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6429 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Lost in translation: returning germline genetic results in genome-scale cancer research
Johns, A. L., McKay, S. H., Humphris, J. L., Pinese, M., Chantrill, L. A., Mead, R. S., Tucker, K., Andrews, L., Goodwin, A., Leonard, C., High, H. A., Nones, K., Patch, A. M., Merrett, N. D., Pavlakis, N., Kassahn, K. S., Samra, J. S., Miller, D. K., Chang, D. K., Pajic, M., Australian Pancreatic Cancer Genome, Initiative, Pearson, J. V., Grimmond, S. M., Waddell, N., Zeps, N., Gill, A. J., Biankin, A. V.
Genome Medicine 28 (9) :41, 2017
KBG syndrome: An Australian experience
Murray, N.; Burgess, B.; Hay, R.; Colley, A.; Rajagopalan, S.; McGaughran, J.; Patel, C.; Enriquez, A.; Goodwin, L.; Stark, Z.; Tan, T.; Wilson, M.; Roscioli, T.; Tekin, M.; Goel, H.
OpenAccess publication Use of common analgesic medications and ovarian cancer survival: results from a pooled analysis in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
Dixon, S. C.; Nagle, C. M.; Wentzensen, N.; Trabert, B.; Beeghly-Fadiel, A.; Schildkraut, J. M.; Moysich, K. B.; deFazio, A.; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study, Group; Risch, H. A.; Rossing, M. A.; Doherty, J. A.; Wicklund, K. G.; Goodman, M. T.; Modugno, F.; Ness, R. B.; Edwards, R. P.; Jensen, A.; Kjaer, S. K.; Hogdall, E.; Berchuck, A.; Cramer, D. W.; Terry, K. L.; Poole, E. M.; Bandera, E. V.; Paddock, L. E.; Anton-Culver, H.; Ziogas, A.; Menon, U.; Gayther, S. A.; Ramus, S. J.; Gentry-Maharaj, A.; Pearce, C. L.; Wu, A. H.; Pike, M. C.; Webb, P. M.
British Journal of Cancer 116 (9) :1223-1228, 2017 10.1038/bjc.2017.68
OpenAccess publication Mid-life extra-haematopoetic manifestations of Diamond-Blackfan anaemia
Muir, C.; Dodds, A.; Samaras, K.
Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism case reports 2017 :pii: 16-0141, 2017 10.1530/EDM-16-0141
OpenAccess publication Reversion of BRCA1/2 germline mutations eetected in circulating tumor DNA from patients with high-grade serous ovarian cancer
Christie, E. L.; Fereday, S.; Doig, K.; Pattnaik, S.; Dawson, S. J.; Bowtell, D. D. L.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 35 (12) :1274-1280, 2017 10.1200/JCO.2016.70.4627
OpenAccess publication Pre-clinical evaluation of small molecule LOXL2 inhibitors in breast cancer
Chang, J.; Lucas, M. C.; Leonte, L. E.; Garcia-Montolio, M.; Singh, L. B.; Findlay, A. D.; Deodhar, M.; Foot, J. S.; Jarolimek, W.; Timpson, P.; Erler, J. T.; Cox, T. R.
Oncotarget 8 (16) :26066-26078, 2017 10.18632/oncotarget.15257
OpenAccess publication Clinical relevance of the transcriptional signature regulated by CDC42 in colorectal cancer
Valdes-Mora, F.; Locke, W. J.; Bandres, E.; Gallego-Ortega, D.; Cejas, P.; Garcia-Cabezas, M. A.; Colino-Sanguino, Y.; Feliu, J.; Del Pulgar, T. G.; Lacal, J. C.
Oncotarget 8 (16) :26755-26770, 2017 10.18632/oncotarget.15815
OpenAccess publication Testosterone prevents protein loss via the hepatic urea cycle in human
Lam, T.; Poljak, A.; McLean, M.; Bahl, N.; Ho, K. K.; Birzniece, V.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 176 (4) :489-496, 2017 10.1530/EJE-16-0868
OpenAccess publication Adult-onset deletion of the Prader-Willi syndrome susceptibility gene Snord116 in mice results in reduced feeding and increased fat mass
Purtell, L.; Qi, Y.; Campbell, L.; Sainsbury, A.; Herzog, H.
Translational Pediatrics 6 (2) :88-97, 2017 10.21037/tp.2017.03.06
OpenAccess publication Notch signalling restricts inflammation and serpine1 in the dynamic endocardium of the regenerating zebrafish heart
Munch, J.; Grivas, D.; Gonzalez-Rajal, A.; Torregrosa-Carrion, R.; de la Pompa, J. L.
DEVELOPMENT 144 (8) :1425-1440, 2017 10.1242/dev.143362
OpenAccess publication AR signaling and the PI3K pathway in prostate cancer
Crumbaker, M.; Khoja, L.; Joshua, A. M.
Cancers 9 (4) :34, 2017 10.3390/cancers9040034
Unique presentation of cutis laxa with Leigh-like syndrome due to ECHS1 deficiency
Balasubramaniam, S.; Riley, L. G.; Bratkovic, D.; Ketteridge, D.; Manton, N.; Cowley, M. J.; Gayevskiy, V.; Roscioli, T.; Mohamed, M.; Gardeitchik, T.; Morava, E.; Christodoulou, J.
JOURNAL OF INHERITED METABOLIC DISEASE 40 (5) :745-747, 2017 10.1007/s10545-017-0036-4
OpenAccess publication Exploring the relationship between alpha-actinin-3 deficiency and obesity in mice and humans
Houweling, P. J.; Berman, Y. D.; Turner, N.; Quinlan, K. G. R.; Seto, J. T.; Yang, N.; Lek, M.; Macarthur, D. G.; Cooney, G.; North, K. N.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY 41 (7) :1154-1157, 2017 10.1038/ijo.2017.72
OpenAccess publication Phase 2 study of circulating microRNA biomarkers in castration-resistant prostate cancer
Lin, H. M.; Mahon, K. L.; Spielman, C.; Gurney, H.; Mallesara, G.; Stockler, M. R.; Bastick, P.; Briscoe, K.; Marx, G.; Swarbrick, A.; Horvath, L. G.
British Journal of Cancer 116 (8) :1002-1011, 2017 10.1038/bjc.2017.50
OpenAccess publication Structural reconstruction of protein ancestry
Rouet, R.; Langley, DB.; Schofield,P.; Christie, M.; Roome, B.; Porebski, BT.; Buckle,AM.; Clifton, BE.; Jackson, CJ.; Stock, D.; Christ, D.
OpenAccess publication Insulin controls food intake and energy balance via NPY neurons
Loh, K.; Zhang, L.; Brandon, A.; Wang, Q.; Begg, D.; Qi, Y.; Fu, M.; Kulkarni, R.; Teo, J.; Baldock, P.; Bruning, J. C.; Cooney, G.; Neely, G.; Herzog, H.
Molecular Metabolism 6 (6) :574-584, 2017 10.1016/j.molmet.2017.03.013