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6429 items matching your search terms.
OpenAccess publication Methylome and transcriptome maps of human visceral and subcutaneous adipocytes reveal key epigenetic differences at developmental genes
Bradford, S. T.; Nair, S. S.; Statham, A. L.; van Dijk, S. J.; Peters, T. J.; Anwar, F.; French, H. J.; von Martels, J. Z. H.; Sutcliffe, B.; Maddugoda, M. P.; Peranec, M.; Varinli, H.; Arnoldy, R.; Buckley, M.; Ross, J. P.; Zotenko, E.; Song, J. Z.; Stirzaker, C.; Bauer, D. C.; Qu, W.; Swarbrick, M. M.; Lutgers, H. L.; Lord, R. V.; Samaras, K.; Molloy, P. L.; Clark, S. J.
Scientific Reports 9 (1) :9511, 2019 10.1038/s41598-019-45777-w
Treg-mediated prolonged survival of skin allografts without immunosuppression
Pilat, N.; Wiletel, M.; Weijler, A. M.; Steiner, R.; Mahr, B.; Warren, J.; Corpuz, T. M.; Wekerle, T.; Webster, K. E.; Sprent, J.
A General Method for Simultaneously Accounting for Phylogenetic and Species Sampling Uncertainty via Rubin's Rules in Comparative Analysis
Nakagawa, S.; De Villemereuil, P.
SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY 68 (4) :632-641, 2019 10.1093/sysbio/syy089
Gallium-68-prostate-specific membrane antigen ((68) Ga-PSMA) positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) predicts complete biochemical response from radical prostatectomy and lymph node dissection in intermediate- and high-risk prostate cancer
van Leeuwen, P. J.; Donswijk, M.; Nandurkar, R.; Stricker, P.; Ho, B.; Heijmink, S.; Wit, E. M. K.; Tillier, C.; van Muilenkom, E.; Nguyen, Q.; van der Poel, H. G.; Emmett, L.
BJU International 124 (1) :62-68, 2019 10.1111/bju.14506
Mutational Patterns in Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Mueller, S. A.; Gauthier, M. A.; Ashford, B.; Gupta, R.; Gayevskiy, V.; Ch'ng, S.; Palme, C. E.; Shannon, K.; Clark, J. R.; Ranson, M.; Cowley, M. J.
JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 139 (7) :1449-1458 e1, 2019 10.1016/j.jid.2019.01.008
Autoinflammation Masquerading as Autoimmunity in an Adult with Heterozygous p.E250K PSTPIP1 Mutation
Dai, P.; Furlong, T.; Gracie, G.; Huang, M. L.; Yang, T.; Wu, K. H. C.; Danta, M.; Wong, M.; Williams, A.; March, L.; Hetherington, M.; Heyworth-Smith, D.; Phan, T. G.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 39 (5) :519-522, 2019 10.1007/s10875-019-00646-z
A Niche-Dependent Myeloid Transcriptome Signature Defines Dormant Myeloma Cells
Khoo, W. H.; Ledergor, G.; Weiner, A.; Roden, D. L.; Terry, R. L.; McDonald, M. M.; Chai, R. C.; De Veirman, K.; Owen, K. L.; Opperman, K. S.; Vandyke, K.; Clark, J. R.; Seckinger, A.; Kovacic, N.; Nguyen, A.; Mohanty, S. T.; Pettitt, J. A.; Xiao, Y.; Corr, A. P.; Seeliger, C.; Novotny, M.; Lasken, R. S.; Nguyen, T. V.; Oyajobi, B. O.; Aftab, D.; Swarbrick, A.; Parker, B.; Hewett, D. R.; Hose, D.; Vanderkerken, K.; Zannettino, A. C. W.; Amit, I.; Phan, T. G.; Croucher, P. I.
Blood 134 (1) :30-43, 2019 10.1182/blood.2018880930
Disparate Effect of Aromatization on the Central Regulation of GH Secretion by Estrogens in Men and Postmenopausal Women
Birzniece, V.; McLean, M.; Reddy, N.; Ho, K. K. Y.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM 104 (7) :2978-2984, 2019 10.1210/jc.2019-00265
Activating mutations in PIK3CD disrupt the differentiation and function of human and murine CD4(+) T cells
Bier, J.; Rao, G.; Payne, K.; Brigden, H.; French, E.; Pelham, S. J.; Lau, A.; Lenthall, H.; Edwards, E. S. J.; Smart, J. M.; Cole, T. S.; Choo, S.; Joshi, A. Y.; Abraham, R. S.; O'Sullivan, M.; Boztug, K.; Meyts, I.; Gray, P. E.; Berglund, L. J.; Hsu, P.; Wong, M.; Holland, S. M.; Notarangelo, L. D.; Uzel, G.; Ma, C. S.; Brink, R.; Tangye, S. G.; Deenick, E. K.
JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 144 (1) :236-253, 2019 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.01.033
Enabling Global Clinical Collaborations on Identifiable Patient Data: The Minerva Initiative
Nellaker, C.; Alkuraya, F. S.; Baynam, G.; Bernier, R. A.; Bernier, F. P. J.; Boulanger, V.; Brudno, M.; Brunner, H. G.; Clayton-Smith, J.; Cogne, B.; Dawkins, H. J. S.; deVries, B. B. A.; Douzgou, S.; Dudding-Byth, T.; Eichler, E. E.; Ferlaino, M.; Fieggen, K.; Firth, H. V.; FitzPatrick, D. R.; Gration, D.; Groza, T.; Haendel, M.; Hallowell, N.; Hamosh, A.; Hehir-Kwa, J.; Hitz, M. P.; Hughes, M.; Kini, U.; Kleefstra, T.; Kooy, R. F.; Krawitz, P.; Kury, S.; Lees, M.; Lyon, G. J.; Lyonnet, S.; Marcadier, J. L.; Meyn, S.; Moslerova, V.; Politei, J. M.; Poulton, C. C.; Raymond, F. L.; Reijnders, M. R. F.; Robinson, P. N.; Romano, C.; Rose, C. M.; Sainsbury, D. C. G.; Schofield, L.; Sutton, V. R.; Turnovec, M.; Van Dijck, A.; Van Esch, H.; Wilkie, A. O. M.; Minerva, Consortium
Frontiers in Genetics 10 :611, 2019 10.3389/fgene.2019.00611
An ErbB2/c-Src axis links bioenergetics with PRC2 translation to drive epigenetic reprogramming and mammary tumorigenesis
Smith, H. W.; Hirukawa, A.; Sanguin-Gendreau, V.; Nandi, I.; Dufour, C. R.; Zuo, D.; Tandoc, K.; Leibovitch, M.; Singh, S.; Rennhack, J. P.; Swiatnicki, M.; Lavoie, C.; Papavasiliou, V.; Temps, C.; Carragher, N. O.; Unciti-Broceta, A.; Savage, P.; Basik, M.; van Hoef, V.; Larsson, O.; Cooper, C. L.; Vargas Calderon, A. C.; Beith, J.; Millar, E.; Selinger, C.; Giguere, V.; Park, M.; Harris, L. N.; Varadan, V.; Andrechek, E. R.; O'Toole, S. A.; Topisirovic, I.; Muller, W. J.
Nature Communications 10 (1) :2901, 2019 10.1038/s41467-019-10681-4
Vitamin D metabolites are lower with active Crohn's disease and spontaneously recover with development of remission
Haifer, C.; Lawrance, I. C.; Center, J. R.; Clarke, M. W.; Hart, P. H.; Eisman, J. A.; Lucas, R.; Ghaly, S.
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 12 :1756284819865144, 2019 10.1177/1756284819865144
Characterisation of children hospitalised with pneumonia in central Vietnam: a prospective study
Nguyen, P. T. K.; Tran, H. T.; Fitzgerald, D. A.; Tran, T. S.; Graham, S. M.; Marais, B. J.
EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 54 (1) 2019 10.1183/13993003.02256-2018
OpenAccess publication PPARalpha-independent effects of nitrate supplementation on skeletal muscle metabolism in hypoxia
O'Brien, K. A.; Horscroft, J. A.; Devaux, J.; Lindsay, R. T.; Steel, A. S.; Clark, A. D.; Philp, A.; Harridge, S. D. R.; Murray, A. J.
BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE 1865 (4) :844-853, 2019 10.1016/j.bbadis.2018.07.027
Unexpected host dependency of Antarctic Nanohaloarchaeota
Hamm, J. N.; Erdmann, S.; Eloe-Fadrosh, E. A.; Angeloni, A.; Zhong, L.; Brownlee, C.; Williams, T. J.; Barton, K.; Carswell, S.; Smith, M. A.; Brazendale, S.; Hancock, A. M.; Allen, M. A.; Raftery, M. J.; Cavicchioli, R.
Automated fluorescence lifetime imaging high-content analysis of forster resonance energy transfer between endogenously labeled kinetochore proteins in live budding yeast cells
Guo, W.; Kumar, S.; Gorlitz, F.; Garcia, E.; Alexandrov, Y.; Munro, I.; Kelly, D. J.; Warren, S.; Thorpe, P.; Dunsby, C.; French, P.
SLAS Technology 24 (3) :308-320, 2019 10.1177/2472630318819240