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6429 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Fermentable carbohydrate stimulates FFAR2-dependent colonic PYY cell expansion to increase satiety
Brooks, L.; Viardot, A.; Tsakmaki, A.; Stolarczyk, E.; Howard, J. K.; Cani, P. D.; Everard, A.; Sleeth, M. L.; Psichas, A.; Anastasovskaj, J.; Bell, J. D.; Bell-Anderson, K.; Mackay, C. R.; Ghatei, M. A.; Bloom, S. R.; Frost, G.; Bewick, G. A.
Molecular Metabolism 6 (1) :48-60, 2017 10.1016/j.molmet.2016.10.011
OpenAccess publication Activin A Inhibits MPTP and LPS-Induced Increases in Inflammatory Cell Populations and Loss of Dopamine Neurons in the Mouse Midbrain In Vivo
Stayte, S.; Rentsch, P.; Troscher, A. R.; Bamberger, M.; Li, K. M.; Vissel, B.
PLoS One 12 (1) :e0167211, 2017 10.1371/journal.pone.0167211
OpenAccess publication Human immunity against EBV—lessons from the clinic
Tangye,SG.; Palendira, U.; Edwards, ES.
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 214 (1) :269-283, 2017 10.1084/jem.20161846
OpenAccess publication Skeletal muscle extracellular matrix remodeling after short-term overfeeding in healthy humans
Tam, C. S.; Chaudhuri, R.; Hutchison, A. T.; Samocha-Bonet, D.; Heilbronn, L. K.
METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL 67 :26-30, 2017 10.1016/j.metabol.2016.10.009
OpenAccess publication Adipocyte lipolysis links obesity to breast cancer growth: adipocyte-derived fatty acids drive breast cancer cell proliferation and migration
Balaban, S.; Shearer, R. F.; Lee, L. S.; van Geldermalsen, M.; Schreuder, M.; Shtein, H. C.; Cairns, R.; Thomas, K. C.; Fazakerley, D. J.; Grewal, T.; Holst, J.; Saunders, D. N.; Hoy, A. J.
Cancer and Metabolism 5 :1, 2017 10.1186/s40170-016-0163-7
Reduced abundance of the E3 ubiquitin ligase E6AP contributes to decreased expression of the INK4/ARF locus in non-small cell lung cancer
Gamell, C.; Gulati, T.; Levav-Cohen, Y.; Young, R. J.; Do, H.; Pilling, P.; Takano, E.; Watkins, N.; Fox, S. B.; Russell, P.; Ginsberg, D.; Monahan, B. J.; Wright, G.; Dobrovic, A.; Haupt, S.; Solomon, B.; Haupt, Y.
SCIENCE SIGNALLING 10 (461) :eaaf8223, 2017 10.1126/scisignal.aaf8223
OpenAccess publication The effect of progressive hearing loss on the morphology of endbulbs of Held and bushy cells
Connelly, C. J.; Ryugo, D. K.; Muniak, M. A.
HEARING RESEARCH 343 :14-33, 2017 10.1016/j.heares.2016.07.004
The costs of diabetes among Australians aged 45-64 years from 2015 to 2030: projections of lost productive life years (PLYs), lost personal income, lost taxation revenue, extra welfare payments and lost gross domestic product from Health&WealthMOD2030
Schofield, D.; Shrestha, R. N.; Cunich, M. M.; Passey, M. E.; Veerman, L.; Tanton, R.; Kelly, S. J.
BMJ Open 7 (1) :e013158, 2017 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013158
Delineating the Relationship Between Leptin, Fat Mass, and Bone Mineral Density: A Mediation Analysis
Ho-Pham, L. T.; Lai, T. Q.; Nguyen, U. D.; Bui, Q. V.; Nguyen, T. V.
CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL 100 (1) :13-19, 2017 10.1007/s00223-016-0196-5
OpenAccess publication Exercise metabolism in 2016: Health benefits of exercise - more than meets the eye!
Febbraio, M. A.
Nature Reviews Endocrinology 13 (2) :72-74, 2017 10.1038/nrendo.2016.218
OpenAccess publication The long non-coding RNA NEAT1 is responsive to neuronal activity and is associated with hyperexcitability states
Barry, G.; Briggs, J. A.; Hwang, D. W.; Nayler, S. P.; Fortuna, P. R.; Jonkhout, N.; Dachet, F.; Maag, J. L.; Mestdagh, P.; Singh, E. M.; Avesson, L.; Kaczorowski, D. C.; Ozturk, E.; Jones, N. C.; Vetter, I.; Arriola-Martinez, L.; Hu, J.; Franco, G. R.; Warn, V. M.; Gong, A.; Dinger, M. E.; Rigo, F.; Lipovich, L.; Morris, M. J.; O'Brien, T. J.; Lee, D. S.; Loeb, J. A.; Blackshaw, S.; Mattick, J. S.; Wolvetang, E. J.
