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6429 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Defective protein prenylation is a diagnostic biomarker of mevalonate kinase deficiency
Munoz, M. A.; Jurczyluk, J.; Mehr, S.; Chai, R. C.; Arts, R. J. W.; Sheu, A.; McMahon, C.; Center, J. R.; Singh-Grewal, D.; Chaitow, J.; Campbell, D. E.; Quinn, J. M. W.; Alexandrov, K.; Tnimov, Z.; Tangye, S. G.; Simon, A.; Phan, T. G.; Rogers, M. J.
JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 140 (3) :873-875.e6, 2017 10.1016/j.jaci.2017.02.033
Individualized Assessment of Fracture Risk: Contribution of "Osteogenomic Profile"
Nguyen, T. V.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DENSITOMETRY 20 (3) :353-359, 2017 10.1016/j.jocd.2017.06.021
Fracture Risk Assessment: From Population to Individual
Nguyen, T. V.; Eisman, J. A.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DENSITOMETRY 20 (3) :368-378, 2017 10.1016/j.jocd.2017.06.023
Diagnostic Impact and Cost-effectiveness of Whole-Exome Sequencing for Ambulant Children With Suspected Monogenic Conditions
Tan, T. Y.; Dillon, O. J.; Stark, Z.; Schofield, D.; Alam, K.; Shrestha, R.; Chong, B.; Phelan, D.; Brett, G. R.; Creed, E.; Jarmolowicz, A.; Yap, P.; Walsh, M.; Downie, L.; Amor, D. J.; Savarirayan, R.; McGillivray, G.; Yeung, A.; Peters, H.; Robertson, S. J.; Robinson, A. J.; Macciocca, I.; Sadedin, S.; Bell, K.; Oshlack, A.; Georgeson, P.; Thorne, N.; Gaff, C.; White, S. M.
JAMA Pediatrics 171 (9) :855-862, 2017 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.1755
Positive allergen reaction in allergic and nonallergic rhinitis: a systematic review
Hamizan, A. W.; Rimmer, J.; Alvarado, R.; Sewell, W. A.; Kalish, L.; Sacks, R.; Harvey, R. J.
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology 7 (9) :868-877, 2017 10.1002/alr.21988
OpenAccess publication Population-Wide Impact of Non-Hip Non-Vertebral Fractures on Mortality
Tran, T.; Bliuc, D.; van Geel, T.; Adachi, J. D.; Berger, C.; van den Bergh, J.; Eisman, J. A.; Geusens, P.; Goltzman, D.; Hanley, D. A.; Josse, R. G.; Kaiser, S. M.; Kovacs, C. S.; Langsetmo, L.; Prior, J. C.; Nguyen, T. V.; Center, J. R.
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 32 (9) :1802-1810, 2017 10.1002/jbmr.3118
Context-dependent intravital imaging of therapeutic response using intramolecular FRET biosensors
Conway, J. R. W.; Warren, S. C.; Timpson, P.
