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6429 items matching your search terms.
Droplet-based single cell RNAseq tools: a practical guide
Salomon, R.; Kaczorowski, D.; Valdes-Mora, F.; Nordon, R. E.; Neild, A.; Farbehi, N.; Bartonicek, N.; Gallego-Ortega, D.
LAB ON A CHIP 19 (10) :1706-1727, 2019 10.1039/c8lc01239c
OpenAccess publication Longitudinal Changes in Insulin Resistance in Normal Weight, Overweight and Obese Individuals
Tang, A.; Coster, A. C. F.; Tonks, K. T.; Heilbronn, L. K.; Pocock, N.; Purtell, L.; Govendir, M.; Blythe, J.; Zhang, J.; Xu, A.; Chisholm, D. J.; Johnson, N. A.; Greenfield, J. R.; Samocha-Bonet, D.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 8 (5) :pii: E623, 2019 10.3390/jcm8050623
OpenAccess publication Personal genomic screening: How best to facilitate preparedness of future clients
Fleming, Jane; Terrill, Bronwyn; Dziadek, Marie; Kirk, Edwin P.; Roscioli, Tony; Barlow-Stewart, Kristine
European Journal of Medical Genetics 62 (5) :397-404, 2019
GWAS of bone size yields twelve loci that also affect height, BMD, osteoarthritis or fractures
Styrkarsdottir, U.; Stefansson, O. A.; Gunnarsdottir, K.; Thorleifsson, G.; Lund, S. H.; Stefansdottir, L.; Juliusson, K.; Agustsdottir, A. B.; Zink, F.; Halldorsson, G. H.; Ivarsdottir, E. V.; Benonisdottir, S.; Jonsson, H.; Gylfason, A.; Norland, K.; Trajanoska, K.; Boer, C. G.; Southam, L.; Leung, J. C. S.; Tang, N. L. S.; Kwok, T. C. Y.; Lee, J. S. W.; Ho, S. C.; Byrjalsen, I.; Center, J. R.; Lee, S. H.; Koh, J. M.; Lohmander, L. S.; Ho-Pham, L. T.; Nguyen, T. V.; Eisman, J. A.; Woo, J.; Leung, P. C.; Loughlin, J.; Zeggini, E.; Christiansen, C.; Rivadeneira, F.; van Meurs, J.; Uitterlinden, A. G.; Mogensen, B.; Jonsson, H.; Ingvarsson, T.; Sigurdsson, G.; Benediktsson, R.; Sulem, P.; Jonsdottir, I.; Masson, G.; Holm, H.; Norddahl, G. L.; Thorsteinsdottir, U.; Gudbjartsson, D. F.; Stefansson, K.
Nature Communications 10 (1) :2054, 2019 10.1038/s41467-019-09860-0
Dietary intake of people with severe mental illness: systematic review and meta-analysis
Teasdale, S. B.; Ward, P. B.; Samaras, K.; Firth, J.; Stubbs, B.; Tripodi, E.; Burrows, T. L.
British Journal Of Psychiatry 214 (5) :251-259, 2019 10.1192/bjp.2019.20
OpenAccess publication Australians’ views and experience of personal genomic testing: survey findings from the Genioz study
Savard, Jacqueline; Hickerton, Chriselle; Tytherleigh, Rigan; Terrill, Bronwyn; Turbitt, Erin; Newson, Ainsley J.; Wilson, Brenda; Gray, Kathleen; Gaff, Clara; Middleton, Anna; Stackpoole, Elaine; Metcalfe, Sylvia A.
European Journal of Medical Genetics 27 (5) :711-720, 2019 10.1038/s41431-018-0325-x
Lipid Uptake Is an Androgen-Enhanced Lipid Supply Pathway Associated with Prostate Cancer Disease Progression and Bone Metastasis
Tousignant, K. D.; Rockstroh, A.; Fard, A. T.; Lehman, M. L.; Wang, C. W.; McPherson, S. J.; Philp, L. K.; Bartonicek, N.; Dinger, M. E.; Nelson, C. C.; Sadowski, M. C.
MOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCH 17 (5) :1166-1179, 2019 10.1158/1541-7786.Mcr-18-1147
A potent liver-mediated mechanism for loss of muscle mass during androgen deprivation therapy
Lam, T.; McLean, M.; Hayden, A.; Poljak, A.; Cheema, B.; Gurney, H.; Stone, G.; Bahl, N.; Reddy, N.; Shahidipour, H.; Birzniece, V.
Endocrine Connections 8 (5) :605-615, 2019 10.1530/EC-19-0179
Australians’ perspectives on support around use of personal genomic testing: Findings from the Genioz study
Metcalfe, S.A..; Hickerton, C.; Savard, J.; Stackpoole, E.; Tytherleigh, R.; Tutty, E.; Terrill, B.; Turbitt, E.; Gray, K.; Middleton, A.; Wilson, B.; Newson, A.J.; Gaff, C.
European Journal of Medical Genetics 2019 10.1016/j.ejmg.2018.11.002
OpenAccess publication Defective DNA Polymerase alpha-Primase Leads to X-Linked Intellectual Disability Associated with Severe Growth Retardation, Microcephaly, and Hypogonadism
Van Esch, H.; Colnaghi, R.; Freson, K.; Starokadomskyy, P.; Zankl, A.; Backx, L.; Abramowicz, I.; Outwin, E.; Rohena, L.; Faulkner, C.; Leong, G. M.; Newbury-Ecob, R. A.; Challis, R. C.; Ounap, K.; Jaeken, J.; Seuntjens, E.; Devriendt, K.; Burstein, E.; Low, K. J.; O'Driscoll, M.
American Journal Of Human Genetics 104 (5) :957-967, 2019 10.1016/j.ajhg.2019.03.006
Genetic effects of welding fumes on the development of respiratory system diseases
Rana, H. K.; Akhtar, M. R.; Islam, M. B.; Ahmed, M. B.; Lio, P.; Quinn, J. M. W.; Huq, F.; Moni, M. A.
COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 108 :142-149, 2019 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.04.004
Sostdc1: A soluble BMP and Wnt antagonist that is induced by the interaction between myeloma cells and osteoblast lineage cells
Faraahi, Z.; Baud'huin, M.; Croucher, P. I.; Eaton, C.; Lawson, M. A.
BONE 122 :82-92, 2019 10.1016/j.bone.2019.02.012
Depression or diabetes distress? The importance of screening in adults with type 2 diabetes
Baldwin, P; Clarke, J; Gunn, J; Campbell, L; Harris, M; Wilhelm, K; Zwar, N; Proudfoot, J
Endocrinology Today 8 (2) :29-31, 2019
OpenAccess publication LOXL1 is regulated by Integrin alpha11 and promotes Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer tumorigenicity
Zeltz, C.; Pasko, E.; Cox, T. R.; Navab, R.; Tsao, M. S.
Cancers 11 (5) :705, 2019 10.3390/cancers11050705
OpenAccess publication Identification of novel sarcoma risk genes using a two-stage genome wide DNA sequencing strategy in cancer cluster families and population case and control cohorts
Jones, R. M.; Melton, P. E.; Pinese, M.; Rea, A. J.; Ingley, E.; Ballinger, M. L.; Wood, D. J.; Thomas, D. M.; Moses, E. K.
BMC Medical Genetics 20 (1) :69, 2019 10.1186/s12881-019-0808-9
OpenAccess publication Single-cell transcriptional profiling of aortic endothelium identifies a hierarchy from endovascular progenitors to differentiated cells
Lukowski, S. W.; Patel, J.; Andersen, S. B.; Sim, S. L.; Wong, H. Y.; Tay, J.; Winkler, I.; Powell, J. E.; Khosrotehrani, K.
Cell Reports 27 (9) :2748-2758.e3, 2019 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.04.102