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6430 items matching your search terms.
Interleukin-21 contributes to fatal inflammatory disease in the absence of FoxP3+ T regulatory cells
Alexis Vogelzang1,2, Helen M. McGHuire1,2, Sue M. Liu1,2, Brian Gloss4, Karessa Mercado1,2, Peter Earls3, Marcel Dinger4, Marcel Batten1,2, Jonathan Sprent1,2 and Cecile King1,2
OpenAccess publication Effects of vitamin D in skeletal muscle: falls, strength, athletic performance and insulin sensitivity
Girgis, C. M.; Clifton-Bligh, R. J.; Turner, N.; Lau, S. L.; Gunton, J. E.
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 80 (2) :169-81, 2014
OpenAccess publication RNAi-mediated stathmin suppression reduces lung metastasis in an orthotopic neuroblastoma mouse model
Byrne, F. L.; Yang, L.; Phillips, P. A.; Hansford, L. M.; Fletcher, J. I.; Ormandy, C. J.; McCarroll, J. A.; Kavallaris, M.
ONCOGENE 33 (7) :882-90, 2014 10.1038/onc.2013.11
OpenAccess publication The utility of absolute risk prediction using FRAX�and GarvanFracture Risk Calculator in daily practice.
van Geel, T.A.; Eisman, J.A.; Geusens, P.P.; van den Bergh, J.P.; Center, J.R.; Dinant, G.J.
MATURITAS 77 (2) :174-9, 2014 10.1016/j.maturitas.2013.10.021
OpenAccess publication Modulation of endochondral ossification by MEK inhibitors PD0325901 and AZD6244 (Selumetinib)
El-Hoss, J.; Kolind, M.; Jackson, M. T.; Deo, N.; Mikulec, K.; McDonald, M. M.; Little, C. B.; Little, D. G.; Schindeler, A.;
BONE 59 :151-61, 2014
OpenAccess publication Iodinated contrast does not alter clotting dynamics in acute ischemic stroke as measured by thromboelastography
McDonald, M. M.; Archeval-Lao, J. M.; Cai, C.; Peng, H.; Sangha, N.; Parker, S. A.; Wetzel, J.; Riney, S. A.; Cherches, M. F.; Guthrie, G. J.; Roper, T. C.; Kawano-Castillo, J. F.; Pandurengan, R.; Rahbar, M. H.; Grotta, J. C.;
STROKE 45 (2) :462-6, 2014
OpenAccess publication The impact of nonhip nonvertebral fractures in elderly women and men.
Bliuc, D.; Nguyen, T.V.; Eisman, J.A.; Center, J.R.
OpenAccess publication IgM autoantibodies: Roquin and Bob1ng to a different tune
Phan, T.G.
OpenAccess publication Stability engineering of the human antibody repertoire
Rouet, R.; Lowe, D.; Christ, D.
FEBS LETTERS 588 :269-77, 2014
OpenAccess publication TRAF3 regulates the effector function of regulatory T cells and humoral immune responses
Chang, J. H.; Hu, H.; Jin, J.; Puebla-Osorio, N.; Xiao, Y.; Gilbert, B. E.; Brink, R.; Ullrich, S. E.; Sun, S. C.:
OpenAccess publication Pancreatic polypeptide controls energy homeostasis via Npy6r signaling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in mice
Yulyaningsih, E.; Loh, K.; Lin, S.; Lau, J.; Zhang, L.; Shi, Y.; Berning, B.A.; Enriquez, R.; Driessler, F.; Macia, L.; Khor, E.C.; Qi, Y.; Baldock, P.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.
Cell Metabolism 19 (1) :58-72, 2014
OpenAccess publication Non-canonical NF-KappaB signalling initiated by BAFF influences B cell biology at multiple junctures
Gardam, S.; Brink, R.
Frontiers in Immunology 4 :1-12, 2014
OpenAccess publication IL-21 contributes to fatal inflammatory disease in the absence of Foxp3+ T regulatory cells
Vogelzang, A. ; McGuire, H. M. ; Liu, S. M. ; Gloss, B. ; Mercado, K. ; Earls, P. ; Dinger, M. E. ; Batten, M. ; Sprent, J. ; King, C.;
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 192 (4) :1404-14, 2014
OpenAccess publication The impact of glucose disorders on cognition and brain volumes in the elderly: the Sydney Memory and Ageing Study
Samaras, K. ; Lutgers, H. L. ; Kochan, N. A. ; Crawford, J. D. ; Campbell, L. V. ; Wen, W. ; Slavin, M. J. ; Baune, B. T. ; Lipnicki, D. M. ; Brodaty, H. ; Trollor, J. N. ; Sachdev, P. S.;
AGE 36 (2) :977-93, 2014
OpenAccess publication ERG induces taxane resistance in castration-resistant prostate cancer
Galletti, G. ; Matov, A. ; Beltran, H. ; Fontugne, J. ; Miguel Mosquera, J. ; Cheung, C. ; MacDonald, T. Y. ; Sung, M. ; O'Toole, S. ; Kench, J. G. ; Suk Chae, S. ; Kimovski, D. ; Tagawa, S. T. ; Nanus, D. M. ; Rubin, M. A. ; Horvath, L. G. ; Giannakakou, P. ; Rickman, D. S.;
Nature Communications 5 :5548, 2014
OpenAccess publication Endogenous Retrovirus Insertion in the KIT Oncogene Determines White and White spotting in Domestic Cats
David, V. A. ; Menotti-Raymond, M. ; Wallace, A. C. ; Roelke, M. ; Kehler, J. ; Leighty, R. ; Eizirik, E. ; Hannah, S. S. ; Nelson, G. ; Schaffer, A. A. ; Connelly, C. J. ; O'Brien, S. J. ; Ryugo, D. K.;
G3-Genes Genomes Genetics 4 (10) :1881-91, 2014