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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Clinical and molecular characterization of HER2 amplified-pancreatic cancer
Chou, A. ; Waddell, N. ; Cowley, M. J. ; Gill, A. J. ; Chang, D. K. ; Patch, A. M. ; Nones, K. ; Wu, J. ; Pinese, M. ; Johns, A. L. ; Miller, D. K. ; Kassahn, K. S. ; Nagrial, A. M. ; Wasan, H. ; Goldstein, D. ; Toon, C. W. ; Chin, V. ; Chantrill, L. ; Humphris, J. ; Mead, R. S. ; Rooman, I.; Samra, J. S. ; Pajic, M.; Musgrove, E. A. ; Pearson, J. V. ; Morey, A. L. ; Grimmond, S. M. ; Biankin, A. V.;
Genome Medicine 5 (8) :78, 2013
OpenAccess publication Extracellular matrix composition significantly influences pancreatic stellate cell gene expression pattern: role of transgelin in PSC function
Apte, M. V.; Yang, L.; Phillips, P. A.; Xu, Z.; Kaplan, W.; Cowley, M.; Pirola, R. C.; Wilson, J. S.;
OpenAccess publication Paradoxically low levels of total and HMW adiponectin in relation to metabolic parameters in a Tongan population
Peake, P.; Colagiuri, S.; Campbell, L. V. ; Shen, Y.;
ISRN Endocrinol 2013 :873507, 2013
OpenAccess publication TGF-beta modulates ovarian cancer invasion by upregulating CAF-derived versican in the tumor microenvironment
Yeung, T. L.; Leung, C. S.; Wong, K. K.; Samimi, G.; Thompson, M. S.; Liu, J.; Zaid, T. M.; Ghosh, S.; Birrer, M. J.; Mok, S. C.;
CANCER RESEARCH 73 (16) :5016-28, 2013
OpenAccess publication Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) copy number is an independent prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer
Tran, T. N.; Selinger, C. I.; Kohonen-Corish, M. R.; McCaughan, B. C.; Kennedy, C. W.; O'Toole, S. A.; Cooper, W. A.;
LUNG CANCER 81 (3) :462-7, 2013
OpenAccess publication Effects of low-dose prednisolone on hepatic and peripheral insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, and abdominal adiposity in patients with inflammatory rheumatologic disease
Petersons, C. J. Mangelsdorf, B. L. Jenkins, A. B. Poljak, A. Smith, M. D. Greenfield, J. R. Thompson, C. H. Burt, M. G.;
DIABETES CARE 36 (9) :2822-9, 2013
OpenAccess publication L-arginine and Vitamin D adjunctive therapies in pulmonary tuberculosis: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Ralph, A.P.; Waramori, G.; Pontoring, G.J.; Kenangalem, E.; Wiguna, A.; Tjitra, E.; Sandjaja, Lolong, D.B.; Yeo, T.W.; Chatfield, M.D.; Soemanto, R.K.; Bastian, I.; Lumb, R.; Maguire, G.P.; Eisman, J.; Price, R.N.; Morris, P.S.; Kelly, P.M.; Anstey, N.M.
PLoS One 8 (8) :e70032, 2013 10.1371/journal.pone.0070032
OpenAccess publication Metabolomics: an important tool for assessing state of health and risk of disease in nutrigenomics research
Lin, H.; Rowan, D.D.
Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics in Functional Foods and Personalized Nutrition chapter 11 :229-242, 2013
OpenAccess publication Neuropilin-2 promotes extravasation and metastasis by interacting with endothelial alpha5 integrin
Cao, Y. ; Hoeppner, L. H. ; Bach, S. ; E, G. ; Guo, Y.; Wang, E. ; Wu, J. ; Cowley, M. J. ; Chang, D. K. ; Waddell, N. ; Grimmond, S. M. ; Biankin, A. V. ; Daly, R. J. ; Zhang, X. ; Mukhopadhyay, D.;
CANCER RESEARCH 73 (14) :4579-90, 2013
OpenAccess publication Could the properties of IL-27 make it an ideal adjuvant for anticancer immunotherapy?
Swarbrick, A.; Junankar, S. R.; Batten, M.;
Oncoimmunology 2 (8) :e25409, 2013
OpenAccess publication Adiposity and insulin resistance in humans: the role of the different tissue and cellular lipid depots
Hocking, S.; Samocha-Bonet, D.; Milner, K. L.; Greenfield, J. R.; Chisholm, D. J.
ENDOCRINE REVIEWS 34 :463-500, 2013 10.1210/er.2012-1041
OpenAccess publication Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) mutations underlying autosomal dominant hyper-IgE syndrome impair human CD8(+) T-cell memory formation and function
Ives, M. L.; Ma, C. S.; Palendira, U.; Chan, A.; Bustamante, J.; Boisson-Dupuis, S.; Arkwright, P. D.; Engelhard, D.; Averbuch, D.; Magdorf, K.; Roesler, J.; Peake, J.; Wong, M.; Adelstein, S.; Choo, S.; Smart, J. M.; French, M. A.; Fulcher, D. A.; Cook, M. C.; Picard, C.; Durandy, A.; Tsumura, M.; Kobayashi, M.; Uzel, G.; Casanova, J. L.; Tangye, S. G.; Deenick, E. K.;
JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 132 (2) :400-411 e9, 2013 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.05.029
OpenAccess publication Molecular engineering of therapeutic cytokines
Vazquez-Lombardi, R.; Roome, B.; Christ, D.
Antibodies 2 :426-451, 2013 10.3390/antib2030426
OpenAccess publication beta-Catenin signaling is a critical event in ErbB2-mediated mammary tumor progression
Schade, B. Lesurf, R. Sanguin-Gendreau, V. Bui, T. Deblois, G. O'Toole, S. A. Millar, E. K. Zardawi, S. J. Lopez-Knowles, E. Sutherland, R. L. Giguere, V. Kahn, M. Hallett, M. Muller, W. J.;
CANCER RESEARCH 73 (14) :4474-87, 2013
OpenAccess publication Inherited human OX40 deficiency underlying classic Kaposi sarcoma of childhood
Byun, M.; Ma, C. S.; Akcay, A.; Pedergnana, V.; Palendira, U.; Myoung, J.; Avery, D. T.; Liu, Y.; Abhyankar, A.; Lorenzo, L.; Schmidt, M.; Lim, H. K.; Cassar, O.; Migaud, M.; Rozenberg, F.; Canpolat, N.; Aydogan, G.; Fleckenstein, B.; Bustamante, J.; Picard, C.; Gessain, A.; Jouanguy, E.; Cesarman, E.; Olivier, M.; Gros, P.; Abel, L.; Croft, M.; Tangye, S. G.; Casanova, J. L.
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 210 (9) :1743-59, 2013 10.1084/jem.20130592
OpenAccess publication BCL-2 hypermethylation is a potential biomarker of sensitivity to anti-mitotic chemotherapy in endocrine-resistant breast cancer.
Stone, A.; Cowley, M.J.; Valdes-Mora, F.; McCloy, R.; Sergio, C.M.; Gallego-Ortega, D.; Caldon, C. E.; Ormandy, C.J.; Biankin, A.V.; Gee, J. M.; Nicholson, R. I.; Print, C.G.; Clark, S.J.; and Musgrove, E.A.;