METHODS 128 :78-94, 2017 10.1016/j.ymeth.2017.04.014
Assessing Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Solid Tumors: A Practical Review for Pathologists and Proposal for a Standardized Method from the International Immuno-Oncology Biomarkers Working Group: Part 2: TILs in Melanoma, Gastrointestinal Tract Carcinomas, Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma and Mesothelioma, Endometrial and Ovarian Carcinomas, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck, Genitourinary Carcinomas, and Primary Brain Tumors
Hendry, S.; Salgado, R.; Gevaert, T.; Russell, P. A.; John, T.; Thapa, B.; Christie, M.; van de Vijver, K.; Estrada, M. V.; Gonzalez-Ericsson, P. I.; Sanders, M.; Solomon, B.; Solinas, C.; Van den Eynden, Gggm; Allory, Y.; Preusser, M.; Hainfellner, J.; Pruneri, G.; Vingiani, A.; Demaria, S.; Symmans, F.; Nuciforo, P.; Comerma, L.; Thompson, E. A.; Lakhani, S.; Kim, S. R.; Schnitt, S.; Colpaert, C.; Sotiriou, C.; Scherer, S. J.; Ignatiadis, M.; Badve, S.; Pierce, R. H.; Viale, G.; Sirtaine, N.; Penault-Llorca, F.; Sugie, T.; Fineberg, S.; Paik, S.; Srinivasan, A.; Richardson, A.; Wang, Y.; Chmielik, E.; Brock, J.; Johnson, D. B.; Balko, J.; Wienert, S.; Bossuyt, V.; Michiels, S.; Ternes, N.; Burchardi, N.; Luen, S. J.; Savas, P.; Klauschen, F.; Watson, P. H.; Nelson, B. H.; Criscitiello, C.; O'Toole, S.; Larsimont, D.; de Wind, R.; Curigliano, G.; Andre, F.; Lacroix-Triki, M.; van de Vijver, M.; Rojo, F.; Floris, G.; Bedri, S.; Sparano, J.; Rimm, D.; Nielsen, T.; Kos, Z.; Hewitt, S.; Singh, B.; Farshid, G.; Loibl, S.; Allison, K. H.; Tung, N.; Adams, S.; Willard-Gallo, K.; Horlings, H. M.; Gandhi, L.; Moreira, A.; Hirsch, F.; Dieci, M. V.; Urbanowicz, M.; Brcic, I.; Korski, K.; Gaire, F.; Koeppen, H.; Lo, A.; Giltnane, J.; Rebelatto, M. C.; Steele, K. E.; Zha, J.; Emancipator, K.; Juco, J. W.; Denkert, C.; Reis-Filho, J.; Loi, S.; Fox, S. B.
Advances in Anatomic Pathology 24 (6) :311-335, 2017 10.1097/PAP.0000000000000161
OpenAccess publication Mitochondrial genome variation and prostate cancer: a review of the mutational landscape and application to clinical management
Kalsbeek, A. M. F.; Chan, E. K. F.; Corcoran, N. M.; Hovens, C. M.; Hayes, V. M.
Oncotarget 8 (41) :71342-71357, 2017 10.18632/oncotarget.19926
Reference standards for next-generation sequencing
Hardwick, S. A.; Deveson, I. W.; Mercer, T. R.
NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS 18 (8) :473-484, 2017 10.1038/nrg.2017.44
Melanoma patient imaging in the era of effective systemic therapies
Stodell, M.; Thompson, J. F.; Emmett, L.; Uren, R. F.; Kapoor, R.; Saw, R. P. M.
EJSO 43 (8) :1517-1527, 2017 10.1016/j.ejso.2017.05.014
Ectodermal-Neural Cortex 1 Isoforms Have Contrasting Effects on MC3T3-E1 Osteoblast Mineralization and Gene Expression
Worton, L. E.; Shi, Y. C.; Smith, E. J.; Barry, S. C.; Gonda, T. J.; Whitehead, J. P.; Gardiner, E. M.
JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY 118 (8) :2141-2150, 2017 10.1002/jcb.25851
PARTICLE triplexes cluster in the tumor suppressor WWOX and may extend throughout the human genome
O'Leary, V. B.; Smida, J.; Buske, F. A.; Carrascosa, L. G.; Azimzadeh, O.; Maugg, D.; Hain, S.; Tapio, S.; Heidenreich, W.; Kerr, J.; Trau, M.; Ovsepian, S. V.; Atkinson, M. J.
Scientific Reports 7 (1) :7163, 2017 10.1038/s41598-017-07295-5
OpenAccess publication Chronic Sucralose or L-Glucose Ingestion Does Not Suppress Food Intake
Wang, Q. P.; Simpson, S. J.; Herzog, H.; Neely, G. G.
Cell Metabolism 26 (2) :279-280, 2017 10.1016/j.cmet.2017.07.002
Dose considerations for anti-cancer drugs in metastatic prostate cancer
Crumbaker, M.; Gurney, H.
PROSTATE 77 (11) :1199-1204, 2017 10.1002/pros.23378
OpenAccess publication Discordance in the diagnosis of diabetes: Comparison between HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose
Ho-Pham, L. T.; Nguyen, U. D. T.; Tran, T. X.; Nguyen, T. V.
PLoS One 12 (8) :e0182192, 2017 10.1371/journal.pone.0182192