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6429 items matching your search terms.
Initiating an undiagnosed diseases program in the Western Australian public health system
Baynam, G.; Broley, S.; Bauskis, A.; Pachter, N.; McKenzie, F.; Townshend, S.; Slee, J.; Kiraly-Borri, C.; Vasudevan, A.; Hawkins, A.; Schofield, L.; Helmholz, P.; Palmer, R.; Kung, S.; Walker, C. E.; Molster, C.; Lewis, B.; Mina, K.; Beilby, J.; Pathak, G.; Poulton, C.; Groza, T.; Zankl, A.; Roscioli, T.; Dinger, M. E.; Mattick, J. S.; Gahl, W.; Groft, S.; Tifft, C.; Taruscio, D.; Lasko, P.; Kosaki, K.; Wilhelm, H.; Melegh, B.; Carapetis, J.; Jana, S.; Chaney, G.; Johns, A.; Owen, P. W.; Daly, F.; Weeramanthri, T.; Dawkins, H.; Goldblatt, J.
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 12 (1) :83, 2017 10.1186/s13023-017-0619-z
Ro52 autoantibodies arise from self-reactive progenitors in a mother of a child with neonatal lupus.
Reed, JH.; Gorny, MK.; Li. L.; Cardozo. T.; Buyon, JP.; Clancy, RM.
JOURNAL OF AUTOIMMUNITY 79 :99-104, 2017 10.1016/j.jaut.2017.01.004
Local Sphingosine Kinase 1 Activity Improves Islet Transplantation
Rojas-Canales, D.; Penko, D.; Myo Min, K. K.; Parham, K. A.; Peiris, H.; Haberberger, R. V.; Pitson, S. M.; Drogemuller, C.; Keating, D. J.; Grey, S. T.; Coates, P. T.; Bonder, C. S.; Jessup, C. F.
DIABETES 66 (5) :1301-1311, 2017 10.2337/db16-0837
OpenAccess publication Inherited GINS1 deficiency underlies growth retardation along with neutropenia and NK cell deficiency
Cottineau, J.; Kottemann, MC.; Lach, FP.; Kang, YH.; Vely, F.; Deenick, EK,.; Lazarov, T.; Gineau, L.; Wang, Y.; Farina, A.; Chansel, M.; Lorenzo, L.; Piperoglou, C.; Ma, CS.; Nitschke, P.; Belkadi, A.; Itan, Y.; Boisson, B.; Jabot-Hanin, F.; Picard, C.; Bustamante, J.; Eidenschenk, C.; Boucherit, S.; Aladjidi, N.; Lacombe, D.; Barat, P.; Qasim, W.; Hurst, JA.; Pollard, AJ.; Uhlig, HH.; Fieschi, C.; Michon, J.; Bermudez, VP.; Abel, L.; de Villartay, JP.; Geissmann, F.; Tangye, SG.; Hurwitz, J.; Casanova, JL.; Smogorzewska, A.; Jouanguy, E.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 127 (5) :1991-2006, 2017 10.1172/JCI90727
OpenAccess publication Differentiation of germinal center B cells into plasma cells is initiated by high-affinity antigen and completed by Tfh cells
Krautler, NJ.; Suan, D.; Butt, D.; Bourne, K.; Hermes, JR.; Chan, TD.; Sundling, C.; Kaplan, W.; Schofield, P.; Jackson, J.; Basten, A.; Christ, D.; Brink, R.
JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 214 (5) :1259-1267, 2017 10.1084/jem.20161533
Meeting report: Metastasis Research Society-Chinese Tumor Metastasis Society joint conference on metastasis
Bankaitis, K.; Borriello, L.; Cox, T.; Lynch, C.; Zijlstra, A.; Fingleton, B.; Guzvic, M.; Anderson, R.; Neman, J.
CLINICAL & EXPERIMENTAL METASTASIS 34 (3-4) :203-213, 2017 10.1007/s10585-017-9842-1
Cancer and the omics revolution
Epstein, R. J.; Lin, F. P.
Australian Family Physician 46 (4) :189-193, 2017
The innate and adaptive infiltrating immune systems as targets for breast cancer immunotherapy
Law, A. M.; Lim, E.; Ormandy, C. J.; Gallego-Ortega, D.
ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER 24 (4) :R123-R144, 2017 10.1530/ERC-16-0404
Reduced serum levels of oestradiol and brain derived neurotrophic factor in both diabetic women and HFD-feeding female mice
Zhang, Y.; Zhang, S. W.; Khandekar, N.; Tong, S. F.; Yang, H. Q.; Wang, W. R.; Huang, X. F.; Song, Z. Y.; Lin, S.
ENDOCRINE 56 (1) :65-72, 2017 10.1007/s12020-016-1197-x
Vitamin D in liver disease: Current evidence and potential directions
Elangovan, H.; Chahal, S.; Gunton, J. E.
BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE 1863 (4) :907-916, 2017 10.1016/j.bbadis.2017.01.001
A practical decision-tree model to predict complexity of reconstructive surgery after periocular basal cell carcinoma excision
Tan, E.; Lin, F.; Sheck, L.; Salmon, P.; Ng, S.
Comprehensive evaluation of genome-wide 5-hydroxymethylcytosine profiling approaches in human DNA
Skvortsova, K.; Zotenko, E.; Luu, P. L.; Gould, C. M.; Nair, S. S.; Clark, S. J.; Stirzaker, C.
Epigenetics & Chromatin 10 :16, 2017 10.1186/s13072-017-0123-7
Rescue of Pink1 deficiency by stress-dependent activation of TFEB
Zhang, Y,. Nguyen, D.T., Olzomer, E.M., Poon, G.P., Puvanendran, A., Phillips, B.R., Hesselson, D.
Nature Chemical Biology 2017
OpenAccess publication Histone deacetylase activity mediates acquired resistance towards structurally diverse HSP90 inhibitors
Chai, R. C.; Vieusseux, J. L.; Lang, B. J.; Nguyen, C. H.; Kouspou, M. M.; Britt, K. L.; Price, J. T.
Molecular Oncology 11 (5) :567-583, 2017 10.1002/1878-0261.12054
Osteoporosis in postmenopausal women: key aspects of prevention and treatment
Sheu, A.; Center, J.
Medicine Today 18 (4) :29-38, 2017
Targeting Hypoxic Prostate Tumors Using the Novel Hypoxia-Activated Prodrug OCT1002 Inhibits Expression of Genes Associated with Malignant Progression
Nesbitt, H.; Byrne, N. M.; Williams, S. N.; Ming, L.; Worthington, J.; Errington, R. J.; Patterson, L. H.; Smith, P. J.; McKeown, S. R.; McKenna, D. J.
CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 23 (7) :1797-1808, 2017 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-16-1361