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6429 items matching your search terms.
The economic impacts of using adalimumab (Humira((R)) ) for reducing pain in people with ankylosing spondylitis: A microsimulation study for Australia
Schofield, D.; Shrestha, R.; Cunich, M.
International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 21 (5) :1106-1113, 2018 10.1111/1756-185X.13277
T(+) NK(+) IL-2 Receptor gamma Chain Mutation: a Challenging Diagnosis of Atypical Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
Stepensky, P.; Keller, B.; Shamriz, O.; von Spee-Mayer, C.; Friedmann, D.; Shadur, B.; Unger, S.; Fuchs, S.; NaserEddin, A.; Rumman, N.; Amro, S.; Molho Pessach, V.; Abuzaitoun, O.; Somech, R.; Elpeleg, O.; Ehl, S.; Warnatz, K.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 38 (4) :527-536, 2018 10.1007/s10875-018-0514-y
Refining the assessment and implications of AR-V7 in castrate-resistant prostate cancer
Crumbaker, M.; Savdie, R.; Joshua, A. M.
EUROPEAN UROLOGY 73 (5) :736-737, 2018 10.1016/j.eururo.2017.11.005
Evidence that TLR4 Is Not a Receptor for Saturated Fatty Acids but Mediates Lipid-Induced Inflammation by Reprogramming Macrophage Metabolism
Lancaster, G. I.; Langley, K. G.; Berglund, N. A.; Kammoun, H. L.; Reibe, S.; Estevez, E.; Weir, J.; Mellett, N. A.; Pernes, G.; Conway, J. R. W.; Lee, M. K. S.; Timpson, P.; Murphy, A. J.; Masters, S. L.; Gerondakis, S.; Bartonicek, N.; Kaczorowski, D. C.; Dinger, M. E.; Meikle, P. J.; Bond, P. J.; Febbraio, M. A.
Cell Metabolism 27 (5) :1096-1110 e5, 2018 10.1016/j.cmet.2018.03.014
TCR tuning of T cell subsets
Cho, J. H.; Sprent, J.
IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS 283 (1) :129-137, 2018 10.1111/imr.12646
OpenAccess publication Fructose bisphosphatase 2 overexpression increases glucose uptake in skeletal muscle
Bakshi, I.; Suryana, E.; Small, L.; Quek, L. E.; Brandon, A. E.; Turner, N.; Cooney, G. J.
JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 237 (2) :101-111, 2018 10.1530/JOE-17-0555
OpenAccess publication Role of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the differentiation of Trpm-5-positive olfactory microvillar cells
Doyle, K. L.; Cunha, C.; Hort, Y.; Tasan, R.; Sperk, G.; Shine, J.; Herzog, H.
NEUROPEPTIDES 68 (April 18) :90-98, 2018 10.1016/j.npep.2018.02.007
Australians’ views on personal genomic testing: focus group findings from the Genioz study
Metcalfe, S.A.; Hickerton, C.; Savard, J.; Terrill, B.; Turbitt, E.; Gaff, C.; Gray, K.; Middleton, A.; Wilson, B.; Newson, A.J.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 26 (8) :1101-1112, 2018 10.1038/s41431-018-0151-1
The Challenges and Opportunities of Pharmacoepidemiology in Bone Diseases
Alarkawi, D.; Ali, M. S.; Bliuc, D.; Center, J. R.; Prieto-Alhambra, D.
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH PLUS 2 (4) :187-194, 2018 10.1002/jbm4.10051
Germinal center antibody mutation trajectories are determined by rapid self/foreign discrimination
Burnett, D. L.; Langley, D. B.; Schofield, P.; Hermes, J. R.; Chan, T. D.; Jackson, J.; Bourne, K.; Reed, J. H.; Patterson, K.; Porebski, B. T.; Brink, R.; Christ, D.; Goodnow, C. C.
SCIENCE 360 (6385) :223-226, 2018 10.1126/science.aao3859
OpenAccess publication THC exposure of human iPSC neurons impacts genes associated with neuropsychiatric disorders
Guennewig, B.; Bitar, M.; Obiorah, I.; Hanks, J.; O'Brien, E. A.; Kaczorowski, D. C.; Hurd, Y. L.; Roussos, P.; Brennand, K. J.; Barry, G.
Translational Psychiatry 8 (1) :89, 2018 10.1038/s41398-018-0137-3
OpenAccess publication The PiGeOn project: protocol of a longitudinal study examining psychosocial and ethical issues and outcomes in germline genomic sequencing for cancer
Best, M.; Newson, A. J.; Meiser, B.; Juraskova, I.; Goldstein, D.; Tucker, K.; Ballinger, M. L.; Hess, D.; Schlub, T. E.; Biesecker, B.; Vines, R.; Vines, K.; Thomas, D.; Young, M. A.; Savard, J.; Jacobs, C.; Butow, P.
BMC Cancer 18 (1) :454, 2018 10.1186/s12885-018-4366-x
OpenAccess publication Clinical Obesity Services in Public Hospitals in Australia: a position statement based on expert consensus
Atlantis, E.; Kormas, N.; Samaras, K.; Fahey, P.; Sumithran, P.; Glastras, S.; Wittert, G.; Fusco, K.; Bishay, R.; Markovic, T.; Ding, L.; Williams, K.; Caterson, I.; Chikani, V.; Dugdale, P.; Dixon, J.
Clin Obes 2018 10.1111/cob.12249
A mobile endocytic network connects clathrin-independent receptor endocytosis to recycling and promotes T cell activation
Compeer, E. B.; Kraus, F.; Ecker, M.; Redpath, G.; Amiezer, M.; Rother, N.; Nicovich, P. R.; Kapoor-Kaushik, N.; Deng, Q.; Samson, G. P. B.; Yang, Z.; Lou, J.; Carnell, M.; Vartoukian, H.; Gaus, K.; Rossy, J.
Nature Communications 9 (1) :1597, 2018 10.1038/s41467-018-04088-w
Plain-language medical vocabulary for precision diagnosis
Vasilevsky, N. A.; Foster, E. D.; Engelstad, M. E.; Carmody, L.; Might, M.; Chambers, C.; Dawkins, H. J. S.; Lewis, J.; Della Rocca, M. G.; Snyder, M.; Boerkoel, C. F.; Rath, A.; Terry, S. F.; Kent, A.; Searle, B.; Baynam, G.; Jones, E.; Gavin, P.; Bamshad, M.; Chong, J.; Groza, T.; Adams, D.; Resnick, A. C.; Heath, A. P.; Mungall, C.; Holm, I. A.; Rageth, K.; Brownstein, C. A.; Shefchek, K.; McMurry, J. A.; Robinson, P. N.; Kohler, S.; Haendel, M. A.
NATURE GENETICS 50 (4) :474-476, 2018 10.1038/s41588-018-0096-x
Generation of memory B cells and their reactivation
Inoue, T.; Moran, I.; Shinnakasu, R.; Phan, T. G.; Kurosaki, T.
IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS 283 (1) :138-149, 2018 10.1111/imr.12640