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6429 items matching your search terms.
Mutations in Chromatin Remodeling Factors
KA Giles, PC Taberlay
Encyclopedia of Cancer :511-527, 2019 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-801238-3.65225-X
Inhibition of polyamine synthesis and uptake reduces tumor progression and prolongs survival in mouse models of neuroblastoma
Gamble, L. D.; Purgato, S.; Murray, J.; Xiao, L.; Yu, D. M. T.; Hanssen, K. M.; Giorgi, F. M.; Carter, D. R.; Gifford, A. J.; Valli, E.; Milazzo, G.; Kamili, A.; Mayoh, C.; Liu, B.; Eden, G.; Sarraf, S.; Allan, S.; Di Giacomo, S.; Flemming, C. L.; Russell, A. J.; Cheung, B. B.; Oberthuer, A.; London, W. B.; Fischer, M.; Trahair, T. N.; Fletcher, J. I.; Marshall, G. M.; Ziegler, D. S.; Hogarty, M. D.; Burns, M. R.; Perini, G.; Norris, M. D.; Haber, M.
Science Translational Medicine 11 (477) :eaau1099, 2019 10.1126/scitranslmed.aau1099
Translating genomic risk into an early detection strategy for sarcoma
Ballinger, M. L.; Pinese, M.; Thomas, D. M.
GENES CHROMOSOMES & CANCER 58 :130-136, 2019 10.1002/gcc.22697
OpenAccess publication Oleate disrupts cAMP signaling, contributing to potent stimulation of pancreatic beta-cell autophagy
Chu, K. Y.; O'Reilly, L.; Mellet, N.; Meikle, P. J.; Bartley, C.; Biden, T. J.
JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 294 (4) :1218-1229, 2019 10.1074/jbc.RA118.004833
OpenAccess publication Replication timing and epigenome remodelling are associated with the nature of chromosomal rearrangements in cancer
Du, Q.; Bert, S. A.; Armstrong, N. J.; Caldon, C. E.; Song, J. Z.; Nair, S. S.; Gould, C. M.; Luu, P. L.; Peters, T.; Khoury, A.; Qu, W.; Zotenko, E.; Stirzaker, C.; Clark, S. J.
Nature Communications 10 (1) :416, 2019 10.1038/s41467-019-08302-1
Early developmental arrest and impaired gastrointestinal homeostasis in U12-dependent splicing-defective Rnpc3-deficient mice
Doggett, K.; Williams, B. B.; Markmiller, S.; Geng, F. S.; Coates, J.; Mieruszynski, S.; Ernst, M.; Thomas, T.; Heath, J. K.
RNA 24 (12) :1856-1870, 2019 10.1261/rna.068221.118
Unregulated antigen-presenting cell activation by T cells breaks self tolerance
Yi, J.; Jung, J.; Hong, S. W.; Lee, J. Y.; Han, D.; Kim, K. S.; Sprent, J.; Surh, C. D.
Does genomic sequencing early in the diagnostic trajectory make a difference? A follow-up study of clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness
Stark, Z.; Schofield, D.; Martyn, M.; Rynehart, L.; Shrestha, R.; Alam, K.; Lunke, S.; Tan, T. Y.; Gaff, C. L.; White, S. M.
GENETICS IN MEDICINE 21 (1) :173-180, 2019 10.1038/s41436-018-0006-8
OpenAccess publication Children and young people's understanding of inherited conditions and their attitudes towards genetic testing: A systematic review
McGill, B. C.; Wakefield, C. E.; Vetsch, J.; Barlow-Stewart, K.; Kasparian, N. A.; Patenaude, A. F.; Young, M. A.; Cohn, R. J.; Tucker, K. M.
CLINICAL GENETICS 95 (1) :10-22, 2019 10.1111/cge.13253
OpenAccess publication Protein Kinase C Epsilon Deletion in Adipose Tissue, but Not in Liver, Improves Glucose Tolerance
Brandon, A. E.; Liao, B. M.; Diakanastasis, B.; Parker, B. L.; Raddatz, K.; McManus, S. A.; O'Reilly, L.; Kimber, E.; van der Kraan, A. G.; Hancock, D.; Henstridge, D. C.; Meikle, P. J.; Cooney, G. J.; James, D. E.; Reibe, S.; Febbraio, M. A.; Biden, T. J.; Schmitz-Peiffer, C.
