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6429 items matching your search terms.
Importance of bone turnover for therapeutic decisions in patients with CKD-MBD
Ott, S. M.; Malluche, H. H.; Jorgetti, V.; Elder, G. J.
KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL 100 (3) :502-505, 2021 10.1016/j.kint.2021.05.024
Recognition of human emotions using EEG signals: A review
Rahman, M. M.; Sarkar, A. K.; Hossain, M. A.; Hossain, M. S.; Islam, M. R.; Hossain, M. B.; Quinn, J. M. W.; Moni, M. A.
COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 136 :104696, 2021 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104696
Association of Monogenic and Polygenic Risk With the Prevalence of Open-Angle Glaucoma
Siggs, O. M.; Han, X.; Qassim, A.; Souzeau, E.; Kuruvilla, S.; Marshall, H. N.; Mullany, S.; Mackey, D. A.; Hewitt, A. W.; Gharahkhani, P.; MacGregor, S.; Craig, J. E.
JAMA Ophthalmology 139 (9) :1023-1028, 2021 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2021.2440
Inherited PD-1 deficiency underlies tuberculosis and autoimmunity in a child
Ogishi, M.; Yang, R.; Aytekin, C.; Langlais, D.; Bourgey, M.; Khan, T.; Ali, F. A.; Rahman, M.; Delmonte, O. M.; Chrabieh, M.; Zhang, P.; Gruber, C.; Pelham, S. J.; Spaan, A. N.; Rosain, J.; Lei, W. T.; Drutman, S.; Hellmann, M. D.; Callahan, M. K.; Adamow, M.; Wong, P.; Wolchok, J. D.; Rao, G.; Ma, C. S.; Nakajima, Y.; Yaguchi, T.; Chamoto, K.; Williams, S. C.; Emile, J. F.; Rozenberg, F.; Glickman, M. S.; Rapaport, F.; Kerner, G.; Allington, G.; Tezcan, I.; Cagdas, D.; Hosnut, F. O.; Dogu, F.; Ikinciogullari, A.; Rao, V. K.; Kainulainen, L.; Beziat, V.; Bustamante, J.; Vilarinho, S.; Lifton, R. P.; Boisson, B.; Abel, L.; Bogunovic, D.; Marr, N.; Notarangelo, L. D.; Tangye, S. G.; Honjo, T.; Gros, P.; Boisson-Dupuis, S.; Casanova, J. L.
NATURE MEDICINE 27 (9) :1646-1654, 2021 10.1038/s41591-021-01388-5
SARS-CoV-2 structural coverage map reveals viral protein assembly, mimicry, and hijacking mechanisms
O'Donoghue, S. I.; Schafferhans, A.; Sikta, N.; Stolte, C.; Kaur, S.; Ho, B. K.; Anderson, S.; Procter, J. B.; Dallago, C.; Bordin, N.; Adcock, M.; Rost, B.
Molecular Systems Biology 17 (9) :e10079, 2021 10.15252/msb.202010079
Yield of clinically reportable genetic variants in unselected cerebral palsy by whole genome sequencing
van Eyk, C. L.; Webber, D. L.; Minoche, A. E.; Perez-Jurado, L. A.; Corbett, M. A.; Gardner, A. E.; Berry, J. G.; Harper, K.; MacLennan, A. H.; Gecz, J.
NPJ Genomic Medicine 6 (1) :74, 2021 10.1038/s41525-021-00238-0
Identifying molecular insight of synergistic complexities for SARS-CoV-2 infection with pre-existing type 2 diabetes
Islam, M. B.; Chowdhury, U. N.; Nain, Z.; Uddin, S.; Ahmed, M. B.; Moni, M. A.
COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 136 :104668, 2021 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104668
Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Fitness During Childhood and Adolescence: Association With Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness in Young Adulthood
Lee, S. S.; McVeigh, J.; Straker, L.; Howie, E. K.; Yazar, S.; Haynes, A.; Green, D. J.; Hewitt, A. W.; Mackey, D. A.
JOURNAL OF GLAUCOMA 30 (9) :813-819, 2021 10.1097/IJG.0000000000001865
Towards precision medicine for clinically non-functioning pituitary tumours
Lenders, N. F.; Inder, W. J.; McCormack, A. I.
CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 95 (3) :398-409, 2021 10.1111/cen.14472
Genome sequencing in congenital cataracts improves diagnostic yield
Ma, A.; Grigg, J. R.; Flaherty, M.; Smith, J.; Minoche, A. E.; Cowley, M. J.; Nash, B. M.; Ho, G.; Gayagay, T.; Lai, T.; Farnsworth, E.; Hackett, E. L.; Slater, K.; Wong, K.; Holman, K. J.; Jenkins, G.; Cheng, A.; Martin, F.; Brown, N. J.; Leighton, S. E.; Amor, D. J.; Goel, H.; Dinger, M. E.; Bennetts, B.; Jamieson, R. V.
HUMAN MUTATION 42 (9) :1173-1183, 2021 10.1002/humu.24240
Time spent outdoors through childhood and adolescence - assessed by 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration - and risk of myopia at 20 years
Lingham, G.; Mackey, D. A.; Zhu, K.; Lucas, R. M.; Black, L. J.; Oddy, W. H.; Holt, P.; Walsh, J. P.; Sanfilippo, P. G.; Chan She Ping-Delfos, W.; Yazar, S.
ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA 99 (6) :679-687, 2021 10.1111/aos.14709
Systematic review with meta-analysis: dietary intake in adults with inflammatory bowel disease
Lambert, K.; Pappas, D.; Miglioretto, C.; Javadpour, A.; Reveley, H.; Frank, L.; Grimm, M. C.; Samocha-Bonet, D.; Hold, G. L.
ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS 54 (6) :742-754, 2021 10.1111/apt.16549
Homeostasis of Naive and Memory T Lymphocytes
Kawabe, T.; Yi, J.; Sprent, J.
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 13 (9) :a037879, 2021 10.1101/cshperspect.a037879
The receptor of the colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1R) is a novel prognostic factor and therapeutic target in follicular lymphoma
Valero, J. G.; Matas-Cespedes, A.; Arenas, F.; Rodriguez, V.; Carreras, J.; Serrat, N.; Guerrero-Hernandez, M.; Yahiaoui, A.; Balague, O.; Martin, S.; Capdevila, C.; Hernandez, L.; Magnano, L.; Rivas-Delgado, A.; Tannheimer, S.; Cid, M. C.; Campo, E.; Lopez-Guillermo, A.; Colomer, D.; Perez-Galan, P.
LEUKEMIA 35 (9) :2635-2649, 2021 10.1038/s41375-021-01201-9
Mapping genomic and epigenomic evolution in cancer ecosystems
Ushijima, T.; Clark, S. J.; Tan, P.
SCIENCE 373 (6562) :1474-1479, 2021 10.1126/science.abh1645
Evolutionary dynamics of circular RNAs in primates
Santos-Rodriguez, G.; Voineagu, I.; Weatheritt, R. J.
eLife 10 2021 10.7554/eLife.69148