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6429 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Structural and Functional Annotation of Long Noncoding RNAs
Smith, M. A.; Mattick, J. S.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1526 :65-85, 2017 10.1007/978-1-4939-6613-4_4
Calcium-based phosphate binders; down, but not out
Elder, G. J.
NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION 32 (1) :5-8, 2016 10.1093/ndt/gfw410
OpenAccess publication A Critical Role for beta-Catenin in Modulating Levels of Insulin Secretion from beta-Cells by Regulating Actin Cytoskeleton and Insulin Vesicle Localization
Sorrenson, B.; Cognard, E.; Lee, K. L.; Dissanayake, W. C.; Fu, Y.; Han, W.; Hughes, W. E.; Shepherd, P. R.;
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 291 (50) :25888-25900, 2016
Slowing the Titanic: China's Epic Struggle with Tobacco
Stone, E. C.; Zhou, C.; International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Tobacco Control, Committee;
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 11 (12) :2053-2065, 2016
Pharmacokinetics of Metformin in Patients Receiving Regular Hemodiafiltration
Smith, F. C.; Kumar, S. S.; Furlong, T. J.; Gangaram, S. V.; Greenfield, J. R.; Stocker, S. L.; Graham, G. G.; Williams, K. M.; Day, R. O.;
OpenAccess publication Hyperactivation of the Insulin Signaling Pathway Improves Intracellular Proteostasis by Coordinately Up-regulating the Proteostatic Machinery in Adipocytes
Minard, A. Y. ; Wong, M. K. ; Chaudhuri, R. ; Tan, S. X. ; Humphrey, S. J. ; Parker, B. L. ; Yang, J. Y. ; Laybutt, D. R. ; Cooney, G. J. ; Coster, A. C. ; Stockli, J. ; James, D. E.;
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 291 (49) :25629-25640, 2016
OpenAccess publication Pushing estrogen receptor around in breast cancer
Lim, E.; Tarulli, G.; Portman, N.; Hickey, T.; Tilley, W. D.; Palmieri, C.;
Calretinin but not caveolin-1 correlates with tumour histology and survival in malignant mesothelioma
Thapa, B.; Walkiewicz, M.; Murone, C.; Asadi, K.; Deb, S.; Barnett, S.; Knight, S.; Mitchell, P.; Liew, D.; Watkins, D. N.; John, T.;
PATHOLOGY 48 (7) :660-665, 2016
OpenAccess publication Trends in metformin utilisation and dose appropriateness in Australia
Moon, J.; Kumar, S. S.; Graham, G. G.; Baysari, M. T.; Williams, K. M.; Chen, W.; Viardot, A.; Greenfield, J. R.; Day, R. O.;
OpenAccess publication Loss of AZGP1 as a Superior Predictor of Relapse in Margin-Positive Localized Prostate Cancer
Bruce, H. M.; Stricker, P. D.; Gupta, R.; Savdie, R. R.; Haynes, A. M.; Mahon, K. L.; Lin, H. M.; Kench, J. G.; Horvath, L. G.;
PROSTATE 76 (16) :1491-1500, 2016
OpenAccess publication CD138 and CD31 double-positive cells comprise the functional antibody-secreting plasma cell compartment in primate bone marrow.
Martinez-Murillo, P.; Pramanik, L.; Sundling, C.; Hultenby, K.; Wretenberg, P.; Spangberg, M.; Karlsson Hedestam, G. B.
Frontiers in Immunology 7 :242, 2016
OpenAccess publication Atypical Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1 fluorescence in-situ hybridization signal patterns in bone and soft tissue tumours: diagnostic experience with 135 cases
Vargas, A. C.; Selinger, C. I.; Satgunaseelan, L.; Cooper, W. A.; Gupta, R.; Stalley, P.; Brown, W.; Soper, J.; Schatz, J.; Boyle, R.; Thomas, D. M.; Tattersall, M. H.; Bhadri, V. A.; Maclean, F.; Bonar, S. F.; Scolyer, R. A.; Karim, R. Z.; McCarthy, S. W.; Mahar, A.; O'Toole, S. A.;
Text mining electronic hospital records to automatically classify admissions against disease: Measuring the impact of linking data sources
Kocbek, S.; Cavedon, L.; Martinez, D.; Bain, C.; Manus, C. M.; Haffari, G.; Zukerman, I.; Verspoor, K.;
IgV peptide mapping of native Ro60 autoantibody proteomes in primary Sjogren's syndrome reveals molecular markers of Ro/La diversification
Wang, J. J.; Al Kindi, M. A.; Colella, A. D.; Dykes, L.; Jackson, M. W.; Chataway, T. K.; Reed, J. H.; Gordon, T. P.;
CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 173 :57-63, 2016
OpenAccess publication Damage-inducible intragenic demethylation of the human TP53 tumor suppressor gene is associated with transcription from an alternative intronic promoter
Blackburn, J. ; Roden, D. L. ; Ng, R. ; Wu, J. ; Bosman, A. ; Epstein, R. J.;
MOLECULAR CARCINOGENESIS 55 (12) :1940-1951, 2016
OpenAccess publication Mevalonate kinase deficiency leads to decreased prenylation of Rab GTPases.
Jurczyluk, J.; Munoz, MA.; Skinner, OP.; Chai, RC.; Ali, N.; Palendira, U.; Quinn, JM.; Preston, A.; Tangye, SG.; Brown, AJ.; Argent, E.; Ziegler, JB.; Mehr, S.; Rogers, MJ.