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6429 items matching your search terms.
Excess mortality and cardiovascular disease risk in type 1 diabetes
Snaith, J. R.; Holmes-Walker, D. J.; Girgis, C. M.; Greenfield, J. R.
LANCET 393 (10175) :984-985, 2019 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)33050-2
Deep multi-region whole-genome sequencing reveals heterogeneity and gene-by-environment interactions in treatment-naive, metastatic lung cancer
Leong, T. L.; Gayevskiy, V.; Steinfort, D. P.; De Massy, M. R.; Gonzalez-Rajal, A.; Marini, K. D.; Stone, E.; Chin, V.; Havryk, A.; Plit, M.; Irving, L. B.; Jennings, B. R.; McCloy, R. A.; Jayasekara, W. S. N.; Alamgeer, M.; Boolell, V.; Field, A.; Russell, P. A.; Kumar, B.; Gough, D. J.; Szczepny, A.; Ganju, V.; Rossello, F. J.; Cain, J. E.; Papenfuss, A. T.; Asselin-Labat, M. L.; Cowley, M. J.; Watkins, D. N.
ONCOGENE 38 (10) :1661-1675, 2019 10.1038/s41388-018-0536-1
The Ins and Outs of Chemokine-Mediated Immune Cell Trafficking in Skin Cancer
Yam, A. O.; Chtanova, T.
Frontiers in Immunology 10 :386, 2019 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00386
Genome sequencing as a first-line genetic test in familial dilated cardiomyopathy
Minoche, A. E.; Horvat, C.; Johnson, R.; Gayevskiy, V.; Morton, S. U.; Drew, A. P.; Woo, K.; Statham, A. L.; Lundie, B.; Bagnall, R. D.; Ingles, J.; Semsarian, C.; Seidman, J. G.; Seidman, C. E.; Dinger, M. E.; Cowley, M. J.; Fatkin, D.
GENETICS IN MEDICINE 21 (3) :650-662, 2019 10.1038/s41436-018-0084-7
OpenAccess publication Macrophage alterations in islets of obese mice linked to beta cell disruption in diabetes
Chan, J. Y.; Lee, K.; Maxwell, E. L.; Liang, C.; Laybutt, D. R.
DIABETOLOGIA 62 (6) :993-999, 2019 10.1007/s00125-019-4844-y
OpenAccess publication De Novo Variants Disrupting the HX Repeat Motif of ATN1 Cause a Recognizable Non-Progressive Neurocognitive Syndrome
Palmer, E. E.; Hong, S.; Al Zahrani, F.; Hashem, M. O.; Aleisa, F. A.; Ahmed, H. M. J.; Kandula, T.; Macintosh, R.; Minoche, A. E.; Puttick, C.; Gayevskiy, V.; Drew, A. P.; Cowley, M. J.; Dinger, M.; Rosenfeld, J. A.; Xiao, R.; Cho, M. T.; Yakubu, S. F.; Henderson, L. B.; Guillen Sacoto, M. J.; Begtrup, A.; Hamad, M.; Shinawi, M.; Andrews, M. V.; Jones, M. C.; Lindstrom, K.; Bristol, R. E.; Kayani, S.; Snyder, M.; Villanueva, M. M.; Schteinschnaider, A.; Faivre, L.; Thauvin, C.; Vitobello, A.; Roscioli, T.; Kirk, E. P.; Bye, A.; Merzaban, J.; Jaremko, L.; Jaremko, M.; Sachdev, R. K.; Alkuraya, F. S.; Arold, S. T.
American Journal Of Human Genetics 104 (3) :542-552, 2019 10.1016/j.ajhg.2019.01.013
Beyond the panel: preconception screening in consanguineous couples using the TruSight One "clinical exome"
Kirk, E. P.; Barlow-Stewart, K.; Selvanathan, A.; Josephi-Taylor, S.; Worgan, L.; Rajagopalan, S.; Cowley, M. J.; Gayevskiy, V.; Bittles, A.; Burnett, L.; Elakis, G.; Lo, W.; Buckley, M.; Colley, A.; Roscioli, T.
