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6430 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication The Forkhead Transcription Factor FOXP2 Is Required for Regulation of p21WAF1/CIP1 in 143B Osteosarcoma Cell Growth Arrest
Gascoyne, D. M. ; Spearman, H. ; Lyne, L. ; Puliyadi, R. ; Perez-Alcantara, M. ; Coulton, L. ; Fisher, S. E. ; Croucher, P. I. ; Banham, A. H.;
PLoS One 10 (6) :e0128513, 2015
Revisiting KDIGO clinical practice guideline on chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder: a commentary from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes controversies conference
Ketteler, M. ; Elder, G. J. ; Evenepoel, P. ; Ix, J. H. ; Jamal, S. A. ; Lafage-Proust, M. H. ; Shroff, R. ; Thadhani, R. I. ; Tonelli, M. A. ; Kasiske, B. L. ; Wheeler, D. C. ; Leonard, M. B.;
KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL 87 (3) :502-28, 2015
OpenAccess publication Analysis of heritability and shared heritability based on genome-wide association studies for thirteen cancer types
Sampson, J. N.; Wheeler, W. A.; Yeager, M.; Panagiotou, O.; Wang, Z.; Berndt, S. I.; Lan, Q.; Abnet, C. C.; Amundadottir, L. T.; Figueroa, J. D.; Landi, M. T.; Mirabello, L.; Savage, S. A.; Taylor, P. R.; Vivo, I. D.; McGlynn, K. A.; Purdue, M. P.; Rajaraman, P.; Adami, H. O.; Ahlbom, A.; Albanes, D.; Amary, M. F.; An, S. J.; Andersson, U.; Andriole, G., Jr.; Andrulis, I. L.; Angelucci, E.; Ansell, S. M.; Arici, C.; Armstrong, B. K.; Arslan, A. A.; Austin, M. A.; Baris, D.; Barkauskas, D. A.; Ba
JNCI-Journal of the National Cancer Institute 107 (12) :djv279, 2015
Genome-wide discovery of human splicing branchpoints
Mercer, T. R. ; Clark, M. B. ; Andersen, S. B. ; Brunck, M. E. ; Haerty, W. ; Crawford, J. ; Taft, R. J. ; Nielsen, L. K. ; Dinger, M. E. ; Mattick, J. S.;
GENOME RESEARCH 25 (2) :290-303, 2015
OpenAccess publication ""Cancer 2015"": A Prospective, Population-Based Cancer Cohort-Phase 1: Feasibility of Genomics-Guided Precision Medicine in the Clinic
Parisot, J. P.; Thorne, H.; Fellowes, A.; Doig, K.; Lucas, M.; McNeil, J. J.; Doble, B.; Dobrovic, A.; John, T.; James, P. A.; Lipton, L.; Ashley, D.; Hayes, T.; McMurrick, P.; Richardson, G.; Lorgelly, P.; Fox, S. B.; Thomas, D. M.;
Journal of Personalized Medicine 5 (4) :354-369, 2015
The epigenetic agents suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid and 5AZA2' deoxycytidine decrease cell proliferation, induce cell death and delay the growth of MiaPaCa2 pancreatic cancer cells in vivo
Susanto, J. M. ; Colvin, E. K. ; Pinese, M. ; Chang, D. K. ; Pajic, M. ; Mawson, A. ; Caldon, C. E. ; Musgrove, E. A. ; Henshall, S. M. ; Sutherland, R. L. ; Biankin, A. V. ; Scarlett, C. J.;
OpenAccess publication Extraprostatic extension (EPE) of prostatic carcinoma: is its proximity to the surgical margin or Gleason score important?
Gupta, R.; O'Connell, R.; Haynes, A. M.; Stricker, P. D.; Barrett, W.; Turner, J. J.; Delprado, W.; Horvath, L. G.; Kench, J. G.;
BJU International 116 (3) :343-350, 2015
Coordinated epigenetic remodelling of transcriptional networks occurs during early breast carcinogenesis
Locke, W. J. ; Zotenko, E. ; Stirzaker, C. ; Robinson, M. D. ; Hinshelwood, R. A. ; Stone, A. ; Reddel, R. R. ; Huschtscha, L. I. ; Clark, S. J.;
Clinical Epigenetics 7 (1) :52, 2015
VariantSpark: population scale clustering of genotype information
O'Brien, A. R. ; Saunders, N. F. ; Guo, Y. ; Buske, F. A. ; Scott, R. J. ; Bauer, D. C.;
BMC Genomics 16 (1) :1052, 2015
OpenAccess publication Sex hormone levels as determinants of bone mineral density and osteoporosis in Vietnamese women and men
Nguyen, H. T. ; von Schoultz, B. ; Nguyen, T. V. ; Thang, T. X. ; Chau, T. T. ; Duc, P. T. ; Hirschberg, A. L.;
OpenAccess publication Proteomic Analysis of GLUT4 Storage Vesicles Reveals Tumor Suppressor Candidate 5 (TUSC5) as a Novel Regulator of Insulin Action in Adipocytes
Fazakerley, D. J. ; Naghiloo, S. ; Chaudhuri, R. ; Koumanov, F. ; Burchfield, J. G. ; Thomas, K. C. ; Krycer, J. R. ; Prior, M. J. ; Parker, B. L. ; Murrow, B. A. ; Stockli, J. ; Meoli, C. C. ; Holman, G. D. ; James, D. E.;
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 290 (39) :23528-42, 2015
OpenAccess publication Interplay between Transcription Factors and the Epigenome: Insight from the Role of RUNX1 in Leukemia
Brettingham-Moore, K. H. ; Taberlay, P. C. ; Holloway, A. F.;
Frontiers in Immunology 6 :499, 2015
OpenAccess publication IMMUNODEFICIENCIES. Impairment of immunity to Candida and Mycobacterium in humans with bi-allelic RORC mutations
Okada, S.; Markle, J. G.; Deenick, E. K.; Mele, F.; Averbuch, D.; Lagos, M.; Alzahrani, M.; Al-Muhsen, S.; Halwani, R.; Ma, C. S.; Wong, N.; Soudais, C.; Henderson, L. A.; Marzouqa, H.; Shamma, J.; Gonzalez, M.; Martinez-Barricarte, R.; Okada, C.; Avery, D. T.; Latorre, D.; Deswarte, C.; Jabot-Hanin, F.; Torrado, E.; Fountain, J.; Belkadi, A.; Itan, Y.; Boisson, B.; Migaud, M.; Arlehamn, C. S.; Sette, A.; Breton, S.; McCluskey, J.; Rossjohn, J.; de Villartay, J. P.; Moshous, D.; Hambleton, S.; Latour, S.; Arkwright, P. D.; Picard, C.; Lantz, O.; Engelhard, D.; Kobayashi, M.; Abel, L.; Cooper, A. M.; Notarangelo, L. D.; Boisson-Dupuis, S.; Puel, A.; Sallusto, F.; Bustamante, J.; Tangye, S. G.; Casanova, J. L.;
SCIENCE 349 (6248) :606-13, 2015
OpenAccess publication How to learn about gene function: text-mining or ontologies?
Soldatos, T. G.; Perdigao, N.; Brown, N. P.; Sabir, K. S.; O'Donoghue, S. I.
METHODS 74 :3-15, 2015
OpenAccess publication Auditory neuroplasticity, hearing loss and cochlear implants
Ryugo, D.;
CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH 361 (1) :251-69, 2015
OpenAccess publication FAK signaling in human cancer as a target for therapeutics
Lee, B. Y. ; Timpson, P. ; Horvath, L. G. ; Daly, R. J.;