Scientific Reports 7 :40127, 2017 10.1038/srep40127
The Monarch Initiative: an integrative data and analytic platform connecting phenotypes to genotypes across species
Mungall, C. J.; McMurry, J. A.; Kohler, S.; Balhoff, J. P.; Borromeo, C.; Brush, M.; Carbon, S.; Conlin, T.; Dunn, N.; Engelstad, M.; Foster, E.; Gourdine, J. P.; Jacobsen, J. O.; Keith, D.; Laraway, B.; Lewis, S. E.; NguyenXuan, J.; Shefchek, K.; Vasilevsky, N.; Yuan, Z.; Washington, N.; Hochheiser, H.; Groza, T.; Smedley, D.; Robinson, P. N.; Haendel, M. A.
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 45 (D1) :D712-D722, 2017 10.1093/nar/gkw1128
OpenAccess publication Aryl hydrocarbon receptor is required for optimal B-cell proliferation.
Villa, M.; Gialitakis, M.; Tolaini, M1.; Ahlfors, H.; Henderson, CJ.; Wolf, CR.; Brink, R.; Stockinger, B.
EMBO JOURNAL 36 :116-128, 2017 10.15252/embj.201695027
The Human Phenotype Ontology in 2017
Kohler, S.; Vasilevsky, N. A.; Engelstad, M.; Foster, E.; McMurry, J.; Ayme, S.; Baynam, G.; Bello, S. M.; Boerkoel, C. F.; Boycott, K. M.; Brudno, M.; Buske, O. J.; Chinnery, P. F.; Cipriani, V.; Connell, L. E.; Dawkins, H. J.; DeMare, L. E.; Devereau, A. D.; de Vries, B. B.; Firth, H. V.; Freson, K.; Greene, D.; Hamosh, A.; Helbig, I.; Hum, C.; Jahn, J. A.; James, R.; Krause, R.; SJ, F. Laulederkind; Lochmuller, H.; Lyon, G. J.; Ogishima, S.; Olry, A.; Ouwehand, W. H.; Pontikos, N.; Rath, A.; Schaefer, F.; Scott, R. H.; Segal, M.; Sergouniotis, P. I.; Sever, R.; Smith, C. L.; Straub, V.; Thompson, R.; Turner, C.; Turro, E.; Veltman, M. W.; Vulliamy, T.; Yu, J.; von Ziegenweidt, J.; Zankl, A.; Zuchner, S.; Zemojtel, T.; Jacobsen, J. O.; Groza, T.; Smedley, D.; Mungall, C. J.; Haendel, M.; Robinson, P. N.
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 45 (D1) :D865-D876, 2017 10.1093/nar/gkw1039
Neohesperidin suppresses osteoclast differentiation, bone resorption and ovariectomised-induced osteoporosis in mice
Tan, Z.; Cheng, J.; Liu, Q.; Zhou, L.; Kenny, J.; Wang, T.; Lin, X.; Yuan, J.; Quinn, J. M.; Tickner, J.; Hong, G.; Qin, A.; Zhao, J.; Xu, J.;
Combined immunodeficiency and Epstein-Barr virus-induced B cell malignancy in humans with inherited CD70 deficiency.
Abolhassani, H.; Edwards E.; Ikinciogullari, A.; Jing, H.; Borte, S.; Buggert, M.; Du, L.; Matsuda-Lennikov,M.; Romano, R.; Caridha, R.; Bade, S.; Zhang, Y.; Frederiksen, J.; Fang, M.; Kostel Bal, S.; Haskologlu, S.; Dogu, F.; Tacyildiz, N.; Matthews, HF.; McElwee, JJ.; Gostick, E.; Price, DA.; Palendira, U.; Aghamohammadi, A.; Boisson, B.; Rezaei, N.; Karlsson, AC.; Lenardo, MJ.; Casanova, JL.; Hammarstrom, L.; Tangye, SG.; Su, HC.; Pan-Hammarstrom, P.
J EXP MED 214 (1) :91-106, 2017