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6429 items matching your search terms.
Homozygous Dkk1 Knockout Mice Exhibit High Bone Mass Phenotype Due to Increased Bone Formation
McDonald, M. M.; Morse, A.; Schindeler, A.; Mikulec, K.; Peacock, L.; Cheng, T.; Bobyn, J.; Lee, L.; Baldock, P. A.; Croucher, P. I.; Tam, P. P. L.; Little, D. G.
CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL 102 (1) :105-116, 2018 10.1007/s00223-017-0338-4
OpenAccess publication CART neurons in the arcuate nucleus and lateral hypothalamic area exert differential controls on energy homeostasis
Lau, J.; Farzi, A.; Qi, Y.; Heilbronn, R.; Mietzsch, M.; Shi, Y. C.; Herzog, H.
Molecular Metabolism 7 (January 18) :102-118, 2018 10.1016/j.molmet.2017.10.015
Defining the molecular pathology of pancreatic body and tail adenocarcinoma
Dreyer, S. B.; Jamieson, N. B.; Upstill-Goddard, R.; Bailey, P. J.; McKay, C. J.; Biankin, A. V.; Chang, D. K.
BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY 105 (2) :e183-e191, 2018 10.1002/bjs.10772
OpenAccess publication Management Strategies for Posttransplant Diabetes Mellitus after Heart Transplantation: A Review
Cehic, M. G.; Nundall, N.; Greenfield, J. R.; Macdonald, P. S.
Journal of Transplantation 2018 :1025893, 2018 10.1155/2018/1025893
OpenAccess publication 2-year follow-up: Still keeping the body in mind
Curtis, J.; Watkins, A.; Teasdale, S.; Lederman, O.; Kalucy, M.; Lappin, J.; Samaras, K.; Rosenbaum, S.; Ward, P. B.
AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY :4867417753553, 2018 10.1177/0004867417753553
OpenAccess publication Universal Alternative Splicing of Noncoding Exons
Deveson, I. W.; Brunck, M. E.; Blackburn, J.; Tseng, E.; Hon, T.; Clark, T. A.; Clark, M. B.; Crawford, J.; Dinger, M. E.; Nielsen, L. K.; Mattick, J. S.; Mercer, T. R.
Cell Systems 6 (2) :p245-255, 2018 10.1016/j.cels.2017.12.005
OpenAccess publication The French press: a repeatable and high-throughput approach to exercising zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Usui, T.; Noble, D. W. A.; O'Dea, R. E.; Fangmeier, M. L.; Lagisz, M.; Hesselson, D.; Nakagawa, S.
PeerJ 6 :e4292, 2018 10.7717/peerj.4292
OpenAccess publication 133p53 isoform promotes tumour invasion and metastasis via interleukin-6 activation of JAK-STAT and RhoA-ROCK signalling
Campbell, H.; Fleming, N.; Roth, I.; Mehta, S.; Wiles, A.; Williams, G.; Vennin, C.; Arsic, N.; Parkin, A.; Pajic, M.; Munro, F.; McNoe, L.; Black, M.; McCall, J.; Slatter, T. L.; Timpson, P.; Reddel, R.; Roux, P.; Print, C.; Baird, M. A.; Braithwaite, A. W.
Nature Communications 9 (1) :254, 2018 10.1038/s41467-017-02408-0
miR-139-5p modulates radiotherapy resistance in breast cancer by repressing multiple gene networks of DNA repair and ROS defense
Pajic, M.; Froio, D.; Daly, S.; Doculara, L.; Millar, E.; Graham, P. H.; Drury, A.; Steinmann, A.; de Bock, C. E.; Boulghourjian, A.; Zaratzian, A.; Carroll, S.; Toohey, J.; O'Toole, S. A.; Harris, A. L.; Buffa, F. M.; Gee, H. E.; Hollway, G. E.; Molloy, T. J.
CANCER RESEARCH 78 (2) :501-515, 2018 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-16-3105
OpenAccess publication Locally aggressive connective tissue tumors
Gounder, M. M.; Thomas, D. M.; Tap, W. D.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 36 (2) :202-209, 2018 10.1200/JCO.2017.75.8482
OpenAccess publication Characterization of peptide interactions that regulate PKCε activation
Chandrashekaran, I. R., Norton, R. S., Schmitz-Peiffer, C.
