly, R. J.
BREAST CANCER RESEARCH 23 (1) :82, 2021 10.1186/s13058-021-01461-4
Projections from the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus to the cochlea in the mouse
Suthakar, K.; Ryugo, D. K.
JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 529 (11) :2995-3012, 2021 10.1002/cne.25143
Genomic Spectrum and Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Human IL-21 Receptor Deficiency
Cagdas, D. Mayr, D. Baris, S. Worley, L. Langley, D. B. Metin, A. Aytekin, E. S. Atan, R. Kasap, N. Bal, S. K. Dmytrus, J. Heredia, R. J. Karasu, G. Torun, S. H. Toyran, M. Karakoc-Aydiner, E. Christ, D. Kuskonmaz, B. Uckan-Cetinkaya, D. Uner, A. Oberndorfer, F. Schiefer, A. I. Uzel, G. Deenick, E. K. Keller, B. Warnatz, K. Neven, B. Durandy, A. Sanal, O. Ma, C. S. Ozen, A. Stepensky, P. Tezcan, I. Boztug, K. Tangye, S. G.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 2021 10.1007/s10875-021-01031-5
Distribution and Classification of Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Healthy Young Adults
Lingham, G.; Lee, S. S.; Charng, J.; Clark, A.; Chen, F. K.; Yazar, S.; Mackey, D. A.
Translational Vision Science & Technology 10 (9) :3, 2021 10.1167/tvst.10.9.3
Development of the Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis (APCO) Framework: clinical standards of care for the screening, diagnosis, and management of osteoporosis in the Asia-Pacific region
Chandran, M.; Mitchell, P. J.; Amphansap, T.; Bhadada, S. K.; Chadha, M.; Chan, D. C.; Chung, Y. S.; Ebeling, P.; Gilchrist, N.; Habib Khan, A.; Halbout, P.; Hew, F. L.; Lan, H. T.; Lau, T. C.; Lee, J. K.; Lekamwasam, S.; Lyubomirsky, G.; Mercado-Asis, L. B.; Mithal, A.; Nguyen, T. V.; Pandey, D.; Reid, I. R.; Suzuki, A.; Chit, T. T.; Tiu, K. L.; Valleenukul, T.; Yung, C. K.; Zhao, Y. L.; Asia Pacific Consortium on, Osteoporosis
OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 32 (7) :1249-1275, 2021 10.1007/s00198-020-05742-0
Different types of disease-causing noncoding variants revealed by genomic and gene expression analyses in families with X-linked intellectual disability
Field, M. J.; Kumar, R.; Hackett, A.; Kayumi, S.; Shoubridge, C. A.; Ewans, L. J.; Ivancevic, A. M.; Dudding-Byth, T.; Carroll, R.; Kroes, T.; Gardner, A. E.; Sullivan, P.; Ha, T. T.; Schwartz, C. E.; Cowley, M. J.; Dinger, M. E.; Palmer, E. E.; Christie, L.; Shaw, M.; Roscioli, T.; Gecz, J.; Corbett, M. A.
HUMAN MUTATION 42 (7) :835-847, 2021 10.1002/humu.24207
The influence of aerobic exercise on mitochondrial quality control in skeletal muscle
Philp, A. M.; Saner, N. J.; Lazarou, M.; Ganley, I. G.; Philp, A.
JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 599 (14) :3463-3476, 2021 10.1113/JP279411
Humans with inherited T cell CD28 deficiency are susceptible to skin papillomaviruses but are otherwise healthy
Beziat, V.; Rapaport, F.; Hu, J.; Titeux, M.; Bonnet des Claustres, M.; Bourgey, M.; Griffin, H.; Bandet, E.; Ma, C. S.; Sherkat, R.; Rokni-Zadeh, H.; Louis, D. M.; Changi-Ashtiani, M.; Delmonte, O. M.; Fukushima, T.; Habib, T.; Guennoun, A.; Khan, T.; Bender, N.; Rahman, M.; About, F.; Yang, R.; Rao, G.; Rouzaud, C.; Li, J.; Shearer, D.; Balogh, K.; Al Ali, F.; Ata, M.; Dabiri, S.; Momenilandi, M.; Nammour, J.; Alyanakian, M. A.; Leruez-Ville, M.; Guenat, D.; Materna, M.; Marcot, L.; Vladikine, N.; Soret, C.; Vahidnezhad, H.; Youssefian, L.; Saeidian, A. H.; Uitto, J.; Catherinot, E.; Navabi, S. S.; Zarhrate, M.; Woodley, D. T.; Jeljeli, M.; Abraham, T.; Belkaya, S.; Lorenzo, L.; Rosain, J.; Bayat, M.; Lanternier, F.; Lortholary, O.; Zakavi, F.; Gros, P.; Orth, G.; Abel, L.; Pretet, J. L.; Fraitag, S.; Jouanguy, E.; Davis, M. M.; Tangye, S. G.; Notarangelo, L. D.; Marr, N.; Waterboer, T.; Langlais, D.; Doorbar, J.; Hovnanian, A.; Christensen, N.; Bossuyt, X.; Shahrooei, M.; Casanova, J. L.
CELL 184 (14) :3812-3828 e30, 2021 10.1016/j.cell.2021.06.004
Associations between Nutrients and Foot Ulceration in Diabetes: A Systematic Review
Bechara, N.; Gunton, J. E.; Flood, V.; Hng, T. M.; McGloin, C.
Nutrients 13 (8) 2021 10.3390/nu13082576
Update on the Mechanism and Treatment of Sevoflurane-Induced Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction
Wang, C. M.; Chen, W. C.; Zhang, Y.; Lin, S.; He, H. F.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 13 :702231, 2021 10.3389/fnagi.2021.702231
scGPS: Determining Cell States and Global Fate Potential of Subpopulations
Thompson, M.; Matsumoto, M.; Ma, T.; Senabouth, A.; Palpant, N. J.; Powell, J. E.; Nguyen, Q.
Frontiers in Genetics 12 :666771, 2021 10.3389/fgene.2021.666771
Testing at scale during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mercer, T. R.; Salit, M.
NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 22 (7) :415-426, 2021 10.1038/s41576-021-00360-w
Global mortality from dementia: Application of a new method and results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Collaborators, G. B. D.
Alzheimers & Dementia 7 (1) :e12200, 2021 10.1002/trc2.12200