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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication The hunger games of skeletal metabolism
Wee, N. K. ; Baldock, P. A.;
IBMS BoneKEy 3 :588, 2014
OpenAccess publication Early epigenetic downregulation of WNK2 kinase during pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma development
Dutruel, C.; Bergmann, F.; Rooman, I.; Zucknick, M.; Weichenhan, D.; Geiselhart, L.; Kaffenberger, T.; Rachakonda, P. S.; Bauer, A.; Giese, N.; Hong, C.; Xie, H.; Costello, J. F.; Hoheisel, J.; Kumar, R.; Rehli, M.; Schirmacher, P.; Werner, J.; Plass, C.; Popanda, O.; Schmezer, P.
ONCOGENE 33 (26) :3401-10, 2014
Redemption of autoantibodies on anergic B cells by V-region glycosylation and mutation away from self-reactivity
Sabouri Z, Schofield PR, Horikawa K, Spierings E, Kipling E, Randall K, Langley D, Roome B, Vazquez-Lombardi R, Rouet R, Hermes J, Chan T, Brink R, Dunn-Walters DK, Christ D and Goodnow CC
A role for intrathymic B cells in the generation of natural tregs
Walters S.N, Webster K.E, Daley S and Grey S.T.
OpenAccess publication Thyroid hormone receptor a mutation causes a severe and thyroxine-resistant skeletal dysplasia in female mice.
Bassett, J.H.; Boyde, A.; Zikmund, T.; Evans, H.; Croucher, P.I.; Zhu, X.; Won Park, J.; Cheng, S.Y.; Williams, G.R.
ENDOCRINOLOGY :en20132156, 2014
OpenAccess publication Therapies for musculoskeletal disease: can we treat two birds with one stone?
Girgis, C. M.; Mokbel, N.; Digirolamo, D. J.
Current Osteoporosis Reports 12 (2) :142-53, 2014
OpenAccess publication Double deletion of orexigenic neuropeptide Y and dynorphin results in paradoxical obesity in mice
Nguyen, A.D.; Slack, K.; Schwarzer, C.; Lee, N.J.; Boey, D.; Macia, L.; Yulyaningsih, E.; Enriquez, R.F.; Zhang, L.; Lin, S.; Shi, Y-C.; Baldock, P.A.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.
NEUROPEPTIDES 48 (3) :143-51, 2014
OpenAccess publication Prevalence of radiographic osteoarthritis of the knee and its relationship to self-reported pain.
Ho-Pham, L.T.; Lai, T.Q.; Mai, L.D.; Doan, M.C.; Pham, H.N.; Nguyen, T.V.
PLoS One 9 (4) :e94563, 2014
OpenAccess publication Gemcitabine and CHK1 inhibition potentiate EGFR-directed radioimmunotherapy against pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Al-Ejeh, F.; Pajic, M.; Shi, W.; Kalimutho, M.; Miranda, M.; Nagrial, A. M.; Chou, A.; Biankin, A. V.; Grimmond, S. M.; Australian Pancreatic Cancer Genome, Initiative; Brown, M. P.; Khanna, K. K.;
CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 20 (12) :3187-97, 2014
OpenAccess publication ZNF300P1 Encodes a lincRNA that regulates cell polarity and is epigenetically silenced in type II epithelial ovarian cancer.
Gloss, B.; Moran-Jones, K.; Lin, V.; Gonzalez, M.; Scurry, J.; Hacker, N. F.; Sutherland, R. L.; Clark, S. J.; Samimi, G.
Molecular Cancer 13 (1) :3, 2014 10.1186/1476-4598-13-3
OpenAccess publication Three-dimensional cancer models mimic cell-matrix interactions in the tumour microenvironment
Herrmann, D.; Conway, J. R.; Vennin, C.; Magenau, A.; Hughes, W. E.; Morton, J. P.; Timpson, P.;
CARCINOGENESIS 35 (8) :1671-1679, 2014
OpenAccess publication Genetic determinants of heel bone properties: genome-wide association meta-analysis and replication in the GEFOS/GENOMOS consortium.
Moayyeri, A.; Hsu, Y.H.; Karasik, D.; ; Estrada, K.; Xiao, S.M.; ; Nielson, C.; Srikanth, P.; Giroux, S.; Wilson, S.G.; ; Zheng, H.F.; Smith, A.V.; Pye, S.R.; Leo, P.J.; Teumer, A.; Hwang, J.Y.; Ohlsson, C.; McGuigan, F.; Minster, R.L.; Hayward, C.; Olmos, J.M.; ; Lyytikainen, L.P.; Lewis, J.R.; Swart, K.M.; Masi. L.; Oldmeadow, C.; Holliday, E.G.; Cheng, S.; van Schoor, N.M.; ; Harvey, N.C.; Kruk, M.; Del Greco, M. F.; Igl, W.; Trummer, O.; Grigoriou, E.; Luben, R.
HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 23 (11) :3054-68, 2014
OpenAccess publication Osteochondral regeneration using a novel aragonite-hyaluronate bi-phasic scaffold in a goat model.
Kon, E.; Filardo, G.; Robinson, D.; Eisman, J.A.; Levy, A.; Zaslav, K.; Shani, J.; Altschuler, N.
KNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPY 22 (6) :1452-64, 2014 10.1007/s00167-013-2467-2
OpenAccess publication Mortality following the first hip fracture in Norwegian women and men (1999-2008). A NOREPOS study.
Omsland, T.K.; Emaus, N.; Tell, G.S.; Magnus, J.H.; Ahmed, L.A.; Holvik, K.; Center, J.; Forsmo, S.; Gjesdal, C.G.; Schei, B.; Vestergaard, P.; Eisman, J.A.; Falch, J.A.; Tverdal, A.; Sogaard, A.J.; Meyer, H.E.
BONE (63) 2014
OpenAccess publication Zoledronic acid has differential anti-tumour activity in the pre-and post-menopausal bone microenvironment in vivo.
Ottewell, P.D.; Wang, N.; Brown, H.K.; Reeves, K.; Fowles, A.; Croucher, P.; Eaton, C.; Holen, I.
CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 20 (11) :2922-32, 2014 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-13-1246
OpenAccess publication Editorial overview: Lymphocyte activation and effector functions
Reynaud, C. A.; Tangye, S.
CURRENT OPINION IN IMMUNOLOGY 28 :v-vii, 2014 10.1016/j.coi.2014.04.001