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6430 items matching your search terms.
Targeting glucocerebrosidase: Reduced enzymatic activity and Parkinson's disease
Raj Kumar, K.;
MOVEMENT DISORDERS 30 (12) :1620, 2015
OpenAccess publication Novel application of luciferase assay for the in vitro functional assessment of KAL1 variants in three females with septo-optic dysplasia (SOD)
McCabe, M. J. ; Hu, Y. ; Gregory, L. C. ; Gaston-Massuet, C. ; Alatzoglou, K. S. ; Saldanha, J. W. ; Gualtieri, A. ; Thankamony, A. ; Hughes, I. ; Townshend, S. ; Martinez-Barbera, J. P. ; Bouloux, P. M. ; Dattani, M. T.;
Imaging fibrosis in pancreatic cancer using second harmonic generation
Vennin, C. ; Pajic, M. ; Timpson, P.;
PANCREATOLOGY 15 (2) :200-1, 2015
OpenAccess publication Hyperaldosteronaemic or normocalcaemic hyperparathyroidism?
Lee, P. ; Greenfield, J. R.;
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 83 (5) :748-9, 2015
OpenAccess publication The evolutionarily conserved transcription factor PRDM12 controls sensory neuron development and pain perception
Nagy, V. ; Cole, T. ; Van Campenhout, C. ; Khoung, T. M. ; Leung, C. ; Vermeiren, S. ; Novatchkova, M. ; Wenzel, D. ; Cikes, D. ; Polyansky, A. A. ; Kozieradzki, I. ; Meixner, A. ; Bellefroid, E. J. ; Neely, G. G. ; Penninger, J. M.;
CELL CYCLE 14 (12) :1799-808, 2015
Generation of silver standard concept annotations from biomedical texts with special relevance to phenotypes
Oellrich, A. ; Collier, N. ; Smedley, D. ; Groza, T.;
PLoS One 10 (1) :e0116040, 2015
OpenAccess publication Subtyping pancreatic cancer
Biankin, A. V.; Maitra, A.
CANCER CELL 28 (4) :411-413, 2015 10.1016/j.ccell.2015.09.020
OpenAccess publication How to build personalized multi-omics comorbidity profiles
Moni, M. A. ; Lio, P.;
Front Cell Dev Biol 3 :28, 2015
OpenAccess publication An examination of prostate cancer trends in Australia, England, Canada and USA: Is the Australian death rate too high?
Feletto, E.; Bang, A.; Cole-Clark, D.; Chalasani, V.; Rasiah, K.; Smith, D. P.;
WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 33 (11) :1677-1687, 2015
OpenAccess publication Vitamin D Receptor Ablation and Vitamin D Deficiency Result in Reduced Grip Strength, Altered Muscle Fibers, and Increased Myostatin in Mice
Girgis, C. M. ; Cha, K. M. ; Houweling, P. J. ; Rao, R. ; Mokbel, N. ; Lin, M. ; Clifton-Bligh, R. J. ; Gunton, J. E.;
Berberine sulfate attenuates osteoclast differentiation through RANKL induced NF-κB and NFAT pathways
Zhou, L. ; Song, F. ; Liu, Q. ; Yang, M. ; Zhao, J. ; Tan, R. ; Xu, J. ; Zhang, G. ; Quinn, J. M. ; Tickner, J. ; Xu, J.;
OpenAccess publication Integration of Hedgehog and mutant FLT3 signaling in myeloid leukemia
Lim, Y.; Gondek, L.; Li, L.; Wang, Q.; Ma, H.; Chang, E.; Huso, D. L.; Foerster, S.; Marchionni, L.; McGovern, K.; Watkins, D. N.; Peacock, C. D.; Levis, M.; Smith, B. D.; Merchant, A. A.; Small, D.; Matsui, W.;
Science Translational Medicine 7 (291) :291ra96, 2015
Automatic concept recognition using the human phenotype ontology reference and test suite corpora
Groza, T. ; Kohler, S. ; Doelken, S. ; Collier, N. ; Oellrich, A. ; Smedley, D. ; Couto, F. M. ; Baynam, G. ; Zankl, A. ; Robinson, P. N.;
Database-The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation 2015 2015
OpenAccess publication Clinical implications of genomics for cancer risk genetics.
Thomas, D. M.; James, P.A.; Ballinger, M. L.;
LANCET ONCOLOGY 16 :e303-308, 2015
OpenAccess publication Pancreatic PYY Is Critical in the Control of Insulin Secretion and Glucose Homeostasis in Female Mice
Shi, Y. C. ; Loh, K. ; Bensellam, M. ; Lee, K. ; Zhai, L. ; Lau, J. ; Cantley, J. ; Luzuriaga, J. ; Laybutt, D. R. ; Herzog, H.;
ENDOCRINOLOGY 156 (9) :3122-36, 2015
Lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2 isoforms are differentially affected in early Parkinson's disease
Murphy, K. E. ; Gysbers, A. M. ; Abbott, S. K. ; Spiro, A. S. ; Furuta, A. ; Cooper, A. ; Garner, B. ; Kabuta, T. ; Halliday, G. M.;
MOVEMENT DISORDERS 30 (12) :1639-47, 2015