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6429 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Activation of mitochondrial fusion provides a new treatment for mitochondria-related diseases
Szabo, A.; Sumegi, K.; Fekete, K.; Hocsak, E.; Debreceni, B.; Setalo, G., Jr.; Kovacs, K.; Deres, L.; Kengyel, A.; Kovacs, D.; Mandl, J.; Nyitrai, M.; Febbraio, M. A.; Gallyas, F., Jr.; Sumegi, B.
BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY 150 :86-96, 2018 10.1016/j.bcp.2018.01.038
Next-Generation Sequencing of Antibody Display Repertoires
Rouet, R.; Jackson, K. J. L.; Langley, D. B.; Christ, D.
Frontiers in Immunology 9 :118, 2018 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00118
Analysis of clinically relevant somatic mutations in high-risk head and neck cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
Zilberg, C.; Lee, M. W.; Yu, B.; Ashford, B.; Kraitsek, S.; Ranson, M.; Shannon, K.; Cowley, M.; Iyer, N. G.; Palme, C. E.; Ch'ng, S.; Low, T. H.; O'Toole, S.; Clark, J. R.; Gupta, R.
MODERN PATHOLOGY 31 (2) :275-287, 2018 10.1038/modpathol.2017.128
OpenAccess publication 'MCC' protein interacts with E-cadherin and beta-catenin strengthening cell-cell adhesion of HCT116 colon cancer cells
Benthani, F. A.; Herrmann, D.; Tran, P. N.; Pangon, L.; Lucas, M. C.; Allam, A. H.; Currey, N.; Al-Sohaily, S.; Giry-Laterriere, M.; Warusavitarne, J.; Timpson, P.; Kohonen-Corish, M. R. J.
ONCOGENE 37 (5) :663-672, 2018 10.1038/onc.2017.362
B cell replacement therapy: the next 10 years
Schuetz C, Anazawa T, Cross SE, Labriola L, Meier RPH, Redfield RR 3rd, Scholz H, Stock PG, Zammit NW.
TRANSPLANTATION 102 (2) :215-229, 2018 10.1097/TP.0000000000001937
Worsening of soft tissue dystrophic calcification in an osteoporotic patient treated with teriparatide
Htet, T. D.; Eisman, J. A.; Elder, G. J.; Center, J. R.
OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 29 (2) :517-518, 2018 10.1007/s00198-017-4330-7
Robust tests for additive gene-environment interaction in case-control studies using gene-environment independence
Liu, G.; Mukherjee, B.; Lee, S.; Lee, A. W.; Wu, A. H.; Bandera, E. V.; Jensen, A.; Rossing, M. A.; Moysich, K. B.; Chang-Claude, J.; Doherty, J. A.; Gentry-Maharaj, A.; Kiemeney, L.; Gayther, S. A.; Modugno, F.; Massuger, L.; Goode, E. L.; Fridley, B. L.; Terry, K. L.; Cramer, D. W.; Ramus, S. J.; Anton-Culver, H.; Ziogas, A.; Tyrer, J. P.; Schildkraut, J. M.; Kjaer, S. K.; Webb, P. M.; Ness, R. B.; Menon, U.; Berchuck, A.; Pharoah, P. D.; Risch, H.; Pearce, C. L.; Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 187 (2) :366-377, 2018 10.1093/aje/kwx243
Homologous recombination DNA repair pathway disruption and retinoblastoma protein loss are associated with exceptional survival in high-grade serous ovarian cancer
Garsed, D. W.; Alsop, K.; Fereday, S.; Emmanuel, C.; Kennedy, C. J.; Etemadmoghadam, D.; Gao, B.; Gebski, V.; Gares, V.; Christie, E. L.; Wouters, M. C. A.; Milne, K.; George, J.; Patch, A. M.; Li, J.; Arnau, G. M.; Semple, T.; Gadipally, S. R.; Chiew, Y. E.; Hendley, J.; Mikeska, T.; Zapparoli, G. V.; Amarasinghe, K.; Grimmond, S. M.; Pearson, J. V.; Waddell, N.; Hung, J.; Stewart, C. J. R.; Sharma, R.; Allan, P. E.; Rambau, P. F.; McNally, O.; Mileshkin, L.; Hamilton, A.; Ananda, S.; Grossi, M.; Cohen, P. A.; Leung, Y. C.; Rome, R. M.; Beale, P.; Blomfield, P.; Friedlander, M.; Brand, A.; Dobrovic, A.; Kobel, M.; Harnett, P.; Nelson, B. H.; Bowtell, D. D. L.; deFazio, A.; Nadia Traficante, for the Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group
CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 24 (3) :569-580, 2018 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-1621
Established models and new paradigms for hypoxia-driven cancer-associated bone disease
Cox, T. R.; Erler, J. T.; Rumney, R. M. H.
CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL 102 (2) :163-173, 2018 10.1007/s00223-017-0352-6
The epithelioid BAP1-negative and p16-positive phenotype predicts prolonged survival in pleural mesothelioma
Chou, A.; Toon, C. W.; Clarkson, A.; Sheen, A.; Sioson, L.; Gill, A. J.
HISTOPATHOLOGY 72 (3) :509-515, 2018 10.1111/his.13392
Cerebral palsy and genomics: an international consortium
MacLennan, A. H.; Kruer, M. C.; Baynam, G.; Moreno-De-Luca, A.; Wilson, Y. A.; Zhu, C.; Wintle, R. F.; Gecz, J.; members of the International Cerebral Palsy Genomics, Consortium
DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY 60 (2) :209-210, 2018 10.1111/dmcn.13643
OpenAccess publication Decorin, a growth hormone-regulated protein in humans
Bahl, N.; Stone, G.; McLean, M.; Ho, K. K. Y.; Birzniece, V.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 178 (2) :147-154, 2018 10.1530/EJE-17-0844
The skeletal cell-derived molecule sclerostin drives bone marrow adipogenesis
Fairfield H, Falank C, Harris E, Demambro V, McDonald M, Pettitt JA, Mohanty ST, Croucher P, Kramer I, Kneissel M, Rosen CJ, Reagan MR.
JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY 233 (2) :1156-1167, 2018 10.1002/jcp.25976
Genomic Analysis Using Regularized Regression in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
Natanzon, Y.; Earp, M.; Cunningham, J. M.; Kalli, K. R.; Wang, C.; Armasu, S. M.; Larson, M. C.; Bowtell, D. D.; Garsed, D. W.; Fridley, B. L.; Winham, S. J.; Goode, E. L.
Cancer Informatics 17 :1176935118755341, 2018 10.1177/1176935118755341
OpenAccess publication Uncoupling protein-1 is protective of bone mass under mild cold stress conditions
Nguyen, A.D.; Lee, N.J.; Enriquez, R.F.; Khor, E.C.; Wee, N.K-Y.; Zhang, L.; Sainsbury, A.; Baldock, P.A.; Herzog, H.
BONE 106 (January 18) :167-178, 2018 10.1016/j.bone.2015.05.037
Transient expression of human antibodies in mammalian cells
Vazquez-Lombardi, R.; Nevoltris, D.; Luthra, A.; Schofield, P.; Zimmermann, C.; Christ, D.
Nature Protocols 13 (1) :99-117, 2018 10.1038/nprot.2017.126