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6429 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication A Web-Based Public Health Intervention to Reduce Functional Impairment and Depressive Symptoms in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes (The SpringboarD Trial): Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol
Proudfoot, J.; Clarke, J.; Gunn, J.; Fletcher, S.; Sanatkar, S.; Wilhelm, K.; Campbell, L.; Zwar, N.; Harris, M.; Lapsley, H.; Hadzi-Pavlovic, D.; Christensen, H.
JMIR Res Protoc 6 (8) :e145, 2017 10.2196/resprot.7348
Long Noncoding RNAs CUPID1 and CUPID2 Mediate Breast Cancer Risk at 11q13 by Modulating the Response to DNA Damage
Betts, J. A.; Moradi Marjaneh, M.; Al-Ejeh, F.; Lim, Y. C.; Shi, W.; Sivakumaran, H.; Tropee, R.; Patch, A. M.; Clark, M. B.; Bartonicek, N.; Wiegmans, A. P.; Hillman, K. M.; Kaufmann, S.; Bain, A. L.; Gloss, B. S.; Crawford, J.; Kazakoff, S.; Wani, S.; Wen, S. W.; Day, B.; Moller, A.; Cloonan, N.; Pearson, J.; Brown, M. A.; Mercer, T. R.; Waddell, N.; Khanna, K. K.; Dray, E.; Dinger, M. E.; Edwards, S. L.; French, J. D.
American Journal Of Human Genetics 101 (2) :255-266, 2017 10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.07.007
OpenAccess publication The coefficient of determination R(2) and intra-class correlation coefficient from generalized linear mixed-effects models revisited and expanded
Nakagawa, S.; Johnson, P. C. D.; Schielzeth, H.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14 (134) :20170213, 2017 10.1098/rsif.2017.0213
Predictive value of the 2014 International Society of Urological Pathology grading system for prostate cancer in radical prostatectomy patients with long-term follow up
Grogan, J.; Gupta, R.; Mahon, K. L.; Stricker, P. D.; Haynes, A. M.; Delprado, W.; Turner, J.; Horvath, L. G.; Kench, J. G.
BJU International 120 (5) :651-658, 2017 10.1111/bju.13857
Long-term responders on Olaparib maintenance in high-grade serous ovarian cancer: clinical and molecular characterization
Lheureux, S.; Lai, Z.; Dougherty, B. A.; Runswick, S.; Hodgson, D. R.; Timms, K. M.; Lanchbury, J. S.; Kaye, S.; Gourley, C.; Bowtell, D.; Kohn, E. C.; Scott, C.; Matulonis, U.; Panzarella, T.; Karakasis, K.; Burnier, J. V.; Gilks, C. B.; O'Connor, M. J.; Robertson, J. D.; Ledermann, J.; Barrett, J. C.; Ho, T. W.; Oza, A. M.
CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 23 (15) :4086-4094, 2017 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-16-2615
Screening study of TUBB4A in isolated dystonia
Vulinovic, F.; Schaake, S.; Domingo, A.; Kumar, K. R.; Defazio, G.; Mir, P.; Simonyan, K.; Ozelius, L. J.; Bruggemann, N.; Chung, S. J.; Rakovic, A.; Lohmann, K.; Klein, C.
PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS 41 :118-120, 2017 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2017.06.001
A prospective multi-centre Phase III validation study of AZGP1 as a biomarker in localised prostate cancer
Zhang, A. Y.; Grogan, J. S.; Mahon, K. L.; Rasiah, K.; Sved, P.; Eisinger, D. R.; Boulas, J.; Vasilaris, A.; Henshall, S. M.; Stricker, P. D.; Kench, J. G.; Horvath, L. G.
Annals Of Oncology 28 (8) :1903-1909, 2017 10.1093/annonc/mdx247
OpenAccess publication GPR88 is a critical regulator of feeding and body composition in mice
Lau, J.; Farzi, A.; Enriquez, R. F.; Shi, Y. C.; Herzog, H.
Scientific Reports 7 (1) :9912, 2017 10.1038/s41598-017-10058-x
Prospective comparison of the cost-effectiveness of clinical whole-exome sequencing with that of usual care overwhelmingly supports early use and reimbursement
Stark, Z.; Schofield, D.; Alam, K.; Wilson, W.; Mupfeki, N.; Macciocca, I.; Shrestha, R.; White, S. M.; Gaff, C.
GENETICS IN MEDICINE 19 (8) :867-874, 2017 10.1038/gim.2016.221
Breast ductal carcinoma in situ carry mutational driver events representative of invasive breast cancer
Pang, J. B.; Savas, P.; Fellowes, A. P.; Mir Arnau, G.; Kader, T.; Vedururu, R.; Hewitt, C.; Takano, E. A.; Byrne, D. J.; Choong, D. Y.; Millar, E. K.; Lee, C. S.; O'Toole, S. A.; Lakhani, S. R.; Cummings, M. C.; Mann, G. B.; Campbell, I. G.; Dobrovic, A.; Loi, S.; Gorringe, K. L.; Fox, S. B.
MODERN PATHOLOGY 30 (7) :952-963, 2017 10.1038/modpathol.2017.21
OpenAccess publication Thyroid cancer in a patient with Lynch syndrome - case report and literature review
Fazekas-Lavu, M.; Parker, A.; Spigelman, A. D.; Scott, R. J.; Epstein, R. J.; Jensen, M.; Samaras, K.
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 13 :915-918, 2017 10.2147/TCRM.S121812
Current views on neuropeptide Y and diabetes-related atherosclerosis
Sun, W. W.; Zhu, P.; Shi, Y. C.; Zhang, C. L.; Huang, X. F.; Liang, S. Y.; Song, Z. Y.; Lin, S.
Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research 14 (4) :277-284, 2017 10.1177/1479164117704380
Radiomic features for prostate cancer detection on MRI differ between the transition and peripheral zones: Preliminary findings from a multi-institutional study
Ginsburg, S. B.; Algohary, A.; Pahwa, S.; Gulani, V.; Ponsky, L.; Aronen, H. J.; Bostrom, P. J.; Bohm, M.; Haynes, A. M.; Brenner, P.; Delprado, W.; Thompson, J.; Pulbrock, M.; Taimen, P.; Villani, R.; Stricker, P.; Rastinehad, A. R.; Jambor, I.; Madabhushi, A.
JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING 46 (1) :184-193, 2017 10.1002/jmri.25562
ISDoT: in situ decellularization of tissues for high-resolution imaging and proteomic analysis of native extracellular matrix
Mayorca-Guiliani, A. E.; Madsen, C. D.; Cox, T. R.; Horton, E. R.; Venning, F. A.; Erler, J. T.
NATURE MEDICINE 23 (7) :890-898, 2017 10.1038/nm.4352
Germ line-inherited H3K27me3 restricts enhancer function during maternal-to-zygotic transition
Zenk, F.; Loeser, E.; Schiavo, R.; Kilpert, F.; Bogdanovic, O.; Iovino, N.
SCIENCE 357 (6347) :212-216, 2017 10.1126/science.aam5339
Target RNA Secondary Structure Is a Major Determinant of miR159 Efficacy
Zheng, Z.; Reichel, M.; Deveson, I.; Wong, G.; Li, J.; Millar, A. A.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 174 (3) :1764-1778, 2017 10.1104/pp.16.01898