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6429 items matching your search terms.
Pre-metastatic niches: organ-specific homes for metastases
Peinado, H.; Zhang, H.; Matei, I. R.; Costa-Silva, B.; Hoshino, A.; Rodrigues, G.; Psaila, B.; Kaplan, R. N.; Bromberg, J. F.; Kang, Y.; Bissell, M. J.; Cox, T. R.; Giaccia, A. J.; Erler, J. T.; Hiratsuka, S.; Ghajar, C. M.; Lyden, D.
NATURE REVIEWS CANCER 17 (5) :302-317, 2017 10.1038/nrc.2017.6
Cost-effectiveness of precision medicine in the fourth-line treatment of metastatic lung adenocarcinoma: An early decision analytic model of multiplex targeted sequencing
Doble, B.; John, T.; Thomas, D.; Fellowes, A.; Fox, S.; Lorgelly, P.
LUNG CANCER 107 :22-35, 2017 10.1016/j.lungcan.2016.05.024
Comment on "A Database of Human Immune Receptor Alleles Recovered from Population Sequencing Data"
Watson, C. T.; Matsen, F. A. th; Jackson, K. J. L.; Bashir, A.; Smith, M. L.; Glanville, J.; Breden, F.; Kleinstein, S. H.; Collins, A. M.; Busse, C. E.
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 198 (9) :3371-3373, 2017 10.4049/jimmunol.1700306
OpenAccess publication In vivo photolabeling of tumor-infiltrating cells reveals highly regulated egress of T-cell subsets from tumors.
Torcellan, T.; Hampton, HR.; Bailey, J.; Tomura, M.; Brink, R.; Chtanova, T.
The circulating life of a memory T-follicular helper cell
Ma, C. S.; Deenick, E. K.
Clinical & Translational Immunology 6 (5) :e145, 2017 10.1038/cti.2017.26
Effective modulation of stromal signaling through ROCK inhibition: Is it all in the timing?
Chin, V.; Vennin, C.; Timpson, P.; Pajic, M.
MOLECULAR & CELLULAR ONCOLOGY 4 (5) :e1333973, 2017 10.1080/23723556.2017.1333973
Blockade of the IL-6 trans-signalling/STAT3 axis suppresses cachexia in Kras-induced lung adenocarcinoma
Miller, A.; McLeod, L.; Alhayyani, S.; Szczepny, A.; Watkins, D. N.; Chen, W.; Enriori, P.; Ferlin, W.; Ruwanpura, S.; Jenkins, B. J.
ONCOGENE 36 :3059-3066, 2017 10.1038/onc.2016.437
Somatic mutations in salivary duct carcinoma and potential therapeutic targets
Khoo, T. K.; Yu, B.; Smith, J. A.; Clarke, A. J.; Luk, P. P.; Selinger, C. I.; Mahon, K. L.; Kraitsek, S.; Palme, C.; Boyer, M. J.; Dinger, M. E.; Cowley, M. J.; O'Toole, S. A.; Clark, J. R.; Gupta, R.
Oncotarget 8 (44) :75893-75903, 2017 10.18632/oncotarget.18173
Immunization-Elicited Broadly Protective Antibody Reveals Ebolavirus Fusion Loop as a Site of Vulnerability
Zhao, X.; Howell, K. A.; He, S.; Brannan, J. M.; Wec, A. Z.; Davidson, E.; Turner, H. L.; Chiang, C. I.; Lei, L.; Fels, J. M.; Vu, H.; Shulenin, S.; Turonis, A. N.; Kuehne, A. I.; Liu, G.; Ta, M.; Wang, Y.; Sundling, C.; Xiao, Y.; Spence, J. S.; Doranz, B. J.; Holtsberg, F. W.; Ward, A. B.; Chandran, K.; Dye, J. M.; Qiu, X.; Li, Y.; Aman, M. J.
CELL 169 (5) :891-904.e15, 2017 10.1016/j.cell.2017.04.038
OpenAccess publication Nonindependence and sensitivity analyses in ecological and evolutionary meta-analyses
Noble, D. W. A.; Lagisz, M.; O'Dea R, E.; Nakagawa, S.
MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 26 (9) :2410-2425, 2017 10.1111/mec.14031
OpenAccess publication Web-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression in People With Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Newby, J.; Robins, L.; Wilhelm, K.; Smith, J.; Fletcher, T.; Gillis, I.; Ma, T.; Finch, A.; Campbell, L.; Andrews, G.
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH 19 (5) :e157, 2017 10.2196/jmir.7274
OpenAccess publication Potent antitumour activity of IL-2-Fc fusion proteins requires Fc-mediated depletion of regulatory T-cells
Vazquez-Lombardi,R; Loetsch, C; Zinkl,D; Jackson,J; Schofield, P; Deenick, EK; King,C; Phan, T; Webster, KE; Sprent, J; Christ,C
Nature Communications 8 :15373, 2017 10.1038/ncomms15373
Adipose, Bone, and Myeloma: Contributions from the Microenvironment
McDonald, M. M.; Fairfield, H.; Falank, C.; Reagan, M. R.
CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL 100 (5) :433-448, 2017 10.1007/s00223-016-0162-2
Benchmarking of RNA-sequencing analysis workflows using whole-transcriptome RT-qPCR expression data
Everaert, C.; Luypaert, M.; Maag, J. L. V.; Cheng, Q. X.; Dinger, M. E.; Hellemans, J.; Mestdagh, P.
Scientific Reports 7 (1) :1559, 2017 10.1038/s41598-017-01617-3
OpenAccess publication Signalome-wide assessment of host cell response to hepatitis C virus
Haqshenas, G.; Wu, J.; Simpson, K. J.; Daly, R. J.; Netter, H. J.; Baumert, T. F.; Doerig, C.
Nature Communications 8 :15158, 2017 10.1038/ncomms15158
Annexin A6-A multifunctional scaffold in cell motility
Grewal, T.; Hoque, M.; Conway, J. R.; Reverter, M.; Wahba, M.; Beevi, S. S.; Timpson, P.; Enrich, C.; Rentero, C.
Cell Adhesion & Migration 11 (3) :288-304, 2017 10.1080/19336918.2016.1268318