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6429 items matching your search terms.
Tobacco Control and Tobacco Cessation in Lung Cancer-Too Little, Too Late?
Stone, E.; Vachani, A.;
OpenAccess publication Serous ovarian and primary peritoneal cancers: A comparative analysis of clinico-pathological features, molecular subtypes and treatment outcome
Gao, B.; Lindemann, K.; Anderson, L.; Fereday, S.; Hung, J.; Alsop, K.; Tothill, R. W.; Gebski, V.; Kennedy, C.; Balleine, R. L.; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study, Group; Harnett, P. R.; Bowtell, D. D.; DeFazio, A.;
GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY 142 (3) :458-64, 2016
The Effect of Changing Scan Mode on Trabecular Bone Score Using Lunar Prodigy
Chen, W.; Slattery, A.; Center, J.; Pocock, N.;
OpenAccess publication Axl-EGFR receptor tyrosine kinase hetero-interaction provides EGFR with access to pro-invasive signalling in cancer cells
Vouri, M.; Croucher, D. R.; Kennedy, S. P.; An, Q.; Pilkington, G. J.; Hafizi, S.;
Oncogenesis 5 (10) :e266, 2016
OpenAccess publication Defining the genetic basis of early onset hereditary spastic paraplegia using whole genome sequencing
Kumar, K. R.; Wali, G. M.; Kamate, M.; Wali, G.; Minoche, A. E.; Puttick, C.; Pinese, M.; Gayevskiy, V.; Dinger, M. E.; Roscioli, T.; Sue, C. M.; Cowley, M. J.;
NEUROGENETICS 17 (4) :265-270, 2016
OpenAccess publication The ever-expanding myokinome: discovery challenges and therapeutic implications
Whitham, M.; Febbraio, M. A.;
OpenAccess publication Mutational load of the mitochondrial genome predicts pathological features and biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer
Kalsbeek, A. M.; Chan, E. F.; Grogan, J.; Petersen, D. C.; Jaratlerdsiri, W.; Gupta, R.; Lyons, R. J.; Haynes, A. M.; Horvath, L. G.; Kench, J. G.; Stricker, P. D.; Hayes, V. M.;
Aging-US 8 (11) :2702-2712, 2016
OpenAccess publication Dietary acid load, metabolic acidosis and insulin resistance - Lessons from cross-sectional and overfeeding studies in humans
Williams, R. S.; Heilbronn, L. K.; Chen, D. L.; Coster, A. C.; Greenfield, J. R.; Samocha-Bonet, D.;
CLINICAL NUTRITION 35 (5) :1084-90, 2016
OpenAccess publication Renewed interest in the progesterone receptor in breast cancer
Lim, E.; Palmieri, C.; Tilley, W. D.;
British Journal of Cancer 115 (8) :909-911, 2016
OpenAccess publication Decreased Circulating Sclerostin Levels in Renal Transplant Recipients With Persistent Hyperparathyroidism: Who's Conducting the Orchestra?
Elder, G. J.;
TRANSPLANTATION 100 (10) :2016-7, 2016
OpenAccess publication Blood Worth Bottling: Circulating Tumor DNA as a Cancer Biomarker
Christie, E. L.; Dawson, S. J.; Bowtell, D. D.;
CANCER RESEARCH 76 (19) :5590-5591, 2016
OpenAccess publication Dual T cell– and B cell–intrinsic deficiency in humans with biallelic RLT PR mutations
Wang, Y.; Ma, CS.; Ling, Y.; Bousfiha, A.; Camcioglu, Y.; Jacquot, S.; Payne, K.; Crestani, E.; Roncagalli, R.; Belkadi, A.; Kerner, G.; Lorenzo, L.; Deswarte, D.; Chrabieh, M.; Patin, E.; Vincent, QB.; Muller-Fleckenstein, I.; Fleckenstein, B.; Ailal, F.; Quintana-Murci, L.; Fraitag, S.; Alyanakian, MA.; Leruez-Ville, M.; Capucine, P.; Puel, A.; Bustamante, J.; Boisson-Dupuis, S.; Malissen, M.; Malissen, B.; Abel, L.; Hovnanian, A.; Notarangelo, LD.; Jouanguy, E.; Tangye,
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 213 (11) :2413-2435, 2016
OpenAccess publication Immunology: Cytotoxic T cells that escape exhaustion.
Ma, C.; Tangye, SG.
NATURE 537 :312-314, 2016
OpenAccess publication Leukocyte Motility Models Assessed through Simulation and Multi-objective Optimization-Based Model Selection.
Read, MN.; Bailey, J.; Timmis, J.; Chtanova, T.
PLoS Computational Biology 12 2016
OpenAccess publication ID4 controls luminal lineage commitment in normal mammary epithelium and inhibits BRCA1 function in basal-like breast cancer
Baker, L. A.; Holliday, H.; Swarbrick, A.
ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER 23 (9) :R381-92, 2016
OpenAccess publication A community-based model of rapid autopsy in end-stage cancer patients
Alsop, K.; Thorne, H.; Sandhu, S.; Hamilton, A.; Mintoff, C.; Christie, E.; Spruyt, O.; Williams, S.; McNally, O.; Mileshkin, L.; Ananda, S.; Hallo, J.; Loi, S.; Scott, C.; Savas, P.; Devereux, L.; O'Brien, P.; Gunawardena, S.; Hampson, C.; Strachan, K.; Jaravaza, R. D.; Francis, V.; Young, G.; Ranson, D.; Samaranayake, R.; Stevens, D.; Boyle, S.; Fedele, C.; Topp, M.; Ho, G.; Teo, Z. L.; Taylor, R. A.; Papargiris, M. M.; Lawrence, M. G.; Wang, H.; Risbridger, G. P.; Haynes, N. M.; Medon, M.; Jo
NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 34 (10) :1010-1014, 2016