GENETICS IN MEDICINE 21 (3) :608-612, 2019 10.1038/s41436-018-0082-9
An essential role for the Zn(2+) transporter ZIP7 in B cell development
Anzilotti, C.; Swan, D. J.; Boisson, B.; Deobagkar-Lele, M.; Oliveira, C.; Chabosseau, P.; Engelhardt, K. R.; Xu, X.; Chen, R.; Alvarez, L.; Berlinguer-Palmini, R.; Bull, K. R.; Cawthorne, E.; Cribbs, A. P.; Crockford, T. L.; Dang, T. S.; Fearn, A.; Fenech, E. J.; de Jong, S. J.; Lagerholm, B. C.; Ma, C. S.; Sims, D.; van den Berg, B.; Xu, Y.; Cant, A. J.; Kleiner, G.; Leahy, T. R.; de la Morena, M. T.; Puck, J. M.; Shapiro, R. S.; van der Burg, M.; Chapman, J. R.; Christianson, J. C.; Davies, B.; McGrath, J. A.; Przyborski, S.; Santibanez Koref, M.; Tangye, S. G.; Werner, A.; Rutter, G. A.; Padilla-Parra, S.; Casanova, J. L.; Cornall, R. J.; Conley, M. E.; Hambleton, S.
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 20 (3) :350-361, 2019 10.1038/s41590-018-0295-8
OpenAccess publication Genetic effects of welding fumes on the progression of neurodegenerative diseases
Rana, H. K.; Akhtar, M. R.; Ahmed, M. B.; Lio, P.; Quinn, J. M. W.; Huq, F.; Moni, M. A.
NEUROTOXICOLOGY 71 :93-101, 2019 10.1016/j.neuro.2018.12.002
OpenAccess publication Tumor cell dormancy and reactivation in bone: skeletal biology and therapeutic opportunities
Byrne, N.M., Summers, M.A. and McDonald, M.M.
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH PLUS 3 (3) :e10125, 2019 10.1002/jbm4.10125
Multiple ABCB1 transcriptional fusions in drug resistant high-grade serous ovarian and breast cancer
Christie, E. L.; Pattnaik, S.; Beach, J.; Copeland, A.; Rashoo, N.; Fereday, S.; Hendley, J.; Alsop, K.; Brady, S. L.; Lamb, G.; Pandey, A.; deFazio, A.; Thorne, H.; Bild, A.; Bowtell, D. D. L.
Nature Communications 10 (1) :1295, 2019 10.1038/s41467-019-09312-9
MicroRNA-196a is regulated by ER and is a prognostic biomarker in ER+ breast cancer
Milevskiy, M. J. G.; Gujral, U.; Del Lama Marques, C.; Stone, A.; Northwood, K.; Burke, L. J.; Gee, J. M. W.; Nephew, K.; Clark, S.; Brown, M. A.
British Journal of Cancer 120 (6) :621-632, 2019 10.1038/s41416-019-0395-8
Stem cell transplantation for osteopetrosis in patients beyond the age of 5 years
Stepensky, P.; Grisariu, S.; Avni, B.; Zaidman, I.; Shadur, B.; Elpeleg, O.; Sirin, M.; Hoenig, M.; Schuetz, C.; Furlan, I.; Beer, M.; von Harsdorf, S.; Bunjes, D.; Debatin, K. M.; Schulz, A. S.
Blood Advances 3 (6) :862-868, 2019 10.1182/bloodadvances.2018025890
Expression of Human VH Single Domains as Fc Fusions in Mammalian Cells
Abdelatti, M.; Schofield, P.; Christ, D.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1953 :121-136, 2019 10.1007/978-1-4939-9145-7_8
Turbinate-Specific IgE in Normal and Rhinitic Patients
Hamizan, A. W.; Rimmer, J.; Alvarado, R.; Sewell, W. A.; Tatersall, J.; Barham, H. P.; Kalish, L.; Harvey, R. J.
American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy 33 (2) :178-183, 2019 10.1177/1945892418825224
OpenAccess publication Targeting promiscuous heterodimerization overcomes innate resistance to ERBB2 dimerization inhibitors in breast cancer
Kennedy, S. P.; Han, J. Z. R.; Portman, N.; Nobis, M.; Hastings, J. F.; Murphy, K. J.; Latham, S. L.; Cadell, A. L.; Miladinovic, D.; Marriott, G. R.; O'Donnell, Y. E. I.; Shearer, R. F.; Williams, J. T.; Munoz, A. G.; Cox, T. R.; Watkins, D. N.; Saunders, D. N.; Timpson, P.; Lim, E.; Kolch, W.; Croucher, D. R.
BREAST CANCER RESEARCH 21 (1) :43, 2019 10.1186/s13058-019-1127-y