FEBS LETTERS 592 (2) :179-189, 2018 10.1002/1873-3468.12953
OpenAccess publication Attitudes towards mental health, mental health research and digital interventions by young adults with type 1 diabetes: A qualitative analysis
Clarke, J.; Proudfoot, J.; Vatiliotis, V.; Verge, C.; Holmes-Walker, D. J.; Campbell, L.; Wilhelm, K.; Moravac, C.; Indu, P. S.; Bridgett, M.
HEALTH EXPECTATIONS :12662, 2018 10.1111/hex.12662
OpenAccess publication Extracellular vesicles provide a means for tissue cross talk during exercise
Whitham M, Parker BL, Friedrichsen M, Hingst JR, Hjorth M, Hughes WE, Egan CL, Cron LNN, Watt KI, Kuchel RP, Jayasooriah N, Estevez E, Petzold T, Suter CM, Gregorevic P, Kiens B, Richter EA, James DE, Wojtaszewski JFP, Febbraio MA
Cell Metabolism 27 (1) :237-251 e4, 2018 10.1016/j.cmet.2017.12.001
Combined effects of 3D bone marrow stem cell-seeded wet-electrospun poly lactic acid scaffolds on fa-thickness skin wound healing
Ghorbani, S.; Eyni, H.; Tiraihi, T.; Asl, L. S.; Soleimani, M.; Atashi, A.; Beiranvand, S. P.; Warkiani, M. E.
International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 67 (15) :905-912, 2018 10.1080/00914037.2017.1393681
OpenAccess publication The Importance of mTOR Trafficking for Human Skeletal Muscle Translational Control
Hodson, N.; Philp, A.
EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCES REVIEWS 47 (1) :46-53, 2018 10.1249/JES.0000000000000173
Life-Course Genome-wide Association Study Meta-analysis of Total Body BMD and Assessment of Age-Specific Effects
Medina-Gomez, C.; Kemp, J. P.; Trajanoska, K.; Luan, J.; Chesi, A.; Ahluwalia, T. S.; Mook-Kanamori, D. O.; Ham, A.; Hartwig, F. P.; Evans, D. S.; Joro, R.; Nedeljkovic, I.; Zheng, H. F.; Zhu, K.; Atalay, M.; Liu, C. T.; Nethander, M.; Broer, L.; Porleifsson, G.; Mullin, B. H.; Handelman, S. K.; Nalls, M. A.; Jessen, L. E.; Heppe, D. H. M.; Richards, J. B.; Wang, C.; Chawes, B.; Schraut, K. E.; Amin, N.; Wareham, N.; Karasik, D.; Van der Velde, N.; Ikram, M. A.; Zemel, B. S.; Zhou, Y.; Carlsson, C. J.; Liu, Y.; McGuigan, F. E.; Boer, C. G.; Bonnelykke, K.; Ralston, S. H.; Robbins, J. A.; Walsh, J. P.; Zillikens, M. C.; Langenberg, C.; Li-Gao, R.; Williams, F. M. K.; Harris, T. B.; Akesson, K.; Jackson, R. D.; Sigurdsson, G.; den Heijer, M.; van der Eerden, B. C. J.; van de Peppel, J.; Spector, T. D.; Pennell, C.; Horta, B. L.; Felix, J. F.; Zhao, J. H.; Wilson, S. G.; de Mutsert, R.; Bisgaard, H.; Styrkarsdottir, U.; Jaddoe, V. W.; Orwoll, E.; Lakka, T. A.; Scott, R.; Grant, S. F. A.; Lorentzon, M.; van Duijn, C. M.; Wilson, J. F.; Stefansson, K.; Psaty, B. M.; Kiel, D. P.; Ohlsson, C.; Ntzani, E.; van Wijnen, A. J.; Forgetta, V.; Ghanbari, M.; Logan, J. G.; Williams, G. R.; Bassett, J. H. D.; Croucher, P. I.; Evangelou, E.; Uitterlinden, A. G.; Ackert-Bicknell, C. L.; Tobias, J. H.; Evans, D. M.; Rivadeneira, F.
American Journal Of Human Genetics 102 (1) :88-102, 2018 10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.12.005