Cell Metabolism 29 (1) :183-191 e7, 2019 10.1016/j.cmet.2018.09.013
Expansion of the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) knowledge base and resources
Kohler, S.; Carmody, L.; Vasilevsky, N.; Jacobsen, J. O. B.; Danis, D.; Gourdine, J. P.; Gargano, M.; Harris, N. L.; Matentzoglu, N.; McMurry, J. A.; Osumi-Sutherland, D.; Cipriani, V.; Balhoff, J. P.; Conlin, T.; Blau, H.; Baynam, G.; Palmer, R.; Gratian, D.; Dawkins, H.; Segal, M.; Jansen, A. C.; Muaz, A.; Chang, W. H.; Bergerson, J.; Laulederkind, S. J. F.; Yuksel, Z.; Beltran, S.; Freeman, A. F.; Sergouniotis, P. I.; Durkin, D.; Storm, A. L.; Hanauer, M.; Brudno, M.; Bello, S. M.; Sincan, M.; Rageth, K.; Wheeler, M. T.; Oegema, R.; Lourghi, H.; Della Rocca, M. G.; Thompson, R.; Castellanos, F.; Priest, J.; Cunningham-Rundles, C.; Hegde, A.; Lovering, R. C.; Hajek, C.; Olry, A.; Notarangelo, L.; Similuk, M.; Zhang, X. A.; Gomez-Andres, D.; Lochmuller, H.; Dollfus, H.; Rosenzweig, S.; Marwaha, S.; Rath, A.; Sullivan, K.; Smith, C.; Milner, J. D.; Leroux, D.; Boerkoel, C. F.; Klion, A.; Carter, M. C.; Groza, T.; Smedley, D.; Haendel, M. A.; Mungall, C.; Robinson, P. N.
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 47 (D1) :D1018-D1027, 2019 10.1093/nar/gky1105
CCR9 Expressing T Helper and T Follicular Helper Cells Exhibit Site-Specific Identities During Inflammatory Disease
Cosorich, I.; McGuire, H. M.; Warren, J.; Danta, M.; King, C.
Frontiers in Immunology 9 :2899, 2019 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02899
OpenAccess publication Combination Therapy with an SGLT2 Inhibitor as Initial Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Milder, T. Y.; Stocker, S. L.; Abdel Shaheed, C.; McGrath-Cadell, L.; Samocha-Bonet, D.; Greenfield, J. R.; Day, R. O.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 8 (1) :pii: E45, 2019 10.3390/jcm8010045
OpenAccess publication Disruption of beta cell acetyl-CoA carboxylase-1 in mice impairs insulin secretion and beta cell mass
Cantley, J.; Davenport, A.; Vetterli, L.; Nemes, N. J.; Whitworth, P. T.; Boslem, E.; Thai, L. M.; Mellett, N.; Meikle, P. J.; Hoehn, K. L.; James, D. E.; Biden, T. J.
DIABETOLOGIA 62 (1) :99-111, 2019 10.1007/s00125-018-4743-7
Cryptic intronic NBAS variant reveals the genetic basis of recurrent liver failure in a child
Rius, R.; Riley, L. G.; Guo, Y.; Menezes, M.; Compton, A. G.; Van Bergen, N. J.; Gayevskiy, V.; Cowley, M. J.; Cummings, B. B.; Adams, L.; Ellaway, C.; Thorburn, D. R.; Hakonarson, H.; Christodoulou, J.
MOLECULAR GENETICS AND METABOLISM 126 (1) :77-82, 2019 10.1016/j.ymgme.2018.12.002
OpenAccess publication Preclinical Models for Studying NASH-Driven HCC: How Useful Are They?
Febbraio, M. A.; Reibe, S.; Shalapour, S.; Ooi, G. J.; Watt, M. J.; Karin, M.
Cell Metabolism 29 (1) :18-26, 2019 10.1016/j.cmet.2018.10.012