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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication IRAK1 is a therapeutic target that drives breast cancer metastasis and resistance to paclitaxel
Wee, Z. N.; Yatim, S. M.; Kohlbauer, V. K.; Feng, M.; Goh, J. Y.; Yi, B.; Lee, P. L.; Zhang, S.; Wang, P. P.; Lim, E.; Tam, W. L.; Cai, Y.; Ditzel, H. J.; Hoon, D. S.; Tan, E. Y.; Yu, Q.;
Nature Communications 6 :8746, 2015
OpenAccess publication LRGUK-1 is required for basal body and manchette function during spermatogenesis and male fertility
Liu, Y. ; DeBoer, K. ; de Kretser, D. M. ; O'Donnell, L. ; O'Connor, A. E. ; Merriner, D. J. ; Okuda, H. ; Whittle, B. ; Jans, D. A. ; Efthymiadis, A. ; McLachlan, R. I. ; Ormandy, C. J. ; Goodnow, C. C. ; Jamsai, D. ; O'Bryan, M. K.;
PLOS GENET 11 (3) :e1005090, 2015
OpenAccess publication Neuronal control of bone and muscle
Houweling, P. ; Kulkarni, R. N. ; Baldock, P. A.;
BONE 80 :95-100, 2015
OpenAccess publication Real-time intravital imaging establishes tumor-associated macrophages as the extraskeletal target of bisphosphonate action in cancer
Junankar, S.; Shay, G.; Jurczyluk, J.; Ali, N.; Down, J.; Pocock, N.; Parker, A.; Nguyen, A.; Sun, S.; Kashemirov, B.; Mckenna, C.E.; Croucher, P.I.; Swarbrick, A.; Weilbaecher, K.; Phan, T.G.; Rogers, M.J.
Cancer Discovery 5 :35-42, 2015
OpenAccess publication Pancreatic cancer genomics: where can the science take us?
Graham, J. S.; Jamieson, N. B.; Rulach, R.; Grimmond, S. M.; Chang, D. K.; Biankin, A. V.;
CLINICAL GENETICS 88 (3) :213-219, 2015
OpenAccess publication Mechanisms of Long Non-coding RNAs in Mammalian Nervous System Development, Plasticity, Disease, and Evolution
Briggs, J. A. ; Wolvetang, E. J. ; Mattick, J. S. ; Rinn, J. L. ; Barry, G.;
NEURON 88 (5) :861-77, 2015
OpenAccess publication Proteomic Analysis of Urine to Identify Breast Cancer Biomarker Candidates Using a Label-Free LC-MS/MS Approach
Beretov, J. ; Wasinger, V. C. ; Millar, E. K. ; Schwartz, P. ; Graham, P. H. ; Li, Y.;
PLoS One 10 (11) :e0141876, 2015
OpenAccess publication Adding the 'medicines' back into personalized medicine to improve cancer treatment outcomes
Martin, J. H.; Phillips, E.; Thomas, D.; Somogyi, A. A.;
OpenAccess publication The transcriptional landscape of age in human peripheral blood
Peters, M. J. ; Joehanes, R. ; Pilling, L. C. ; Schurmann, C. ; Conneely, K. N. ; Powell, J. ; Reinmaa, E. ; Sutphin, G. L. ; Zhernakova, A. ; Schramm, K. ; Wilson, Y. A. ; Kobes, S. ; Tukiainen, T. ; Consortium, Nabec Ukbec ; Ramos, Y. F. ; Goring, H. H. ; Fornage, M. ; Liu, Y. ; Gharib, S. A. ; Stranger, B. E. ; De Jager, P. L. ; Aviv, A. ; Levy, D. ; Murabito, J. M. ; Mun
Nature Communications 6 :8570, 2015
OpenAccess publication The life history of neochromosomes revealed.
Papenfuss, A.T.; Thomas, D.M.
MOLECULAR & CELLULAR ONCOLOGY 2 (4) :e1000698, 2015
OpenAccess publication Assessment of DNA methylation profiling and copy number variation as indications of clonal relationship in ipsilateral and contralateral breast cancers to distinguish recurrent breast cancer from a second primary tumour.
Huang, K. T.; Mikeska, T.; Li, J.; Takano, E. A.; Millar, E. K.; Graham, P. H.; Boyle, S. E.; Campbell, I. G.; Speed, T. P.; Dobrovic, A.; Fox, S. B.
BMC Cancer 5 :669, 2015
OpenAccess publication Distinct partitioning of ALS associated TDP-43, FUS and SOD1 mutants into cellular inclusions
Farrawell, N. E.; Lambert-Smith, I. A.; Warraich, S. T.; Blair, I. P.; Saunders, D. N.; Hatters, D. M.; Yerbury, J. J.;
Scientific Reports 5 :13416, 2015
OpenAccess publication Reducing the search space for causal genetic variants with VASP
Field, M. A. ; Cho, V. ; Cook, M. C. ; Enders, A. ; Vinuesa, C. G. ; Whittle, B. ; Andrews, T. D. ; Goodnow, C. C.;
Bioinformatics 31 (14) :2377-9, 2015
OpenAccess publication Long Noncoding RNA-Directed Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression Is Associated with Anxiety-like Behavior in Mice
Spadaro, P. A. ; Flavell, C. R. ; Widagdo, J. ; Ratnu, V. S. ; Troup, M. ; Ragan, C. ; Mattick, J. S. ; Bredy, T. W.;
Biol Psychiatry 2015
COBRA-Seq: Sensitive and Quantitative Methylome Profiling
Varinli, H. ; Statham, A. L. ; Clark, S. J. ; Molloy, P. L. ; Ross, J. P.;
Genes 6 (4) :1140-63, 2015
OpenAccess publication De novo mutations in PLXND1 and REV3L cause Mobius syndrome
Tomas-Roca, L. ; Tsaalbi-Shtylik, A. ; Jansen, J. G. ; Singh, M. K. ; Epstein, J. A. ; Altunoglu, U. ; Verzijl, H. ; Soria, L. ; van Beusekom, E. ; Roscioli, T. ; Iqbal, Z. ; Gilissen, C. ; Hoischen, A. ; de Brouwer, A. P. ; Erasmus, C. ; Schubert, D. ; Brunner, H. ; Perez Aytes, A. ; Marin, F. ; Aroca, P. ; Kayserili, H. ; Carta, A. ; de Wind, N. ; Padberg, G. W. ; van Bokh
Nature Communications 6 :7199, 2015