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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Dynamic expression of long noncoding RNAs and repeat elements in synaptic plasticity
Maag, J. L. ; Panja, D. ; Sporild, I. ; Patil, S. ; Kaczorowski, D. C. ; Bramham, C. R. ; Dinger, M. E. ; Wibrand, K.;
Front Neurosci 9 :351, 2015
Regulatory T cells prevent inducible BALT formation by dampening neutrophilic inflammation
Foo, S. Y. ; Zhang, V. ; Lalwani, A. ; Lynch, J. P. ; Zhuang, A. ; Lam, C. E. ; Foster, P. S. ; King, C. ; Steptoe, R. J. ; Mazzone, S. B. ; Sly, P. D. ; Phipps, S.;
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 194 (9) :4567-76, 2015
OpenAccess publication Protein kinase C inhibitor, GF109203X attenuates osteoclastogenesis, bone resorption and RANKL-induced NF-kappaB and NFAT activity
Yao, J. ; Li, J. ; Zhou, L. ; Cheng, J. ; Chim, S. M. ; Zhang, G. ; Quinn, J. M. ; Tickner, J. ; Zhao, J. ; Xu, J.;
Control of adipocyte differentiation in different fat depots; implications for pathophysiology or therapy
Ma, X. ; Lee, P. ; Chisholm, D. J. ; James, D. E.;
Frontiers in Endocrinology 6 :1, 2015
OpenAccess publication A Bacterial Metabolite, Compound K, Induces Programmed Necrosis in MCF-7 Cells via GSK3beta
Kwak, C. W. ; Son, Y. M. ; Gu, M. J. ; Kim, G. ; Lee, I. K. ; Kye, Y. C. ; Kim, H. W. ; Song, K. D. ; Chu, H. ; Park, B. C. ; Lee, H. K. ; Yang, D. C. ; Sprent, J. ; Yun, C. H.;
Integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomes
Roadmap Epigenomics, Consortium ; Kundaje, A. ; Meuleman, W. ; Ernst, J. ; Bilenky, M. ; Yen, A. ; Heravi-Moussavi, A. ; Kheradpour, P. ; Zhang, Z. ; Wang, J. ; Ziller, M. J. ; Amin, V. ; Whitaker, J. W. ; Schultz, M. D. ; Ward, L. D. ; Sarkar, A. ; Quon, G. ; Sandstrom, R. S. ; Eaton, M. L. ; Wu, Y. C. ; Pfenning, A. R. ; Wang, X. ; Claussnitzer, M. ; Liu, Y. ; Coarfa, C.; et al.
NATURE 518 (7539) :317-30, 2015
OpenAccess publication Enhancement of insulin-mediated rat muscle glucose uptake and microvascular perfusion by 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribofuranoside
Bradley, E. A. ; Zhang, L. ; Genders, A. J. ; Richards, S. M. ; Rattigan, S. ; Keske, M. A.;
Cardiovascular Diabetology 14 :91, 2015
OpenAccess publication Epigenetics and human obesity
van Dijk, S. J. ; Molloy, P. L. ; Varinli, H. ; Morrison, J. L. ; Muhlhausler, B. S. ; members of Epi, Scope;
Erratum to: Odanacatib for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: development history and design and participant characteristics of LOFT, the Long-Term Odanacatib Fracture Trial
Bone, H. G. ; Dempster, D. W. ; Eisman, J. A. ; Greenspan, S. L. ; McClung, M. R. ; Nakamura, T. ; Papapoulos, S. ; Shih, W. J. ; Rybak-Feiglin, A. ; Santora, A. C. ; Verbruggen, N. ; Leung, A. T. ; Lombardi, A.;
INPP4B is highly expressed in prostate intermediate cells and its loss of expression in prostate carcinoma predicts for recurrence and poor long term survival
Rynkiewicz, N. K. ; Fedele, C. G. ; Chiam, K. ; Gupta, R. ; Kench, J. G. ; Ooms, L. M. ; McLean, C. A. ; Giles, G. G. ; Horvath, L. G. ; Mitchell, C. A.;
PROSTATE 75 (1) :92-102, 2015
L-glutamine and whole protein restore first-phase insulin response and increase glucagon-like Peptide-1 in type 2 diabetes patients
Samocha-Bonet, D. ; Chisholm, D. J. ; Holst, J. J. ; Greenfield, J. R.;
Nutrients 7 (4) :2101-8, 2015
Contribution of intronic miR-338-3p and its hosting gene AATK to compensatory beta-cell mass expansion
Jacovetti, C. ; Jimenez, V. ; Ayuso, E. ; Laybutt, R. ; Peyot, M. L. ; Prentki, M. ; Bosch, F. ; Regazzi, R.;
MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 29 (5) :693-702, 2015
Visual analytics of signalling pathways using time profiles
Ma, D. K. ; Stolte, C. ; Kaur, S. ; Bain, M. ; O'Donoghue, S. I.;
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 823 :3-22, 2015
OpenAccess publication Global Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Human Skeletal Muscle Reveals a Network of Exercise-Regulated Kinases and AMPK Substrates
Hoffman, N. J. ; Parker, B. L. ; Chaudhuri, R. ; Fisher-Wellman, K. H. ; Kleinert, M. ; Humphrey, S. J. ; Yang, P. ; Holliday, M. ; Trefely, S. ; Fazakerley, D. J. ; Stockli, J. ; Burchfield, J. G. ; Jensen, T. E. ; Jothi, R. ; Kiens, B. ; Wojtaszewski, J. F. ; Richter, E. A. ; James, D. E.;
Cell Metabolism 22 (5) :922-35, 2015
OpenAccess publication Educational Inequalities in Post-Hip Fracture Mortality: A NOREPOS Studys
Omsland, T. K. ; Eisman, J. A. ; Naess, O. ; Center, J. R. ; Gjesdal, C. G. ; Tell, G. S. ; Emaus, N. ; Meyer, H. E. ; Sogaard, A. J. ; Holvik, K. ; Schei, B. ; Forsmo, S. ; Magnus, J. H.;
OpenAccess publication Multidisciplinary diabetes team care: the experiences of young adults with Type 1 diabetes
Wiley, J. ; Westbrook, M. ; Long, J. ; Greenfield, J. R. ; Day, R. O. ; Braithwaite, J.;
HEALTH EXPECTATIONS 18 (5) :1783-96, 2015