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6429 items matching your search terms.
Magnetic resonance imaging based assessment of bone microstructure as a non-invasive alternative to histomorphometry in patients with chronic kidney disease
Sharma, A. K.; Toussaint, N. D.; Elder, G. J.; Masterson, R.; Holt, S. G.; Robertson, P. L.; Ebeling, P. R.; Baldock, P.; Miller, R. C.; Rajapakse, C. S.
BONE 114 :14-21, 2018 10.1016/j.bone.2018.05.029
Dkk1 KO Mice Treated with Sclerostin Antibody Have Additional Increases in Bone Volume
Morse, A.; Cheng, T. L.; Schindeler, A.; McDonald, M. M.; Mohanty, S. T.; Kneissel, M.; Kramer, I.; Little, D. G.
CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL 103 (3) :298-310, 2018 10.1007/s00223-018-0420-6
Aortic vascular calcification is inversely associated with the trabecular bone score in patients receiving dialysis
Aleksova, J.; Kurniawan, S.; Vucak-Dzumhur, M.; Kerr, P.; Ebeling, P. R.; Milat, F.; Elder, G. J.
BONE 113 :118-123, 2018 10.1016/j.bone.2018.05.014
Guidelines for whole genome bisulphite sequencing of intact and FFPET DNA on the Illumina HiSeq X Ten
Nair, S. S.; Luu, P. L.; Qu, W.; Maddugoda, M.; Huschtscha, L.; Reddel, R.; Chenevix-Trench, G.; Toso, M.; Kench, J. G.; Horvath, L. G.; Hayes, V. M.; Stricker, P. D.; Hughes, T. P.; White, D. L.; Rasko, J. E. J.; Wong, J. J.; Clark, S. J.
Epigenetics & Chromatin 11 (1) :24, 2018 10.1186/s13072-018-0194-0
Deterioration of Cortical Bone Microarchitecture: Critical Component of Renal Osteodystrophy Evaluation
Sharma, A. K.; Toussaint, N. D.; Masterson, R.; Holt, S. G.; Rajapakse, C. S.; Ebeling, P. R.; Mohanty, S. T.; Baldock, P.; Elder, G. J.
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY 47 (6) :376-384, 2018 10.1159/000489671
OpenAccess publication MicroRNAs as potential therapeutics to enhance chemosensitivity in advanced prostate cancer
Lin, H. M.; Nikolic, I.; Yang, J.; Castillo, L.; Deng, N.; Chan, C. L.; Yeung, N. K.; Dodson, E.; Elsworth, B.; Spielman, C.; Lee, B. Y.; Boyer, Z.; Simpson, K. J.; Daly, R. J.; Horvath, L. G.; Swarbrick, A.
Scientific Reports 8 (1) :7820, 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-26050-y
Sex-difference in bone architecture and bone fragility in Vietnamese
Ho-Pham, L. T.; Ho-Le, T. P.; Mai, L. D.; Do, T. M.; Doan, M. C.; Nguyen, T. V.
Scientific Reports 8 (1) :7707, 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-26053-9
OpenAccess publication High prevalence of diabetes before and after lung transplantation: Target for improving outcome?
Fazekas-Lavu, M.; Reyes, M.; Malouf, M.; Plit, M.; Havryk, A.; Campbell, L. V.; Center, J. R.; Glanville, A. R.; Greenfield, J. R.
INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL 2018 10.1111/imj.13963
SAMHD1 enhances immunoglobulin hypermutation by promoting transversion mutation
Thientosapol, E. S.; Bosnjak, D.; Durack, T.; Stevanovski, I.; van Geldermalsen, M.; Holst, J.; Jahan, Z.; Shepard, C.; Weninger, W.; Kim, B.; Brink, R.; Jolly, C. J.
OpenAccess publication An initial melanoma diagnosis may increase the subsequent risk of prostate cancer: Results from the New South Wales Cancer Registry
Cole-Clark, D.; Nair-Shalliker, V.; Bang, A.; Rasiah, K.; Chalasani, V.; Smith, D. P.
Scientific Reports 8 (1) :7167, 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-25408-6
OpenAccess publication Osteoglycin, a novel coordinator of bone and glucose homeostasis
Lee, N. J.; Ali, N.; Zhang, L.; Qi, Y.; Clarke, I.; Enriquez, R. F.; Brzozowska, M.; Lee, I. C.; Rogers, M. J.; Laybutt, D. R.; Center, J. R.; Baldock, P. A.; Herzog, H.
Molecular Metabolism 13 (July 18) :30-44, 2018 10.1016/j.molmet.2018.05.004
Focal irreversible electroporation as primary treatment for localized prostate cancer
van den Bos, W.; Scheltema, M. J.; Siriwardana, A. R.; Kalsbeek, A. M. F.; Thompson, J. E.; Ting, F.; Bohm, M.; Haynes, A. M.; Shnier, R.; Delprado, W.; Stricker, P. D.
BJU International 121 (5) :716-724, 2018 10.1111/bju.13983
Superior biochemical recurrence and long-term quality-of-life outcomes are achievable with robotic radical prostatectomy after a long learning curve-updated analysis of a prospective single-surgeon cohort of 2206 consecutive cases
Thompson, J. E.; Egger, S.; Bohm, M.; Siriwardana, A. R.; Haynes, A. M.; Matthews, J.; Scheltema, M. J.; Stricker, P. D.
EUROPEAN UROLOGY 73 (5) :664-671, 2018 10.1016/j.eururo.2017.11.035
Microenvironmental control of breast cancer subtype elicited through paracrine platelet-derived growth factor-CC signaling
Roswall, P.; Bocci, M.; Bartoschek, M.; Li, H.; Kristiansen, G.; Jansson, S.; Lehn, S.; Sjolund, J.; Reid, S.; Larsson, C.; Eriksson, P.; Anderberg, C.; Cortez, E.; Saal, L. H.; Orsmark-Pietras, C.; Cordero, E.; Haller, B. K.; Hakkinen, J.; Burvenich, I. J. G.; Lim, E.; Orimo, A.; Hoglund, M.; Ryden, L.; Moch, H.; Scott, A. M.; Eriksson, U.; Pietras, K.
NATURE MEDICINE 24 (4) :463-473, 2018 10.1038/nm.4494
OpenAccess publication Enduring epigenetic landmarks define the cancer microenvironment
Pidsley, R.; Lawrence, M. G.; Zotenko, E.; Niranjan, B.; Statham, A.; Song, J.; Chabanon, R. M.; Qu, W.; Wang, H.; Richards, M.; Nair, S. S.; Armstrong, N. J.; Nim, H. T.; Papargiris, M.; Balanathan, P.; French, H.; Peters, T.; Norden, S.; Ryan, A.; Pedersen, J.; Kench, J.; Daly, R. J.; Horvath, L. G.; Stricker, P.; Frydenberg, M.; Taylor, R. A.; Stirzaker, C.; Risbridger, G. P.; Clark, S. J.
GENOME RESEARCH 28 (5) :625-638, 2018 10.1101/gr.229070.117
Comorbidities Only Account for a Small Proportion of Excess Mortality After Fracture: A Record Linkage Study of Individual Fracture Types
Chen, W.; Simpson, J. M.; March, L. M.; Blyth, F. M.; Bliuc, D.; Tran, T.; Nguyen, T. V.; Eisman, J. A.; Center, J. R.
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 33 (5) :795-802, 2018 10.1002/jbmr.3374