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6429 items matching your search terms.
Population data improves variant interpretation in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Mallawaarachchi, A. C.; Furlong, T. J.; Shine, J.; Harris, P. C.; Cowley, M. J.
GENETICS IN MEDICINE 21 (6) :1425-1434, 2019 10.1038/s41436-018-0324-x
B cell-intrinsic requirement for STK4 in humoral immunity in mice and humans
Moran, I.; Avery, D. T.; Payne, K.; Lenthall, H.; Davies, E. G.; Burns, S.; Ip, W.; Oleastro, M. M.; Reisli, I.; Guner, S.; Keles, S.; Notarangelo, L.; Deenick, E. K.; Goodnow, C. C.; Zahra, D.; Brink, R.; Circa; Wong, M.; Tangye, S. G.; Ma, C. S.; Phan, T. G.
JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 143 (6) :2302-2305, 2019 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.02.010
OpenAccess publication Therapeutic implications of germline genetic findings in cancer
Thavaneswaran, S.; Rath, E.; Tucker, K.; Joshua, A. M.; Hess, D.; Pinese, M.; Ballinger, M. L.; Thomas, D. M.
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 16 (6) :386-396, 2019 10.1038/s41571-019-0179-3
Regulation of Feeding-Related Behaviors by Arcuate Neuropeptide Y Neurons
Zhang, L.; Hernandez-Sanchez, D.; Herzog, H.
ENDOCRINOLOGY 160 (6) :1411-1420, 2019 10.1210/en.2019-00056
Index suffix-prefix overlaps by (w, k)-minimizer to generate long contigs for reads compression
Liu, Y.; Yu, Z.; Dinger, M. E.; Li, J.
Bioinformatics 35 (12) :2066-2074, 2019 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty936
An Australian community jury to consider case-finding for dementia: Differences between informed community preferences and general practice guidelines
Thomas, R.; Sims, R.; Beller, E.; Scott, A. M.; Doust, J.; Le Couteur, D.; Pond, D.; Loy, C.; Forlini, C.; Glasziou, P.
HEALTH EXPECTATIONS 22 (3) :475-484, 2019 10.1111/hex.12871
OpenAccess publication Differential responses of myoblasts and myotubes to photobiomodulation are associated with mitochondrial number
Serrage, H. J.; Joanisse, S.; Cooper, P. R.; Palin, W.; Hadis, M.; Darch, O.; Philp, A.; Milward, M. R.
Journal of Biophotonics 12 (6) :e201800411, 2019 10.1002/jbio.201800411
MCC950 directly targets the NLRP3 ATP-hydrolysis motif for inflammasome inhibition
Coll, R. C.; Hill, J. R.; Day, C. J.; Zamoshnikova, A.; Boucher, D.; Massey, N. L.; Chitty, J. L.; Fraser, J. A.; Jennings, M. P.; Robertson, A. A. B.; Schroder, K.
Nature Chemical Biology 15 (6) :556-559, 2019 10.1038/s41589-019-0277-7
KBG syndrome presenting with brachydactyly type E
Libianto, R.; Wu, K. H.; Devery, S.; Eisman, J. A.; Center, J. R.
BONE 123 :18-22, 2019 10.1016/j.bone.2019.03.012
Lack of protein prenylation promotes NLRP3 inflammasome assembly in human monocytes
Skinner, O. P.; Jurczyluk, J.; Baker, P. J.; Masters, S. L.; Rios Wilks, A. G.; Clearwater, M. S.; Robertson, A. A. B.; Schroder, K.; Mehr, S.; Munoz, M. A.; Rogers, M. J.
JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 143 (6) :2315-2317 e3, 2019 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.02.013
Slc20a2, encoding the phosphate transporter PiT2, is an important genetic determinant of bone quality and strength
Beck-Cormier, S.; Lelliott, C. J.; Logan, J. G.; Lafont, D. T.; Merametdjian, L.; Leitch, V. D.; Butterfield, N. C.; Protheroe, H. J.; Croucher, P. I.; Baldock, P. A.; Gaultier-Lintia, A.; Maugars, Y.; Nicolas, G.; Banse, C.; Normant, S.; Magne, N.; Gerardin, E.; Bon, N.; Sourice, S.; Guicheux, J.; Beck, L.; Williams, G. R.; Bassett, J. H. D.
JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH 34 (6) :1101-1114, 2019 10.1002/jbmr.3691
New insights into the complex role of mitochondria in Parkinson's disease
Grunewald, A.; Kumar, K. R.; Sue, C. M.
PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY 177 :73-93, 2019 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2018.09.003
Statins - No more cream for cancer
Gillessen, S.; Horvath, L. G.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER 112 :107-108, 2019 10.1016/j.ejca.2019.02.008
GDF15 mediates adiposity resistance through actions on GFRAL neurons in the hindbrain AP/NTS
Tsai, V. W.; Zhang, H. P.; Manandhar, R.; Schofield, P.; Christ, D.; Lee-Ng, K. K. M.; Lebhar, H.; Marquis, C. P.; Husaini, Y.; Brown, D. A.; Breit, S. N.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY 43 (12) :2370-2380, 2019 10.1038/s41366-019-0365-5
Longitudinal Analysis of the Human B Cell Response to Ebola Virus Infection
Davis, CW; Jackson, KJL; McElroy, AK; Halfmann, P; Huang, J; Chennareddy, C; Piper, AE; Leung, Y; Albarino, CG; Crozier, I; Ellebedy, AH; Sidney, J; Sette, A; Yu, T; Nielsen, SCA; Goff, AJ; Spiropoulou, CF; Ollman Saphire, E; Cavet, G; Kawaoka, Y; Mehta, AK; Glass, PJ; Boyd, SD; Ahmed, R
CELL 177 (6) :1566-1582, 2019
Teachers personalize videos and animations of biochemical processes: results from a professional development workshop
Dorfman, Bat-Shahar; Terrill, Bronwyn; Patterson, Kate; Yarden, Anat; Blonder, Ron
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 20 (4) :772-786, 2019 10.1039/C9RP00057G