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6429 items matching your search terms.
Cyclin Dependent Kinase 2 inhibitors in cancer therapy: an update
Tadesse, S.; Caldon, E. C.; Tilley, W.; Wang, S.
JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 62 (9) :4233-4251, 2019 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b01469
Human CD8(+) T cell cross-reactivity across influenza A, B and C viruses
Koutsakos, M.; Illing, P. T.; Nguyen, T. H. O.; Mifsud, N. A.; Crawford, J. C.; Rizzetto, S.; Eltahla, A. A.; Clemens, E. B.; Sant, S.; Chua, B. Y.; Wong, C. Y.; Allen, E. K.; Teng, D.; Dash, P.; Boyd, D. F.; Grzelak, L.; Zeng, W.; Hurt, A. C.; Barr, I.; Rockman, S.; Jackson, D. C.; Kotsimbos, T. C.; Cheng, A. C.; Richards, M.; Westall, G. P.; Loudovaris, T.; Mannering, S. I.; Elliott, M.; Tangye, S. G.; Wakim, L. M.; Rossjohn, J.; Vijaykrishna, D.; Luciani, F.; Thomas, P. G.; Gras, S.; Purcell, A. W.; Kedzierska, K.
NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 20 (5) :613-625, 2019 10.1038/s41590-019-0320-6
Evaluation of vitamin D biosynthesis and pathway target genes reveals UGT2A1/2 and EGFR polymorphisms associated with epithelial ovarian cancer in African American Women
Grant, D. J.; Manichaikul, A.; Alberg, A. J.; Bandera, E. V.; Barnholtz-Sloan, J.; Bondy, M.; Cote, M. L.; Funkhouser, E.; Moorman, P. G.; Peres, L. C.; Peters, E. S.; Schwartz, A. G.; Terry, P. D.; Wang, X. Q.; Keku, T. O.; Hoyo, C.; Berchuck, A.; Sandler, D. P.; Taylor, J. A.; O'Brien, K. M.; Velez Edwards, D. R.; Edwards, T. L.; Beeghly-Fadiel, A.; Wentzensen, N.; Pearce, C. L.; Wu, A. H.; Whittemore, A. S.; McGuire, V.; Sieh, W.; Rothstein, J. H.; Modugno, F.; Ness, R.; Moysich, K.; Rossing, M. A.; Doherty, J. A.; Sellers, T. A.; Permuth-Way, J. B.; Monteiro, A. N.; Levine, D. A.; Setiawan, V. W.; Haiman, C. A.; LeMarchand, L.; Wilkens, L. R.; Karlan, B. Y.; Menon, U.; Ramus, S.; Gayther, S.; Gentry-Maharaj, A.; Terry, K. L.; Cramer, D. W.; Goode, E. L.; Larson, M. C.; Kaufmann, S. H.; Cannioto, R.; Odunsi, K.; Etter, J. L.; Huang, R. Y.; Bernardini, M. Q.; Tone, A. A.; May, T.; Goodman, M. T.; Thompson, P. J.; Carney, M. E.; Tworoger, S. S.; Poole, E. M.; Lambrechts, D.; Vergote, I.; Vanderstichele, A.; Van Nieuwenhuysen, E.; Anton-Culver, H.; Ziogas, A.; Brenton, J. D.; Bjorge, L.; Salvensen, H. B.; Kiemeney, L. A.; Massuger, Lfag; Pejovic, T.; Bruegl, A.; Moffitt, M.; Cook, L.; Le, N. D.; Brooks-Wilson, A.; Kelemen, L. E.; Pharoah, P. D. P.; Song, H.; Campbell, I.; Eccles, D.; DeFazio, A.; Kennedy, C. J.; Schildkraut, J. M.
Cancer Medicine 8 (5) :2503-2513, 2019 10.1002/cam4.1996
OpenAccess publication Molecular dissection of box jellyfish venom cytotoxicity highlights an effective venom antidote
Lau, M. T.; Manion, J.; Littleboy, J. B.; Oyston, L.; Khuong, T. M.; Wang, Q. P.; Nguyen, D. T.; Hesselson, D.; Seymour, J. E.; Neely, G. G.
Nature Communications 10 (1) :1655, 2019 10.1038/s41467-019-09681-1
Human inborn errors of the actin cytoskeleton affecting immunity: way beyond WAS and WIP
Tangye, S. G.; Bucciol, G.; de Las Casas, J. M.; Pillay, B.; Ma, C. S.; Moens, L.; Meyts, I.
IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY 97 (4) :389-402, 2019 10.1111/imcb.12243
Genomic stratification and liquid biopsy in a rare adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) case, with dual lung metastases
McCabe, M. J.; Pinese, M.; Chan, C. L.; Sheriff, N.; Thompson, T. J.; Grady, J.; Wong, M.; Gauthier, M. A.; Puttick, C.; Gayevskiy, V.; Hajdu, E.; Wong, S. Q.; Barrett, W.; Earls, P.; Lukeis, R.; Cheng, Y. Y.; Lin, R. C. Y.; Thomas, D. M.; Watkins, D. N.; Dinger, M. E.; McCormack, A. I.; Cowley, M. J.
Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies 5 (2) :pii: a003764, 2019 10.1101/mcs.a003764
Atopy in chronic rhinosinusitis: impact on quality of life outcomes
Ho, J.; Alvarado, R.; Rimmer, J.; Sewell, W. A.; Harvey, R. J.
International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology 9 (5) :501-507, 2019 10.1002/alr.22272
Author reply
Taylor, J. E.; Campbell, L. V.; Greenfield, J. R.
INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL 49 (4) :552, 2019 10.1111/imj.14255
OpenAccess publication Efficacy and Safety of Empagliflozin in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Heart Transplant Recipients
Cehic, M. G.; Muir, C. A.; Greenfield, J. R.; Hayward, C.; Jabbour, A.; Keogh, A.; Kotlyar, E.; Muthiah, K.; Macdonald, P. S.
Transplantation Direct 5 (5) :e450, 2019 10.1097/TXD.0000000000000885
OpenAccess publication Amygdala NPY Circuits Promote the Development of Accelerated Obesity under Chronic Stress Conditions
Ip, C. K.; Zhang, L.; Farzi, A.; Qi, Y.; Clarke, I.; Reed, F.; Shi, Y. C.; Enriquez, R.; Dayas, C.; Graham, B.; Begg, D.; Bruning, J. C.; Lee, N. J.; Hernandez-Sanchez, D.; Gopalasingam, G.; Koller, J.; Tasan, R.; Sperk, G.; Herzog, H.
Cell Metabolism 30 (1) :111-128, 2019 10.1016/j.cmet.2019.04.001
Hematopoietic stem cell transplant effectively rescues lymphocyte differentiation and function in DOCK8-deficient patients
Pillay, B. A.; Avery, D. T.; Smart, J. M.; Cole, T.; Choo, S.; Chan, D.; Gray, P. E.; Frith, K.; Mitchell, R.; Phan, T. G.; Wong, M.; Campbell, D. E.; Hsu, P.; Ziegler, J. B.; Peake, J.; Alvaro, F.; Picard, C.; Bustamante, J.; Neven, B.; Cant, A. J.; Uzel, G.; Arkwright, P. D.; Casanova, J. L.; Su, H. C.; Freeman, A. F.; Shah, N.; Hickstein, D. D.; Tangye, S. G.; Ma, C. S.
Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight 5 (11) 2019 10.1172/jci.insight.127527
Intrinsic apoptosis shapes the tumor spectrum linked to inactivation of the deubiquitinase BAP1
He, Meng; Chaurushiya, Mira S.; Webster, Joshua D.; Kummerfeld, Sarah; Reja, Rohit; Chaudhuri, Subhra; Chen, Ying-Jiun; Modrusan, Zora; Haley, Benjamin; Dugger, Debra L.; Eastham-Anderson, Jeffrey; Lau, Shari; Dey, Anwesha; Caothien, Roger; Roose-Girma, Merone; Newton, Kim; Dixit, Vishva M.
SCIENCE 364 (6437) :283, 2019 10.1126/science.aav4902
OpenAccess publication Targeted, High-Resolution RNA Sequencing of Non-coding Genomic Regions Associated With Neuropsychiatric Functions
Hardwick, S. A.; Bassett, S. D.; Kaczorowski, D.; Blackburn, J.; Barton, K.; Bartonicek, N.; Carswell, S. L.; Tilgner, H. U.; Loy, C.; Halliday, G.; Mercer, T. R.; Smith, M. A.; Mattick, J. S.
Frontiers in Genetics 10 :309, 2019 10.3389/fgene.2019.00309
OpenAccess publication Role and practice evolution for genetic counseling in the genomic era: The experience of Australian and UK genetics practitioners
Dwarte T, Barlow-Stewart K, O'Shea R, Dinger ME, Terrill B.
Journal of Genetic Counseling 28 (2) :378-387, 2019 doi:10.1002/jgc4.1053
OpenAccess publication Visualization and Analysis of Epiproteome Dynamics
Kaur, S.; Baldi, B.; Vuong, J.; O'Donoghue, S. I.
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 431 (8) :1519-1539, 2019 10.1016/j.jmb.2019.01.044
Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis and mtDNA Levels Coordinated through an Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Subunit
Picchioni, D.; Antolin-Fontes, A.; Camacho, N.; Schmitz, C.; Pons-Pons, A.; Rodriguez-Escriba, M.; Machallekidou, A.; Guler, M. N.; Siatra, P.; Carretero-Junquera, M.; Serrano, A.; Hovde, S. L.; Knobel, P. A.; Novoa, E. M.; Sola-Vilarrubias, M.; Kaguni, L. S.; Stracker, T. H.; Ribas de Pouplana, L.
Cell Reports 27 (1) :40-47 e5, 2019 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.03.022